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stepLINKS of the Day

It’s the full moon, so charge your occult new age hippie crystals you indoctrinated satanic fucks…. It’s funny when trans people who are anti-the trans agenda get called transphobic by pasty, fat, unhealthy triple vaccinated, Ukraine flag carrying, freaks…it’s ok to be trans and still think there are two genders, if anything that is reasonable….. […]




stepLINKS of the Day

And that’s a fucking wrap….at least for the weekend, unless I choose to not come back on Monday…by force or by personal choice….Only time will tell. I realize that no one actually cares about any of this, they are onto other shit, they just know what they’re told and that’s good enough, let’s get back […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Since we don’t have enough problems in society that will eventually destroy society as we know it and hopefully for better, since I’ve always felt we live idiotic un-human lives, we’re fucking animals, let us be free in nature not slaving for money to buy shit we don’t need in our pods…. But since we […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Is anyone dressed like “rape culture #metoo” getting ready to fully commit to your costume – tonight – while all the party aged people are out there getting Black Out Drunk? So the only candy bucket you are sticking your hand into is that of a woman…and not actual candy…cuz candy produces far too much […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t know why my autocorrect keeps writing lesbian, I don’t have a lesbian fetish, lesbians hate me, but I guess I did see two lesbians in the park today, who I didn’t know were lesbians, because the young, new lesbians, look like regular hot chicks dressed like girls, unlike the lesbians of my generation, […]




stepLINKS of the DAy

It’s still my birthday, send nudes…of you or of every vagina you have ever known or that you come accross.. Thanks….for the well wishes. I’ll be at the strippers because I got drunk and passed out last night before getting to the strippers and birthday without strippers is like Pam Anderson without Hepatitis, or Lohan […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Watching women who feel liberated breast feed in public places, because it’s not a shameful act and we should all celebrate seeing titties in public, seems to always piss off the women who are trying to prove a point that her breast feeding is some kind of protest against the patriarchy – instead of being […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s American Thanksgiving, which for a Canadian doens’t mean shit, no one here is out eating Turkey and Pumpkin pie with their dysfunctional families, revisiting molestation, or other deep rooted hatred due to life not being perfect for anyone…all while celebrating the white man’s colonization of the Native American land, we do that in October…. […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Apparently, big breasts open doors…that’s why I tell every small chested woman I meet, most who I am not introduced to formally, because they are in line with me at the grocery store…that they should get breast implants…it’ll make their lives better… Apparently, me telling them that doesn’t make their life better – they have […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I like telling girls who are dressed in leggings to not bend so deep when reaching for the peanut butter – I’m wearing sweatpants and don’t want to get a boner,it’ll be embarrassing in more ways than I’m prepared to be embarrassed – while pointing at my dick in loose fitting, soiled, ripped sweat pants […]