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stepLINKS of the Day

I know people are all upset that Halloween is going to be cancelled, but as it turns out, Halloween is only good for the slutty costumes and now with social media, everyday is slutty costumes for a lot of these girls….most of their slutty pics don’t even look like they actually look thanks to photoshop…we’re […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Christmas is Cancelled, Halloween is Cancelled, but the bullshit Emmy Awards were not cancelled….not that I watched them, or anyone watched them, who cares about awards for useless people in shows we may like, but that’s enough acknowledgement from us…. Who is watching this shit, I assume very old people who will die off and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t understand why kids are pissed about schools being cancelled or why they are against doing the whole work from home thing….because looking back on high school, it was the fucking worst. What a waste of fucking time with a bunch of useless assholes….. It was a waste of fucking time on every fucking […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Going into the weekend…remember all people suck equally….don’t you be discriminating by liking some people and hating others…hate them all the same because you know at their core they are just out for themselves and thus are shitty people…. Or you could look at things in a more positive light and just be apathetic and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

We are making progress as a people, I am glad to say that Karaoke has been banned in parts of Canada, you know because of the virus….If you get caught singing Karoke, I hear they throw you in the back of a Snowmobile and feed you poutine until you turn into a stripper… That said, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My biggest life regret is not scamming middle aged women on dating apps back before they were skeptical about dating apps and thought everyone had pure intentions… From the first time I saw dudes scamming women on Maury or Donahue or Jerry Springer from dating apps or dating services, I knew that would be the […]




MTV Awards Round Up of the Day

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Did anyone know that that VMAs happened? I guess with COVID and the fact that Award shows are too labor intensive for the average viewer, who knows that they’ll see the highlight reel if anything of importance happened, and they’ll know all the winners without having to invest any time into it, you know we’re […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t know about you, but since it is the weekend and the tail end of summer, you should 1890s yourself and sit in a cabin in the middle of no where listening to the trains roll y as you drink your Whiskey and Pan for gold in a babbling brook outside or some shit….a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

As celebrities celebrate Wet Ass Pussies while promoting the Cardi B song, because dry ass pussies are no good, to the dismay of all the menopausal women out there, especially when looking for Hollywood jobs…where a wet pussy means work…. You should escape the city….escape the American dream…escape to the country…reconnect with nature, grow your […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s good to know that girls, despite all the whining, are still opportunistic sluts, who want to connect with rich guys, famous guys, athlete guys, to live out their fantasy life of luxury for the gram….I would say that 90 percent of those MeToo movement style complaints are from girls mad that those dreams didn’t […]