I'll Make You Famous…




I am – White Dunks

White Dunks

The people at Nike may be mainstream, but they are the top player in footwear and I don’t give a fuck about your hippy treehugger stance because they have the money to make their shit work. Their marketing campaigns have always been hot, or so I have been told, I can’t afford a TV, but by judging by this video for their White Dunks campaign,I can tell you they got it going on. So tell all your sneaker fanatical friends, that Nike is still bringing the goods, but they probably already know, and they probably already have more than a dozen pairs, and they probably have a pair on their shelf, because sneaker collectors are weird and every suburban kid is doing it….

Check out this clip


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I am – Hunter S Thomson Eulogy

Hunter Thomson fatally shot himself. I am sure i couldn’t write anything that would compare to what he has already written. So here is some quotes to remember him by. Also see a timeline of his life here.

Read his last article:
Shotgun Golf with Bill Murray

As you were, I was. As I am, you will be

– “Hell’s Angels”, Hunter S. Thompson ( $ ), In Weird

You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug, especially when its waving a razor sharp hunting knife in your eye

– Hunter S. Thompson, In Drugs

For every moment of triumph, for every instance of beauty, many souls must be trampeled.

– Hunter S. Thompson, In Happiness

This is the main advantage of ether: it makes you behave like the village drunkard in some early Irish novel… total loss of all basic motor skills: blurred vision, no balance, numb tounge- severance of all connection between the body and the brain. Which is interesting because you can actually watch yourself behaving in this terrible way, but you can’t control it.

– Hunter S. Thompson, In Drugs

Good mescaline comes on slow. The first hour is all waiting, then about halfway through the second hour you start cursing the creep who burned you, because nothing is happening…and then ZANG!

– Hunter S. Thompson, In Drugs/Mescaline

More Quotes and Full Story after the Jump

There is nothing more helpless and irresponsible than a man in the depths of an ether binge

– Hunter S. Thompson, In Drugs

I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone…. but they’ve always worked for me.

– Hunter S. Thompson, In Drugs

We cannot expect people to have respect for law and order until we teach respect to those we have entrusted to enforce those laws.

– Hunter S. Thompson, In Drugs

The music business is a cruel and shallow trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men lie like dogs. There is also a negative side

– Hunter S. Thompson, In Music

The great Thompson Huntsite

Author Hunter S. Thompson Kills Himself

Hunter S. Thompson, the acerbic counterculture writer who popularized a new form of fictional journalism in books like “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,” fatally shot himself Sunday night at his Aspen-area home, his son said. He was 67.

“Hunter prized his privacy and we ask that his friends and admirers respect that privacy as well as that of his family,” Juan Thompson said in a statement released to the Aspen Daily News.

Pitkin County Sheriff officials confirmed to The Associated Press that Thompson had died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. Thompson’s wife, Anita, was not home at the time.

Besides the 1972 drug-hazed classic about Thompson’s visit to Las Vegas, he also wrote “Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail ’72.” The central character in those wild, sprawling satires was “Dr. Thompson,” a snarling, drug- and alcohol-crazed observer and participant.

Thompson is credited with pioneering New Journalism — or, as he dubbed it, “gonzo journalism” — in which the writer made himself an essential component of the story. Much of his earliest work appeared in Rolling Stone magazine.

“Fiction is based on reality unless you’re a fairy-tale artist,” Thompson told the AP in 2003. “You have to get your knowledge of life from somewhere. You have to know the material you’re writing about before you alter it.”

An acute observer of the decadence and depravity in American life, Thompson also wrote such collections “Generation of Swine” and “Songs of the Doomed.” His first ever novel, “The Rum Diary,” written in 1959, was first published in 1998.

Thompson was a counterculture icon at the height of the Watergate era, and once said Richard Nixon represented “that dark, venal, and incurably violent side of the American character.”

Thompson also was the model for Garry Trudeau’s balding “Uncle Duke” in the comic strip “Doonesbury” and was portrayed on screen by Johnny Depp in a film adaptation of “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.”

Other books include “The Great Shark Hunt,” “Hell’s Angels” and “The Proud Highway.” His most recent effort was “Hey Rube: Blood Sport, the Bush Doctrine, and the Downward Spiral of Dumbness.”

“He may have died relatively young but he made up for it in quality if not quantity of years,” Paul Krassner, the veteran radical journalist and one of Thompson’s former editors, told The Associated Press by phone from his Southern California home.

“It was hard to say sometimes whether he was being provocative for its own sake or if he was just being drunk and stoned and irresponsible,” quipped Krassner, founder of the leftist publication The Realist and co-founder of the Youth International (YIPPIE) party.

“But every editor that I know, myself included, was willing to accept a certain prima donna journalism in the demands he would make to cover a particular story,” he said. “They were willing to risk all of his irresponsible behavior in order to share his talent with their readers.”

The writer’s compound in Woody Creek, not far from Aspen, was almost as legendary as Thompson. He prized peacocks and weapons; in 2000, he accidentally shot and slightly wounded his assistant, Deborah Fuller, trying to chase a bear off his property.

Born July 18, 1937, in Kentucky, Hunter Stocton Thompson served two years in the Air Force, where he was a newspaper sports editor. He later became a proud member of the National Rifle Association and almost was elected sheriff in Aspen in 1970 under the Freak Power Party banner.

Thompson’s heyday came in the 1970s, when his larger-than-life persona was gobbled up by magazines. His pieces were of legendary length and so was his appetite for adventure and trouble; his purported fights with Rolling Stone editor Jann Wenner were rumored in many cases to hinge on expense accounts for stories that didn’t materialize.

It was the content that raised eyebrows and tempers. His book on the 1972 presidential campaign involving, among others, Edmund Muskie, Hubert Humphrey and Nixon was famous for its scathing opinion.

Working for Muskie, Thompson wrote, “was something like being locked in a rolling box car with a vicious 200-pound water rat.” Nixon and his “Barbie doll” family were “America’s answer to the monstrous Mr. Hyde. He speaks for the werewolf in us.”

Humphrey? Of him, Thompson wrote: “There is no way to grasp what a shallow, contemptible and hopelessly dishonest old hack Hubert Humphrey is until you’ve followed him around for a while.”

The approach won him praise among the masses as well as critical acclaim. Writing in The New York Times in 1973, Christopher Lehmann-Haupt worried Thompson might someday “lapse into good taste.”

“That would be a shame, for while he doesn’t see America as Grandma Moses depicted it, or the way they painted it for us in civics class, he does in his own mad way betray a profound democratic concern for the polity,” he wrote. “And in its own mad way, it’s damned refreshing.”
Via Yahoo

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I am – Paris Sidekick Phone Hacked

This is out of control, this whole Paris Hilton hack is completely out of control. I came across this site where the guys from GFY.com record the calls made to the Hilton contacts. Goodtimes. I remember when I was rich and could afford a phone…now I just have this computer….and free internet – thank you social services!

Check out this link it’s so funny – Someone called the celebs and recorded the phone calls


links to her phone book, notes and story after the jump

ParisAddress Book
Paris Notes mirror here

“The Collected Works of Paris Hilton’s Hacked Sidekick� (gawker)

Story@ Computer World, Drudge, CNN

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I am – Paris Hilton Notebook Hack

We all know Paris Hilton> is a pretty loose bird. She loves herself and she loves seeing herself naked. She not only flasher her cooter every chance she gets but she also lets old drug addicts videotape them doing it – unprotected yo. Someone hacked her Verizon account and these are the pictures that were taken off her camera phone. There are tits, there is a girl on girl picture, they are entertaining so….

I know the address book is out, but I am not gonna post it. I think it is unfair for other people to suffer because Paris is an idiot. However I will post one contact because he will never fill John Tesh’s shoes – no matter how hard his nasally voice tries


UPDATE: Paris’s Private emails (with Lohan, Simon Rex, Fred Durst….

Check out her camera phone pics (tits and girl on girl action)

Hack here

via WTFPeople

Check out this guys site – He harasses the Hilton maid – click the link that says “i got the maid” on the right menu

Check out part 2: with links to journal and address book here

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I am- Lindsay Lohan News Update

Lohan was on the Tony Danza show on February 16th. Who’s the boss now? Lohan is. Here is the news of the day….daddy lohan arrested for drinking and driving….it’s ok lindsay we got your back…

Lohan’s father charged with DWI


February 19, 2005, 1:08 PM EST

The father of teen actress and singer Lindsay Lohan drove strong into a telephone pole in Syosset early today barely escaping his car before it ignited in a ball of fire, Nassau police said.

Michael Lohan, 44, of Laurel Hollow, was driving a friend’s car south on Cold Spring Road just after midnight when he veered off the road and careened into a telephone pole, knocking it down and leaving live wires scattered across the road, police said.

According to police, a visibly drunk Lohan was able to get out of the car, but then returned for his belongings and was pulled from 2005 Volvo stationwagon by a Syosset firefighter just before the car burst into flames. He was alone in the car and was not injured, but was taken to Nassau University Medical Center in East Meadow to be checked over.

Lohan covered his face and declined to say anything as he was led by police to his court appearance in First District Court in Hempstead this morning. He faces charges of driving while intoxicated and third-degree aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, police said, adding that he was driving with a suspended license.

The accident was the most recent in a series of scrapes with the law by Lohan. Last June he was arrested and charged with assaulting his brother-in-law with a shoe at a North Merrick communion party and he was arrested twice in the fall for driving while intoxicated and violating a restraining order taken out by his estraged wife, Lindsay’s mother, police said.

Story Here

Thanks Ryan and Keith

Keep sending your Lohan News Tips to: lohan@drunkenstepfater.com

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I am – Born This Weekend

Every person has one special day…Their birthday. The following 5 people all were born over this weekend. What a weekend for birthdays, read on to find out more.

Top 5 People born this weekend:

#5)Poison Ivy Rorschach (02/20/1953 – )guitarist (Cramps)

Quote: “Lux and I have always been reckless and sought out thrills, taken risks, probably blown our minds in certain pursuits. It’s only from living this way that we come up with this stuff.”

#4)Lee Marvin (02/19/1924 – 08/29/1987)actor

Quote: “Ah, stardom! They put your name on a star in the sidewalk on Hollywood Boulevard and you walk down and find a pile of dog manure on it. That tells the whole story, baby.”

#3)Nicholas Copernicus (02/19/1473 – 05/24/1543)Polish astronomer

Quote: “Let no one expect anything of certainty from astronomy, lest if anyone take as true that which has been constructed for another use, he go away…bigger fool than when he came to it.”

#2)Cindy Crawford (02/20/1966 – )
Picture Gallery

Quote: “Richard doesn’t really like me to kill bugs, but sometimes I can’t help it.”

#1)Kurt Cobain (02/20/1967 – 04/05/1994) singer, songwriter, guitarist (Nirvana)

Quote: “Nobody deserves to have their personal life pried into like I did and no one deserves to hear me whine about it so much.”

Pictures of our Birthday Guys/Girls after the Jump

#5)Poison Ivy Rorschach

#4) Lee Marvin

#3)Nicholas Copernicus

#2)Cindy Crawford

#1) Kurt Cobain

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I am – Animal of the Day: Wild Boar

I know you all loved the last Drunken Stepfather animal of the day. But the question is, can you handle another. The wild boar is a tasty treat and I used to eat Boar meat all the time untill my rabbi told me it wasn’t kosher. But if you are not kosher I recommend a Boar on rye with nustard.

The wild boar is found in Europe, Asia, and parts of North Africa. The boar can live in groups up to fifty. The wild boar’s mating season takes place during the winter months. The boar can have two to twelve babies in a litter. They are born usually between March and May. The piglets are not full grown until the age of four or five years.

More info after the Jump


Some of the wild boar’s special adaptations are its tusks and its snout. The tusks are used for protection from its predator. The snout is used for digging up soil so it can eat roots and plant bulbs.


Some of the adaptations of the alligator are its back webbed feet for steering and bulging eyes which make it look like a log. American alligators have very dark and camouflaged skin. They also have very sharp teeth for ripping off flesh and eating prey. Nostrils on top of their long noses help them to breathe on top of the water.


The wild boar is found in the coniferous forest and in the grassland. It builds its home in thickets and tall grass. The boar does not hibernate, nor does it migrate.

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I am – Sexy Anorexic Speaks-Out

A while ago we posted about a site called Sexy Anorexic. We never said it was bad to like anorexic chicks, in fact, I said the oposite, my exact words were “stop eating donuts bitch”. The problem was that our readers didn’t dig the site, and made comments on how sick these anorexic lovers were.

No I don’t understand all fetishes. But I also don’t judge anyone who has a fetish, because what gets you hard is your business, and the powers that be control that shit. I just hope you aren’t diggin little boys, or diggin up graves to get your next fix you sick fuck.

I gave the webmaster of SexyAnorexic.com a chance to let our readers know his stance on what he does…and the girls he loves.

Check out the letter from the Webmaster – After the Jump!!

My site barely pushes the softcore category of porn, with mostly non-nude panty wearing pics. Our fetish is indeed a weird one, but real nonetheless. As such i’m committed to being as tasteful as possible in presenting the material the people with this fetish starve for(no pun intended). If I had better photographers, I could do even better, but not many people want to work with this genre, nor model for it so we do the best we can with what is available.

The girls who have modeled for the site are always treated with kindness. When they discover that there are men who find them divinely attractive, they are very surprised, and happy with the new knowledge. Just about all of the models are at the low weight pictured for a short time, and then return to a more normal(albeit still very thin) weight.

So back to the “disgust” thing. I’m not usually prone to that level of reaction. I prefer to respond with respect to the recipient. Written communication conveys so little. I could delete that post, and have thought about it, but to do so seems less than honest somehow. I’m human, and like anyone, I have a bad day now and then too.

I could come to your site and debate on the premis of “what about other fetishes like necrophelia, fat/weight gain, hard core sex, sex with animals…” ad nauseum. However I realize many people for many reasons find this site offensive and distasteful. Therefore it is. At least to those people. I find the smell of body odor offensive. Because it is… to me. There are people who like that smell.

Perhaps the difference is that most of the people who participate on my site choose not to go to other sites they find offensive and sound off about it. I also understand that the initial “shock” some people experience when first seeing this site, may compel them to converse with more than the usual amount of emotion and less than the normal amount of thoughtfulness. There are plenty of reasons this site will evoke that sort of behavior in certain people.

Finally, of the several hundred thousand people who took a look, maybe a couple hundred or even less, posted something about it somewhere. So are people all that bad? no of course not. Did I over react, well you decide.

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I am – Mallory from MTV’s Real World Paris – Padded

The magic of props to make a girl look hotter than she is, or more endowed then she is, is always amazing. This is the reason girls everywhere take hours getting ready. It is also the reason why girls have eating disorders, get plastic surgery, and have self-esteem issues. Suck it up pussy. This is the society we live in, you are judged on your looks, now stop reading this and make yourself look pretty.

Mallory from The Real World Paris was shot for the Swimsuit edition. I guess the photo editors weren’t looking at her tits to filter out this blooper….her insert that they advertise on TV to give you better cleav is sticking out.

That’s why they shouldn’t hire Gay Photo editors….

Via Golden Fiddling around the world

If you want to get your flatchested ass a pair – Go Here

If you want to see more picture of Mallory check out SI yo!

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I am – Mallory from MTV's Real World Paris – Padded

The magic of props to make a girl look hotter than she is, or more endowed then she is, is always amazing. This is the reason girls everywhere take hours getting ready. It is also the reason why girls have eating disorders, get plastic surgery, and have self-esteem issues. Suck it up pussy. This is the society we live in, you are judged on your looks, now stop reading this and make yourself look pretty.

Mallory from The Real World Paris was shot for the Swimsuit edition. I guess the photo editors weren’t looking at her tits to filter out this blooper….her insert that they advertise on TV to give you better cleav is sticking out.

That’s why they shouldn’t hire Gay Photo editors….

Via Golden Fiddling around the world

If you want to get your flatchested ass a pair – Go Here

If you want to see more picture of Mallory check out SI yo!

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