I'll Make You Famous…




Iggy Azalea Ass in a Bikini of the Day

iggy (3)

Her name is Iggy Azalea, you may have been raped by her songs on the regular basis thanks to the radio and her pulling off an amazing scam, speaking to white girls everywhere, by being everything they want to be in this sex-filled, hip hop controlled pop culture…

Here’s her ass in a bikini, that you probably won’t want to rape her back after looking at, because it’s dumpy, likely fake, and designed to keep her on brand, so that she continues to sell records, exciting the labels in a world where records are never sold…

Unless sloppy, possibly implants to keep her on brand asses are your thing…which they probably are, because thanks to the obesity crisis, and the media, they probably are…

Doesn’t matter, bikini pics.

To See The Rest of the Pics Click Here

Posted in:Iggy Azalea




Selena Gomez in V Magazine of the Day


Selena Gomez did V Magazine, because she’s all about reminding us of her V, at least that’s what these shorts are suggesting, because all I see when I look at this is Bieber’s D…not that I’ve ever seen Bieber’s D, I’m just the kind of dude who judges and hates girls for the dicks they’ve allowed in their pussies, and those decisions, even if it was just for one night, is enough for me to hate a girl for life…and write her off because “you’d fuck that, what the fuck is wrong with your pudgy little hands you poor decision maker…”…but then I remember that these Hollywood kids are all one big marketing, publicity stunt….just trying to stay in the media, that works…and that this is just another addition to her brand imaging…which makes everything boring when you know how calculated it is, but you can still see her little shorts…lookin’ all Mexican as fuck….but this shouldn’t break the internet and if it does it is because there’s little else going on in your pathetic life…..much like my pathetic life…we are in this together….

Posted in:Selena Gomez




Ashley Benson Tits for Fashion Week of the Day


Here’s a pretty little liar Ashley Benson, who was also trying to legitimize herself being in Spring BReakers, even thought Pretty Little Liars is one of the biggest shows on TV, not that I’ve ever seen it…I’m not a creep who tries to follow the trials and tribulations of teenage sluts talking about sex, especially when they are in their 20s…I prefer dealing with real life 20 somethings and their slut behaviors, sexual deviance…and all the fucked up shit that happens when you grow up on hardcore porn…I mean these girls are next level dirty..so dirty that Ashely Benson tits, or really anything she’s done in movies, is some Disney shit, and not Disney in the back office where the kids are raped by the weirdo rich people dark…but the fluffy candy coated fake shit…but I’ll still look at her tits…cuz tits are ok….

Here are her pics…


If you don’t like that, then here’s a pic of her co-star and girl she is probably jealous of named Shay Mitchell, who has ethnic ambiguity on her side…showing some leg….


Posted in:Ashley Benson




Julia Pereira’s Half Naked of the Day

Is Julia Pereira a Victoria’s Secret model yet? Not that I think Victoria’s Secret models are the best thing ever, but I do think that Julia Pereira is as hot as any of the girl’s they have going, so she might as well be getting the level of exposure their other Brazilians get, but maybe they just aren’t about that life, because they prefer their Victoria’s Secret models from Brazil to be Trannies…

I don’t know, but these pics by Darren Keith of her in lingerie…are pretty life changing…and I hate catalog style half naked pic…but sometimes the amazing angel sent from heaven used in the boring pics carries the whole thing directly to my heart…not that I have a heart, but I do like this model, and I never like anything so that must mean something.

Posted in:Julia Pereira




G-Star’s Hot Fucking Shoot of the Day


G-Star jeans are a jean company that may be cool, but the last time I checked was a jean company that the cheesiest cheese dicks in the lamest dance clubs buying bottles with their working at the customer service call center money….you know let’s pool our suburban disposable income together because we live with our parents and look balling so we get to fuck other suburban girls…

Well, their obviously trying to change their image, because they booked erotic fashion photographer Ellen von Unwerth, but I’m gonna argue that the jeans are probably still cheesy as fuck…not because I like arguing or really need to argue…I mean really, who fucking cares…

Posted in:Fashion




Rihanna is Hot for Fashion of the Day


Rihanna is in the latest issue of Another Magazine, where she showed a small percentage of her pepperoni sized nipples, that she’s had pierced to try to make them look less like a national geographic spread you jerked off to in the 70s before their was porn or easy access to skin mags…you know cuz she’s black…enough…and looks pretty fucking good…which is probably why she was poached from a tropical island where she was rumored to be the entertainment at a Karaoke Bar, at the age of 14, but some pervert British guy with nothing but dollar signs in his mind….

I go through waves with her, it’s like I’m down with her and think she’s the greatest thing, or I find her a weirdo, half retarded looking alien and I guess what I think doesn’t matter…no one cares about what I think…but they do care about Rihanna’s nipple, she’s a popstar with a bunch of pop songs doing her pop thing when she’s not posing like a porn chick or harlot that would make her boyfriend want to beat up……

Posted in:Rihanna




Kate Compton’s Alright of the Day


Her name is Kate Compton. She’s an instagram model. The kind of girl who is famous for her hard work posting selfies of her half naked body, working with instagram photographers, because everyone on instagram is a photographer, making for magical burger filled shoots, that make you wonder if people just like the burgers and not the girl…is she interchangeable…or is she the missing link that legitimizes all these instagram people….I don’t know, but I will try to masturbate to her.

Posted in:Kate Compton




Miley Cyrus for Presidents Day of the Day


Miley Cyrus posted a pretty patriotic picture for President’s Day, in what I think is a weird tribute, that at least one ex president probably jerked off to, if he still has a prostate, because she is living the American dream…thanks to America being 80 percent full retard controlled by the Disney Channel, without that she’d never exist… and a homegrown hick from the trailer park turned rich as fuck, is what it’s all about. Making her a figurehead for your great nation…and I’d say it is a nice change of pace from her normal naked, bondage, sexed up, showing her nipple stuff…but the reality is it’s not….and Miley’s pretty hot, and in her unauthentic performance art shit, being all Hollywood pretending to be pushing the boundaries, she’s still pretty fucking hot…no matter how much you haters hate.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




The Wrong Place for a Blowjob and Other Videos of the Day

Couple Plays Catch with Cat of the DAy

Crazed Snowplow of the Day

Girl Rescues Bra from Neighbor’s Patio of the Day

The Woman Who Chokes a Strangers Baby As She Says “That baby Would Rather Be Dead”

How to Put Your KId to Bed

Bigger Dude loses Confidence in a Fight…..

Jewelry Store RObbery of the Day

Girl Dumps Guy – Guy Jumps in Front of Truck

West Virginia Train Explosion

Posted in:stepNEWS




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day


So I matched with a Tranny last night, and she was familiar with the site, because I’m just that famous in the Tranny world, and unlike many straight married dudes, I don’t crave fucking trannies or getting fucked by trannies, but I do crave doing a photoshoot with trannies to not let people know they are trannies, for a good 6 months to a year, until we release their sex tape, so that their fan base that we’ve created is like “WTF BRO, She’s got a dick”….

But this tranny, wasn’t down and said she’d probable end up on the site, because I was a tranny hater, but really, I am all about taking a tranny by her soft delicate manly hands and trolling the fucking world with her massive cock reveal…

All this to say…Trannies, like Lesbians…hate me.

The Victoria’s Secret Swim Catalog Like it was the 90s

Little Girl’s First Time on a Roller Coaster

Girls Tugging on Clothes

Lesley Gore Tribute Song of the Day

Michelle Obama and Big Bird Dance

Nicole Murphy is the New Mariah Carey

LeBron James Fashion Show

Panda Asks for A Hug

Fame Whore in Lingerie of the Day

Charles Manson’s Fiancee Says Wedding Will Happen

Nice View of Switzerland

Never Enough Thundersnow

Posted in:stepLINKS