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Paris Hilton’s Obnoxious Self Shot Bikini Photoshoot of the Day

I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I want to sniff her bathing suit…just to see how what it smells like…I mean I’d go as far a say that I’d wring it out and drink the water from the crotch…like a man who just spent 3 days lost in the desert…. I guess, despite […]




Paris Hilton Bikini for Instagram of the Day

Paris Hilton must be 45 years old now, but it’s nice to see she’s still putting in effort to get some level of attention, despite the whole Kim Kardashian winning at her own game against her, despite being fat…. You know, two rich girls who really don’t need to make themselves famous, but do anyway, […]




Paris Hilton in a Bikini of the Day

If you’ve been wondering where Paris Hilton has been all these years of irrelevance, where she belongs cuz she’s a useless cunt who just happens to not be worthless thanks to Grandpa.. She’s been teaching her dog this move for the paparazzi…you like like the circus clown she is… TO SEE THE REST OF THE […]




Paris Hilton Panty Flash of the Day

I thought I would never say this, but thank God for the Panties…. I’ve seen Paris Hilton’s vagina in a variety of ways over the years. From sex tape, to short skirts and no panties while getting out of low cars for the paparazzi, because she’s just the kind of people who wants to show […]




Paris Hilton Brought Her Herpes to the Beach of the Day

Paris Hilton an era where I was more relevant, more passionate about hating all these vapid cunts, a beacon of hope and by hope I mean a bitch I would slander and shit on using the blog on the regular, I mean some of my best posts probably involved her…and seeing her, older, sloppier, with […]




Paris Hilton Modeling Lingerie Even Though She’s Old and Fat of the Day

Paris Hilton is way too old to be staging these kinds of shoots for herself, because you know no one hired her to be doing this. This is up on some bored housewife shit. Hiring a photographer for the day in efforts to feel sexy and glamourous while the husband is out fucking new , […]




Paris Hilton Pussy in the Million Dollar Pussy Video of the Day

There’s something hilarious about Paris Hilton being in a music video about pussy, you know that million dollar pussy that makes you itch, thanks to how well traveled and experienced it is thanks to her wild rich girls filling her void vagina in her late teens and early 20s, back when she was a pornstar, […]




Paris Hilton Makes Her Boyfriend Wear her Name on his Head of the Day

I vowed to never post Paris Hilton pictures ever again, because as far as I’m concerned Paris Hilton listened to all of our requests back in the 2000s, and died. Even if she’s still alive, she might as well be dead, since no one remembers who she is or that she was a big enough […]




Paris Hilton is Not Dead Even and in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Even if you think Paris Hilton is dead….she’s not….she’s with Everyone who is anyone, or who wants to be anyone, or who was once someone thanks to her grandfather…is is Miami…as I’ve said before… I am not in Miami..because I am no one…and I like it that way…but unfortunately Paris Hilton hasn’t really embraced her […]




Paris Hilton’s Bikini Top in Hawaii of the Day

Paris Hilton is doing som PR bullshit…wanting to get some bikini shot by the paparazzi time to make people forget what she said about all Gays having AIDS and being horny, even though a lot of gays do have aids and are really horny, it’s some stupid rich girl commentary that should be saved for […]