I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Keyra Augustina’s Ass Video!

Remember that crazy ass that made the rounds on the internet a few months ago? Her name is Keyra Augustina, and she’s got a video out (and a crazy ass). This shit’s on rapid share, but worth downloading. I don’t have anything funny to say about her ass, other than it’s fucking RIDICULOUS!I have lived a pretty long and perverted life, and I have never seen an ass like this, even if Ass isn’t my thing, I am more into dressing up like a mascot while being puked on by an asian tranny in diapers…..

Keyra Augustina’s Video (RAPIDSHARE)

How To Use Rapidshare (Idiots)

NON-Rapidshare Version

Post Made Possible By YourDirtyMind

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I am – Keyra Augustina's Ass Video!

Remember that crazy ass that made the rounds on the internet a few months ago? Her name is Keyra Augustina, and she’s got a video out (and a crazy ass). This shit’s on rapid share, but worth downloading. I don’t have anything funny to say about her ass, other than it’s fucking RIDICULOUS!I have lived a pretty long and perverted life, and I have never seen an ass like this, even if Ass isn’t my thing, I am more into dressing up like a mascot while being puked on by an asian tranny in diapers…..

Keyra Augustina’s Video (RAPIDSHARE)

How To Use Rapidshare (Idiots)

NON-Rapidshare Version

Post Made Possible By YourDirtyMind

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I am – Link Dump

Here are some fun links to keep you happy. If would like to send me a link, email me at:brad

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I am – Born Today; Tammy Faye Bakker

We are always on the lookout to see who was born today. That way our readers can know which glamorous celebrity they share a birthday with.
Today that peerson so happens to be Tammy Faye Bakker; the Trailer trash queen and ex wife of Jim Bakker.Visit her personal site to learn more about her or Buy her book!


More info and Quotes after the JUMP


# Tammy Faye Bakker: “…and now we’re down to our last $37,000.”
# Interviewer: “But just last week you said you were down to your last $50,000; what happened to $13,000 since then?”
# Tammy Faye Bakker: “Uh…um…I don’t know.”

You can educate yourself right out of a relationship with God.

There’s times when I just have to quit thinking . . . and the only way I can quit thinking is by shopping.

“I take Him shopping with me. I say, “OK, Jesus, help me find a bargain.””

You don’t have to be dowdy to be a Christian.

I always say shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist.


Tammy Faye Bakker Messner was born in International Falls, Minnesota, the eldest of eight children. She attended North Central Bible College in Minneapolis. She is the mother of Tammy Sue Chapman and Jamie Charles Bakker, and the grandmother of James and Jonathon.

Tammy helped build the three largest Christian television networks in the world:

* CBN (The Christian Broadcasting Network) with Pat Robertson. Tammy worked for Pat for nine years.

* TBN (The Trinity Broadcasting Network) with Paul Crouch.

* PTL – Jim and Tammy Bakker. In its last year in existence, six million people visited the theme park Heritage USA.

Tammy has spent over 25 years in television. She was the host of her own show, “Tammy Faye’s House Party.” In 1996, she was the co-host of the syndicated “Jim J. and Tammy Faye Show” with JM J. Bullock.

She has made guest appearances on a number of television shows, including Larry King Live, Sally Jessy Raphael, Good Morning America, CBS Chicago, CBS This Morning, CBS’ “Where Are They Now?”, John and Leeza, Caryl and Marilyn, The Drew Carey Show, Roseanne, Tom Snyder, Prime Time, and many others.

Tammy was listed in the “Outstanding Young Women of America.”

Tammy has recorded over 25 singing albums.

She is the author of two best-selling books, “I Gotta Be Me” and “Run Towards The Roar.” She has recently completed her autobiography, “Tammy: Telling It My Way,” published by Random House.

Tammy is a minister of the gospel and ministers in churches around the nation.

At the present time, she is working on another television show,…

Tammy presently resides in Charlotte, North Carolina with her husband Roe Messner, her two little puppies, Muffin and Tuppins, and a cat named Tinkerbell.

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I am-BreAK Up GiRL

Well I am glad that I am not as crazy as some of the women out in the world today. Saturday night was spent peeling off this aged cougar, with fake tits and lips. The guy beside her wouldn’t tell her his name. She started screaming into my face about “…well if he wont tell me his fucking name than he might as well kill himself!!!” With that she produced two real razor blades from around her neck. And I thought I had problems. Later I checked the bathroom for a mutilated overstuffed feline. No luck.

The state that I have found myself in has relentlessly attracted the weirdos. It is like the unwanted of the world are aware you are single and vulnerable. Ready for the reaping. For the record and since the notorious break up, I have ended up cornered by two bald men(not balding, there is a difference), over 38, fucked a prepubescent man with a gherkin sized penis, got the snub from a guy that left with Ms.Caker-and-I-love-being-white. Had two terrible dates, one had breathe that could stun a raging bull and the other wore 15 sweaters. Am I completely hapless?

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I am – Contemporary Art of the Day

This artist’s name is Dug One, he’s probably one of the leading graf artists from the San Francisco Bay area. Heavily involved in the art and hip hop scene, Dug One does not only have art exhibits that are cooler than my wife, but is also involved in animation with a man named Q-Bert. I remember when I was living in San Fran, working at the Rice-A-Roni Factory. Met a lot of gay people. The San Francisco way, motherfuckers.

After the Jump Check out this Exhibit…..

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I am – Geena Davis Naked on the Beach

Geena Davis is really gross. I got issues with orange pubic hair, I am talking to you Mom. I guess I am just putting this up here because I like celeb tits….I don’t think the tits have to be nice to warrant a post, just like I don’t think you need to be cool to read this. You fucking loser!

Geena’s tits after the Jump

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I am – Doll Forum Post of the Day

Even doll fuckers have their rights too. So instead of constantly laughing at these freaky necrophiliac rapists, I figured I would post a comment from the message board outlining and addressing the misconception that doll fuckers have to live with everyday. They hate when people like me say “your sad lives and lack of confidence and social skills, probably caused by severe psychological issues stemming from a molesting uncle and a mother who breast fed you until you were 16, bringing your to fuck a giant 5,000 dollar silicone woman”. In their defence this is what one of the members had to say. Take it with a grain of salt, I know that I would never take someone would showers with a doll, then fucks it too seriously…..I wonder where this guy likes to cum while with his doll, I also wonder what the first thing that comes to mind when he finishes off is. I can only assume severe embarassment, humilation and sense of disgust with yourself….

Read Doll Owner Defense – After the Jump

I’m sure something of this effect has been posted before, but I’ve been surfing and running across the stupid things people think about real doll owners. I know no one here really cares too much what these people think, but I’d like one of them to happen upon this post and realize just how stupid they are. If the moderators think this can be better written go ahead and change it.

Doll owner misconceptions.

1. We are not into necrophilia. We do not buy dolls to act like we are having sex with a corpse. The dolls can be heated with a blanket to approximate skin warmth, which almost all users do. Just because lifelike dolls unsettle you don’t try to demonize a doll owner to justify your tiny view of the world. The fact of the matter is most doll owners simply don’t want to deal with all the negatives and hassles of a real parter, but simple masturbation just doesn’t satisfy.

2. We are not potential serial killers/ rapists living out our fantasies on dolls, who will ramp up to the real thing later. I’m not going to go into how idiotic the serial killer thing is, but as far as rape, rape isn’t even really about sex it’s about hurting someone and is usually preceeded by a robbery. A rapist would get no satisfaction from a RD it does not resist, run or scream, or submit. It just is.

3. We are not sad lonely individuals who never had a friend in the world. We simply like dolls as well. By reading various posts I’ve found that most doll owners have full lives and quite a few are accomplished people who probably have done/earn more in their lives than you ever will.

4. The dolls are for sex, but are also a hobby. Most doll owners end up starting some sort of photography hobby as well.

5. We are so ugly/ geeky (insert description here) that we are incapable of finding a person of the opposite sex anyway. Quite few doll owners have signifigant others, and just like dolls. Others have been through the relationship grinder with jerks and just don’t want to deal right now.

6. We are incabable of the emotion of love and just see women/ men as objects to be used. By reading many posts I’ve come to the conclusion that doll owners are some of the most romatic, sensitive, sensuous people around. Some people get dolls to fill a physical craving and not cheat on a spouse, others to add spice to the bedroom.

Many doll owners get a doll because of longing for real love. They don’t want to jump into a realtionship just for sex, and end up with a broken heart or hurting someone else when the sex fizzles. So, they get sex from a doll instead and wait for love to happen.


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I am – Carmen Electra MTV Awards Australia

Carmen Electra is a whore, anyway you look at it. She is married to a rock and roll star, she’s got implants and she looks like a stripper. But in the 90’s this is what was considered hot, huge fake tits, fake hair and lots of lipstick. Sister, we in the 00’s now, and we like our bitches to look underage, coked up and modest breasted(no bra).

Pics of Carmen Electa, Pussycat Dolling in in Australia for the MTV awards After the Jump.

via All The Pink

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I am – T-Shirt of the Day

I remember the first viral video that hit my computer back in 1999. It was two asian women in the bath throwing up in each other’s mouths. I remember thinking to myself how sick it was, but as I played it over and over and over again, I started liking it. My impotency never allowed me to pleasure myself while watching those clips, but I will always remember how hot it was. This t-shirt represents that time in my life. A puke fetish, now to be worn proudly on your chest, pervert!

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