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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Just because everyone needs anti depressant because they are fucking crazy doesn’t mean they should be getting on those anti depressants….the mental health thing, like covid is a really fucking annoying excuse…and to make kids think they need that shit is prepping them to be future addicts, or at least future dead on the fucking […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Going into the weekend, remember the most important thing is that it is the weekend…remember dreams can come true, just look at me, I thought it would be funny for someone who knows nothing about celebrities, but is a pervert, to do a celebrity site…and 16 years later, has written at least 5-10 posts about […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Go into tonight thinking of all the people you’ve seen cancelled and who you will see cancelled in the next few months before people forget the whole cancel culture thing and go back to being selfie obsessed selfie takers who don’t have a voice, opinion or annoying things to say….maybe even throw in some COVID […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The more I stream bullshit TV and movies the dumber and dumber I get….the way they wanted when they created TV….but it’s better than social media…because I’d rather be brain washed by produced movies and tv with high budgets – the old fashioned way, It is better than be annoyed by social media idiots spewing […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Too Long Didn’t Read is the mantra of this generation, which is probably why we have an era of idiots who think they are experts, you know because they read the cliff notes, or the summary page, and didn’t actually dive into the material, since it was a meme. The headline reading generation that doesn’t […]




Stella Maxwell Fucks Models of the Day

Stella Maxwell is a sexual deviant or a sexual predator to the stars but she isn’t seen as a predator because she is a girl….the double standards man…..unless she’s not a predator but just a perverted lesbian girl who uses her sexuality to manipulate her way to the top of the food chain….. I have […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Have all the anti-colonialists decided to go to work today…to protest Columbus or are they just college students living off their parents who don’t have to go to class, so they can protest all the mean spirited white folks who came over on their boats to prosper in the new land of opportunity…the Americas… I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

In very important news…Mel Gibson is trending on because cancel culture is mad that he is playing Santa Claus because he was cancelled but not hard enough for cancel culture a bunch of years ago and want him to be cancelled…but yeah…the outrage is because he’s playing Santa but publicly made those anti-jewish comments all […]




stepLINKS of the Day

When people remain annoying as they scramble around social media about politics, covid, politicians beating covid in 3-4 days…..you should focus on the important things in life…..no, not like the meaning of life shit….or analyzing porn vs mainstream, where being a porn chick meant being blacklisted, while now it means being cool, so cool the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Let’s hope that the pandemic just continues to slam the fuck out of typical TV that has sucked for too fucking long, because I accidentally just watched the Ellen Apology, followed with the Kimmel Monologue and I have to ask myself “What the fuck is going on”…this is some out of touch shit….it’s like these […]