I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Lohan the big nippled coke slut

I am the biggest supporter of the no-bra movement. I fucking love that shit, even when a bitch has the biggest, downward pointing nipples, I don’t discriminate. Based on this picture it seems that although Lohan’s titties shrunk, her nipples stayed the same size, we can only hope that eventually her breasts turn into 2 giant nipples, and nothing else, only because I fuckin love that shit and it is all about me. My bigger concern with Lohan right now is that she’s been trying to remove her freckles with some Michael Jackson skin bleach, and it’s been leaving fucking disgusting shit stains all over her body. The yellow smudge reminds me of a time my liver gave out on me and my ass was spitting bile for a month. I neglected to tell you that throughout that month I was rockin the same pair of underwear…yes Lohan’s skin stains look like the stains that my underwear saw, I guess I technically saw the stains too, but I try to block out the memory, the smell however was so vile…it will stay with me for life…

Update: My liver is still fucked, but I just ignore it now….

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I am – Kate’s Playground Pics

So she’s got a hoof for a foot, what’s the problem with a little imperfection?! She also gets naked on camera and seduces all of you with her perky breasts. That’s the reason I am posting this link to this forum post that will give you lots of pics of kate. Including a series that shows her junk from every angle. Now I am a big fan of checkin out a girl’s junk from every angle, and by junk I am not talking about her empties…although I am a fan of those, you would surprised how much money you make if you hit up people’s recycling box the day before the men come and take it away….I like to call that my fun money…and here is a link to a gallery that you may find fun, since you’re a pervert.


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I am – Kate's Playground Pics

So she’s got a hoof for a foot, what’s the problem with a little imperfection?! She also gets naked on camera and seduces all of you with her perky breasts. That’s the reason I am posting this link to this forum post that will give you lots of pics of kate. Including a series that shows her junk from every angle. Now I am a big fan of checkin out a girl’s junk from every angle, and by junk I am not talking about her empties…although I am a fan of those, you would surprised how much money you make if you hit up people’s recycling box the day before the men come and take it away….I like to call that my fun money…and here is a link to a gallery that you may find fun, since you’re a pervert.


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I am – Paris Hilton’s Fiance: Rich and Greek

Greek people know shipping, and lucky for Paris Hilton’s fiance, daddy knew it well, leaving him a trust fund that allows her to see past his dirty greek looks and his afinity for fucking little boys up the ass. It’s true, all Greek people like anal sex, it’s not just a stereotype, and rumor has it that this motherfucker hasn’t even entered Paris’ babyhole, he’s been only doing it batty-styles. Point of the story is that Paris’ trust fund isn’t as big as the media makes it out to be, the Greek dude is rich enough to support her lavish lifestyle, and if she’s lucky, maybe he will get drunk enough and actual venture into the place many men have been before, I am talking about her pussy….once knocked up, Paris will find have a man to pay her way, still a daddy not hers, her baby’s get it! It all makes sense in my dirty mexican head. I remember fucking some bitch who wanted me to get her all knocked up and shit, she thought it would be her way to live the lazy life. I guess that’s what I get for not telling her the truth and that my lavish hotel room was really a park bench. Girls can be so dumb sometimes.

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I am – Paris Hilton's Fiance: Rich and Greek

Greek people know shipping, and lucky for Paris Hilton’s fiance, daddy knew it well, leaving him a trust fund that allows her to see past his dirty greek looks and his afinity for fucking little boys up the ass. It’s true, all Greek people like anal sex, it’s not just a stereotype, and rumor has it that this motherfucker hasn’t even entered Paris’ babyhole, he’s been only doing it batty-styles. Point of the story is that Paris’ trust fund isn’t as big as the media makes it out to be, the Greek dude is rich enough to support her lavish lifestyle, and if she’s lucky, maybe he will get drunk enough and actual venture into the place many men have been before, I am talking about her pussy….once knocked up, Paris will find have a man to pay her way, still a daddy not hers, her baby’s get it! It all makes sense in my dirty mexican head. I remember fucking some bitch who wanted me to get her all knocked up and shit, she thought it would be her way to live the lazy life. I guess that’s what I get for not telling her the truth and that my lavish hotel room was really a park bench. Girls can be so dumb sometimes.

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I am – Teen Candid Pics

The digital camera and the internet has made getting your highschool sweetheart naked a lot fucking easier than when I was your age. All these girls see so much fucking porn, from such a young age that they are so much more sexed up than the girls were in my time. I am all for light denim, high-waisted jeans that make an ass look massive, but things are a little hotter now than they ever were. This includes girls being comfortable with their bodies and getting pics taken of themselves, not always a good thing, I am talking to you fatty, but you take the good with the bad…shit that’s like the theme song to “The Facts of Life”. Anyway – I came across a gallery of pics of ex girlfriends/or teen girls naked or semi-naked and I figured that you’d want to check it out. I always hook a brotha up….

Now check the gallery Here

If you have any pics you want featured on this site – send them my way!

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I am – Mischa Barton the Back Alley Whore

I know a floral button-up top that looks like it’s from K-Mart is supposed to make a bitch look all innocent, like a kindergarten teacher, but once a whore always a whore and there aint enough floral print button-up tops from K-Mart to change that. So what better way to embrace your journey into whoredom than to take it to it’s motherfucking roots. That means a back alley. Don’t deny you wonder how much the whores working the streets charge for a back alley blowjob, well when you are Brandon Davis (whoever the fuck that is) it’s free, but you gotta date the whore first….all this to say that if you look hard enough you can find yourself a back alley lovin for a pack of smokes, 20 dollars of crack and a canned good.

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I am – Jessica Simpson Fucked Bam and Johnny Knoxville

Bam’s ex-girlfriend, the one who he has a sex tape with, has come out with the truth about our favorite big breasted slag Jessica Simpson. This is going to be all over the internet by the time you read this, but I figured I would post about it, because we are supportive of married women cheating on their loser meathead husbands with dirty skateboard kids…I don’t know what Nick was thinking when he married a virgin, I am thinking it was to further his career, they did get a TV show, and he did launch a solo career, it was a solid way to stay in the public’s eye, and not wash up like his loser boy-bandmates….back to the virgin thing, girls with few partners will venture out after getting fucked and realizing that they like getting fucked. They want to know what else is out there, and it’s pretty obvious that Nick is more interested in doing push-ups then getting up in her… that is the reason I only marry sluts.

Hear Interview Here
Watch the Bam and His Ex’s Sex Tape Here


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I am – Email of the Day

What’s going on motherfuckers. You gots to understand one simple thing and that is for every person I make laugh I make 10 other people hate me. I am willing to sacrifice those potentially fantastic friendships for the laughs that I do get…and to be honest, I doubt I would ever hang with any of these cunts, they bore me. So I check my email while smoking a cigarette after a night out and I am lucky enough to get some hate from Brendan McCloskey. The positive thing is that Brendan is horrible on the disses, and her downs syndrome attempt at breaking me down, was just that…fucking retarded. Now I like retards as much as the next pervert, they are pretty easy to impress, but I don’t like people dissing me with no style. The dis is an artform that our Lady Brendan doesn’t have so Brendan- here’s to your virginity….and people – if you are reading this I ask you to email this cunt and tell him what’s up. DrunkenStepfather loves you cunts, now cc me on that shit. I just made you famous, bitch.

This is a mail link:

Email Brendan McCloskey the Cunt

You are one angry fat fuck… It is ironic that the fat guy you proclaim to be is so hard on fat people who in actuality are not fat. Wow, The only thing more grotesque than your form, is well, you. My only hope is that you get hit by a Mack truck. Well, first it will probably bounce off of you and cause some damage, perhaps internal bleeding. Then, I am thinking you will feel fine and continue on your way to McDonald’s where after your 14th double quarter pounder with cheese (extra cheese, I am sure) your fat heart will explode from all the pressure of the bleeding and sheer fatness. Well, at least you got your last meal.

It is always the fat bastards like you who fling the word fat around.


The person who hates your big ass.

This is a mail link:

Email Brendan McCloskey the Cunt

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I am – Lohan has Cankles….

No matter how skinny you get bitch, you still got cankles and there is nothing more representative of the condition a girl will end up in 10 years down the road than her cankles. The reason for this is simple, her body wants to be fat but all the cocaine, sex and annorexia she is enduring is preventing her from being her natural state, which is probably somewhere in the 200 lbs range. She is built – ready to support a severe depression that is bound to happen sometime soon. Her career will end, people will stop wanting to fuck her and the only happiness she will find will be in a pint of Ice Cream. It’s all good Lohan, I will totally K-Fed your ass…I have no problem living off your fortune, getting you knocked up and spending my days playing videogames, and I fucking hate videogames, but I will do it for you girl. I will make you feel pretty. I will give you the love you won’t find in hollywood….love is something money can’t buy, but a hefty allowance, access to your bank account and a nice care will help.

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