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Paris Hilton Pantyless Upskirt for Old Times of the Day

Paris Hilton proves the old saying that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks… She knows one thing, and one thing only….show genitals – make money….even though she already has all the money in the world thanks to her grandfather….and never had to do any of this in the first place..it was all just […]




Paris Hilton Cum Glaze Face of the Day

Paris Hilton’s natural tan looks about right…orange enough to inspire the vapid Jersey Shore retards…..something I think she did a long time ago without realizing it…because there is no way those trashy stripper pigs aren’t the direct result of Paris Hilton’s influence in the media….and shiny enough to looklike she’s been glazed with semen like […]




Wishing Paris Hilton Met a Real Aligator of the Day

Swamp People is the only show worth watching on TV…so I understand the plight of the Aligator…and I know that I think it would be a far greater service to the world…and more importantly lesson to the kids…if this was a picture of Paris Hilton with an actual aligator…getting eating….you know so the kids learn…if […]




Paris Hilton and Petra Ecclestone Join Forces of the Day

Here’s an expected union of forces. I saw this coming the second that Ecclestone brat moved to LA. Two billionaire heirs. Spoiled to shit. Tacky as fuck. Annoying to look at and I can only imagine to listen to…. Using their priviledged lives to be the most disgusting, bottom feeding, vapid, hungry for attention, badly […]




Nicky Hilton Vagina Hugging Shorts of the Day

Historically speaking…Nicky Hilton is the boring as fuck, waste of a vagina, sloppy looking, awkward skinny body that I can only blame her mom’s cocaine use for…and everytime I see her, I want to take a fuck nap, or punch her in the face, in efforts of seeing some emotion or personality…but instead she just […]




Paris Hilton Vagina Hider of the Day

Paris Hilton is such a lady….it’s like she didn’t spend the better part of her 20s in sex tapes, flashing cooch at events, getting fucked and fucked up, pretty much being the biggest pile of shit around….fucking up little girls and the only good that’s come from her is that the little girls she fucked […]




Nicky Hilton Covered Up and Sloppy on the Beach of the Day

Nicky Hilton fucking sucks. She’s the boring latch on sister who had no problem riding Paris Hilton’s sex tape fame, you know being her sidekick at all the events and shit, all while never doing anything remotely interesting or scandalous….It’s like she had the opportunity to have dudes jerking off to her but now she’s […]




Nicky Hilton Sucks on the Beach of the Day

Nicky Hilton is one thing out of LA that I will never understand. She’s the latch on sister who never wanted to be in the spotlight, but who wanted all the benefits of her sister’s humiliating behavior, and who pretty much escorted her everywhere she went around the world, pretending that she was some kind […]




Paris Hilton Stalker Fail of the Day

The story is that Paris Hilton has a stalker…..I know it is already not believable…cuz 98 percent of the world forgets Paris Hilton exists…but apparently she does, and motherfucker has a restraining order against him that he just violated. His name is James Rainford and I’m calling that he’s an aspiring actor hired to play […]




Nicky Hilton Has a Shitty Body of the Day

I always hated Nicky Hilton….even more than I hated Paris Hilton…because Paris Hilton tried to make a mockery of herself and in doing that was semi interesting…you know releasing sex tapes, partying, portraying herself as the single thing on the planet worse than cancer, but at least she was doing it…. While this dumpy birdface […]