I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Jessica Alba at Home


There is something really comforting in knowing what the outside of Alba’s house looks like. It’s kinda comforting in the way that I will collect cans for the next 6 months, picking them out of garbages and shit, to get my plane ticket to L.A., so that I can search the city over, with this picture in hand, looking for Alba’s home. I will find it eventually, and when I do, I will break in, run a nice bath, take a shit and greet her when she comes home, in nothing but a condom…I wear condoms instead of underwear, it’s cheaper. Either way, I think she’d really like that, and I would too….Alba….I know where you live and I am comin’ for you….CUDDLES.

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I am – Prozack Turner: Artist of the Day


Some rappers are white, some rappers are black, some rappers are funny, some rappers are spirtual, some rappers are gay, some rappers are straight, some rappers are thugs, some rappers are artists, some rappers can dance, some rappers fuck mad bitches, some rappers hate white people, some rappers are rapists.

The rappers are rapists joke came from some douche who used to work at the canning factory with me. He was one of those guys who pretended to always get pussy and every morning we’d listen to his stories about how beautiful his cock is, and how every chick loves his cock and how good looking he is, but didn’t realize he worked in a fucking canning factory, and rode his bike to work, not his BMW….you see….you are only as good as your job. He got me fired for stealing beans to feed my family. I guess

I didn’t take enough time to find out who Prozack Turner is, but I did tell him I’d promote him, because I am nice and he sent me an exclusive song that I liked it.

DrunkenStepfahter Exclusive:


Listen To His Exclusive Adriana Sage Ballad

Additional Links:

Prozack Turner’s Myspace
Free Adriana Sage Galleries

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I am – Draw your Vagina and Descibe it in 10 words or Less of the Day


I don’t really know where she’s from or what she does. I don’t know her real name, her interests, the kind of music she likes. I don’t know who she’s had sex with and how she does it. I don’t know if she’s talented, cool or just some weird introvert who plays fantasy role playing games. Her name, from what I know, is Sunny spelt with $ instead of an S because that is what hip hop has done to today’s youth. She messaged me on Myspace asking me to make her famous, I can only assume she thinks my site actually gets traffic, well the joke’s on her but lucky for me, she sent me in a nice drawing of her vagina and she described it in 10 words or less.

Visit her Myspace Here

Previously on DrunkenStepfather.com:

I am – Draw Your Vagina and Describe it in 10 words or less: January 25
I am – Draw Your Vagina and Describe it in 10 words or less: January 26
I am – Draw Your Vagina and Describe it in 10 words or less: January 27th
I am – Draw Your Vagina and Describe it in 10 words or less: February 6th

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Nancy O’Dell Bikini Pictures of the Day

These are some pictures of Nancy O’Dell in a bikini. She’s the bitch from Access Hollywood that you want to fuck, but unfortunately, she doesn’t like you as much as you like her. I don’t watch TV so I have no idea if these are actually her, but with tits like this, I guess it doesn’t matter who the fuck it is.

Posted in:Bikini|Nancy O'Dell




Nancy O'Dell Bikini Pictures of the Day

These are some pictures of Nancy O’Dell in a bikini. She’s the bitch from Access Hollywood that you want to fuck, but unfortunately, she doesn’t like you as much as you like her. I don’t watch TV so I have no idea if these are actually her, but with tits like this, I guess it doesn’t matter who the fuck it is.

Posted in:Bikini|Nancy O'Dell




I am – Myspace Message of the Day


I think writing rude myspace messages to people is funny. Even if no one else is in on the fun with me, I’ll just write my smack and laugh to myself, because I am crazy like that. The fact that one message to someone I don’t know can make them despise me is funny. My whole person is determined by 5 stupid lines that I write and that’s fuckin’ jokes. It’s not that I get off on making people hate me, it’s that people take shit so seriously that I laugh.

This is a myspace message I wrote to some girl who called me a grouch and told me to fuck off….her name Booyakasha, because quoting Ali G isn’t played out yet….

Re: Cunt…

why don’t you learn how to have a little respect. If you want to be treated proper-like, you shouldn’t tell people to fuck off. that’s rude, and no one likes cunt who talks back, that’s how you get spousal abused. Know your role, do your make up, do the laundry and make babies, bitch.

Let’s cuddle.

Jesus Martinez

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I am – Pherlure Challenge Update of the Day


I know all you guys hate this feature, but I think it’s hot content and I don’t really give a fuck what you have to say. I do it for myself. I get non-stop complaints saying how I write the letters and shit, but I also get non-stop submissions. You all just have to realize that I am fucking lazy. I post what lands in my inbox, sometimes edit it so stop being conspiracy theorists and realize it’s a post that I do…if you hate pheromone sprays or if pheromone spray was used on your girlfriend, making her cheat on you, then look at the pics and then go fuck yourself…..If you want in on the fun…you know what to do…..I got this yesterday and it’s direct from a chick. I love chicks. By the way the ITALICS in the letter are the placed I edited out her long winded bullshit about how she’s not a slut but loves to fuck.


I read your site often. (I edited out her BLAH BLAH BLAH) I met a guy at a bar and went home with him. (I edited out her BLAH BLAH BLAH) We ended up hooking up and I had a great time. (I edited out her BLAH BLAH BLAH) and the next morning while showering (Thank got this bitch showers), I noticed a bottle of the pherlure crap you always write about. (I edited out her BLAH BLAH BLAH) I traded emails with the guy, and he sent me a pic I let him take of him licking my tit. That pic actually started the night off. I really hate to admit it, but look at what pherlure did to me. (I edited out her BLAH BLAH BLAH)

Post it if you want


If you want in, buy some here

Remember to take pics/video of your experience and send them to me.

If you want to see previous stories, read them here

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I am – Teri Hatcher: Post Molestation Pic of the Day


Teri Hatcher hangs out in a yellow dress in honor of her uncle who molested her when she was a kid; he loved yellow. She is seen with a fat bitch who was also molested when she was a child, but unlike Teri, took to food to try to emotionally eat the pain away. Why would someone steal a little girl’s innocence?? Is probably one of the questions they are asking themselves, and the answer is simple. They were probably sucking on popsicles, running around in Smurf jumpsuits, and sitting on Uncle’s lap….what the fuck else do you expect him to do….if only you were that easy now… I guess this lack of sympathy towards molested kids isn’t gonna go over well and I truly feel very emotional about having written about it. I am a bad fucking person…now come here and sit on Stepdaddy’s lap, you little whores.

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I am – Tit Infection of the Day

This is the reason people hate me. I post pictures of things that may not be considered sexy. Well I don’t give a fuck. This girl sent me in pics of her tits. She has an infected nipple because she got a piercing, trying to be cool like you. Now her great rack my go to shit when the doctors realize the only way to deal with this is by amputating. I don’t know where the joke is in this post, I guess it’s all in the nipple, but realize I don’t find this hot at all. I find this fucking gross…but posted it anyway because it is all in the name of science. It is the same reason I never got this rash treated, I want to see where it ends up…..

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I am – Christina Aguilera Drunk

There’s something about drunk women that drives me fuckin’ insane, and I am not even talking about their puking all over the place or emotional outbursts where they start kicking and crying and smacking me up with their purses. I am talking about how easy a bitch gets when she’s got a little booze in her. I have 2 strategies to get a girl wasted, so that you can have your way with her, one is that you work out a deal with a waitreass to make your girl doubles, and give you singles or virgins, just to retain the upper hand. People will call me criminal or a rapist for using that move but they haven’t even heard the second strategy I use, but I am wasted now and can’t remember it….I think it involves anus though, female anus. Yes, I felt the need to clarify. Either way, Aguilera’s husband looks like that jew motherfucker in your elementary school who never let you play with his expensive jew toys, now he’s doing the same thing, but with a girl we all wanna fuck…I hate him.

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