I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Lohan Stalker Post of the Day


There’s something really funny about how a celebrity like Lohan lacks so much substance that her idol is Laggerfeld, the designer for Chanel, her favorite fashion house. I understand if a girl/gay guy who is a fashion designer/student respects Laggerfeld, but dudes still alive and shouldn’t be anyone’s idol. Especially some 19 year old dirtbag like Lohan who has a lot of money and has spent it on Chanel. Good for Karl, the more celebs rock his shit, love his shit, idolize him, the better for business.

Lohan’s got daddy issues look how she’s clinging on to him. I am willing to be her father figure, as long as she puts out, and by puts out I mean has unprotected sex with my face, often. On a side not, I got serious issues with Chanel, mainly because everytime I have a lap dance, the stripper whore’s got Chanel earrings on….those double C’s remind me of the day I got syphilis. Thanks Laggerfeld…you gay as shit lookin’ motherfucker. Point of this post is to stalk Lohan, so let’s get to it…..

Today I emailed Makenna Ruddy, some 14 year old slated to be in her movie. Whoever reads this message may call the cops which is kinda what we’re goin for…

Dear Makenna,

I am writing you this letter in hopes of you passing the message on to the love of my life, Lindsay Lohan. This is really a much more serious issue that you realize and I noticed that you are working together on an upcoming movie called Speechless and figured you would have a lot of downtime to talk to her about me.

We were seperated in a past life, and cursed by the kingdom’s wizard to never be in each other’s arms again. Life after life I have been looking for her, until the first day I saw Lohan on TV, I knew she was my lady, whom I have searched for…for so long. It is all in your hands to end this.

In all honesty, I fear that Lohan’s fame is going to keep us apart for yet another life. Her fame is all part of this curse that is keeping us apart.

I know you believe me and to further show my deep rooted love for Lohan, I wrote her a song that I hope you can pass on to her….

WIZARDS and Dragons, Magical Wars,
Won’t let us be together no more.
Cursed and forgotten but not for long,
I’ll keep up my search for while I sing this song…

Ok – so it’s a work in progress but you get the idea.

Makenna – I really appreciate you doing this for me. I will make sure you’re invited to our wedding, I mean technically you’ll be a hero for breaking this curse. I am so excited.

With love,

Jesus Martinez


Sexual Fantasy…

Bonus: Lohan Teaches her Sister Gang Signs

Previously on Stepfather:

Lohan Stalker Post 10

Lohan Stalker Post 9
Lohan Stalker Post 8
Lohan Stalker Post 7
Lohan Stalker Post 6
Lohan Stalker Post 5
Lohan Stalker Post 4
Lohan Stalker Post 3
Lohan Stalker Post 2
Lohan Stalker Post 1

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I am – Elisha Cuthbert’s Cigarette of the Day


I thought cigarettes were supposed to repress your appetite. Bitch is too thick in the pants to be a real smoker, and if she is a real smoker – she may want to consider increasing the intake. I am sitting on a patio outside a Starbucks next to an American Apparel in Montreal, Elisha Cuthbert’s hometown. She aint got shit on the quality 16-22 year old pussy that is walking by me. It a good thing she’s in L.A. trying to launch a career and not here polluting my fucking view. The guys at the table next to me are talking about some dream girl that he refuses to fool around with and wants to date. I guess he deosn’t realize that he has acne and will probably never get laid by anything, let alone his dream girls. Some really weird – scarry looking motherfucker just sat next to me, he’s skinnier than HIV and he’s rolling his own cigarette. Can you get AIDs, but sitting next to a freakshow at a starbucks. Point of the story is that I would rather fuck him that Cuthbert in these pics….that’s the story I heard.

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I am – Elisha Cuthbert's Cigarette of the Day


I thought cigarettes were supposed to repress your appetite. Bitch is too thick in the pants to be a real smoker, and if she is a real smoker – she may want to consider increasing the intake. I am sitting on a patio outside a Starbucks next to an American Apparel in Montreal, Elisha Cuthbert’s hometown. She aint got shit on the quality 16-22 year old pussy that is walking by me. It a good thing she’s in L.A. trying to launch a career and not here polluting my fucking view. The guys at the table next to me are talking about some dream girl that he refuses to fool around with and wants to date. I guess he deosn’t realize that he has acne and will probably never get laid by anything, let alone his dream girls. Some really weird – scarry looking motherfucker just sat next to me, he’s skinnier than HIV and he’s rolling his own cigarette. Can you get AIDs, but sitting next to a freakshow at a starbucks. Point of the story is that I would rather fuck him that Cuthbert in these pics….that’s the story I heard.

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I am – Victoria Beckham’s Tit Job of the Day


This is like the time my friend Pavlos decided to get Laser Eye Surgery. The government offered to pay for him because it had something to do with the welfare program he was on. It was supposed to make him more hireable. He was scared of the concept, being a poor immigrant from Romania, he had no idea what Lasik was. He agreed to get it done, but the place gave him the option of doing one eye at a time, to see how it works and how it heals, and if the surgery is botched you’ll alwyas have one eye and all that shit. Victoria Beckham did the same thing, but the Tit version. I guess she wanted to test out cleavage to make sure these were the size for her or some shit. That’s the story I heard.


Taking Animal Print Fashion Advice from Beckham’s Tit, Brooke Hogan Keeps the State of Florida Proud by Remaining a Piece of White Stripper-lookin’ Trash…

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I am – Victoria Beckham's Tit Job of the Day


This is like the time my friend Pavlos decided to get Laser Eye Surgery. The government offered to pay for him because it had something to do with the welfare program he was on. It was supposed to make him more hireable. He was scared of the concept, being a poor immigrant from Romania, he had no idea what Lasik was. He agreed to get it done, but the place gave him the option of doing one eye at a time, to see how it works and how it heals, and if the surgery is botched you’ll alwyas have one eye and all that shit. Victoria Beckham did the same thing, but the Tit version. I guess she wanted to test out cleavage to make sure these were the size for her or some shit. That’s the story I heard.


Taking Animal Print Fashion Advice from Beckham’s Tit, Brooke Hogan Keeps the State of Florida Proud by Remaining a Piece of White Stripper-lookin’ Trash…

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I am – DJ AM and Nicole Richie’s Failed Relationship of the Day

I like to think I am the reason they broke up. Not because I contributed to their break-up in anyway, but because I like seeing other people’s misery and like thinking I am the cause. It makes me feel better about myself.

So, this past weekend, a SAD DJ AM played at a club called Passion. A devastated Nicole ran off with a bunch of short mexican/asian lookin’ women for a little getaway. Lucky for us, we’ve got these pics showing just how sad she really is.

Point of the story is that girls move on quicker after breaking up. Dude’s freak out lookin’ for new pussy, missing the old pussy, their lives all upside down, their routine destroyed…while girls are happy about the change…start banging many new dudes…while smiling in airports.

And if you can’t afford the 5 dollar cover charge, or if you are too homeless/ghetto/obese for the club to let you in (like me), put your iTunes on random and look at these pics fast. It’ll feel like you’re in the heart of a DJ AM party. Make sure you’ve got some Will Smith – Wild Wild West, he likes that one.

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I am – DJ AM and Nicole Richie's Failed Relationship of the Day

I like to think I am the reason they broke up. Not because I contributed to their break-up in anyway, but because I like seeing other people’s misery and like thinking I am the cause. It makes me feel better about myself.

So, this past weekend, a SAD DJ AM played at a club called Passion. A devastated Nicole ran off with a bunch of short mexican/asian lookin’ women for a little getaway. Lucky for us, we’ve got these pics showing just how sad she really is.

Point of the story is that girls move on quicker after breaking up. Dude’s freak out lookin’ for new pussy, missing the old pussy, their lives all upside down, their routine destroyed…while girls are happy about the change…start banging many new dudes…while smiling in airports.

And if you can’t afford the 5 dollar cover charge, or if you are too homeless/ghetto/obese for the club to let you in (like me), put your iTunes on random and look at these pics fast. It’ll feel like you’re in the heart of a DJ AM party. Make sure you’ve got some Will Smith – Wild Wild West, he likes that one.

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I am – stepMOVIES: John Carpenter


I don’t write this stuff, I don’t edit this stuff and I don’t watch movies. I can’t afford a DVD player or a TV, and when I used to rent movies, I’d never return them, and I’d get collection agencies on my ass. for the late fees, contributing to my bankruptcy. So I figure someone I’d let someone who likes movies write about them. For those of you who don’t remember, Selby is Grover stepMUSIC’s brother and is now the DrunkenStepfather.com Movie Editor. ENJOY.

Selby on Carpenter

If you’re down with good movies, then you’re down with horror and sci-fi, and if you’re down with horror and sci-fi movies, then you’re down with John Carpenter. If you are not down with J.C, then you are an idiot. If you are an idiot then you probably aren’t reading this, so you must be a J.C. Fan. Right?

I recommend his earlier work with Kurt Russell. J.C. and K.R. together is like movie heaven. Together the embody the energy of 2 “college” girls jumping on the trampoline in bathing suits. I am completely serious, don’t think that this is funny; no one can fuck with this combo.

Two J.C./K.R. movies are The Thing and Escape From New York, two great films with outstanding special effects. J.C. was a trailblazer in sci-fi/horror special effects and K.R. was a trailblazer in shit-kicking/beard wearing action. Get out and rent this shit.

Post Selby note: I recommend the following Carpenter films as well: Assault on Precinct 13 (1976 version), The Fog, Halloween, Christine, and Big Trouble in Little China. As for K.R., I recommend Captain Ron, Overboard, and Tango and Cash. Well, I really only recommend the J.C. films.

Grover’s Bonus mp3
Madonna – “I Love New York”

Bonus Pics – Kate Hudson at the MTV Movie Awards (She is K.R.’s Step Daughter)

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I am – Pink’s Nipple Piercing…of the Day

Someone sent these in and I have no idea if they are of Pink. She looks like every other manly bull-dyke of a rock and roll bitch. You know short black hair, piercings, little tits. I am not saying that Pink is a lesbian or a rock bitch, but that’s sure as hell what her stylist is trying to portray. I guess it gets the part of the market that the other pop stars weren’t hitting. You know the girls too cool to like Britney and X-Tina back in the day. They’d be all like “X-tina and Britney are lame, Pink’s where it’s at.” I’d have to agree, only by Pink, I mean VAGINA.

Bonus: Pink Looking Retarded

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I am – Pink's Nipple Piercing…of the Day

Someone sent these in and I have no idea if they are of Pink. She looks like every other manly bull-dyke of a rock and roll bitch. You know short black hair, piercings, little tits. I am not saying that Pink is a lesbian or a rock bitch, but that’s sure as hell what her stylist is trying to portray. I guess it gets the part of the market that the other pop stars weren’t hitting. You know the girls too cool to like Britney and X-Tina back in the day. They’d be all like “X-tina and Britney are lame, Pink’s where it’s at.” I’d have to agree, only by Pink, I mean VAGINA.

Bonus: Pink Looking Retarded

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