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Nicky Hilton Has a Shitty Body of the Day

I always hated Nicky Hilton….even more than I hated Paris Hilton…because Paris Hilton tried to make a mockery of herself and in doing that was semi interesting…you know releasing sex tapes, partying, portraying herself as the single thing on the planet worse than cancer, but at least she was doing it…. While this dumpy birdface […]




Paris Hilton Films a Nude Bath Scene for TV of the Day

If you’re like me, then you’ve probably forgot about Paris Hilton. You know that annoying cunt who got paid far too much for doing nothing, all because she had a sex tape. Well apparently she’s got a new Reality show…one I assume she promoted on some CNN Larry King the UK edition….the other day, where […]




Paris Hilton Pretends She’s Not Racist of the Day

Neil Strauss, the writer of “The Game”, which outlines the basic psychology of tricking pussy into having sex with you, released a new book that features interview questions that never ran in magazines with a bunch of idiots. I was at a book store the other day trying to look up girls’ skirts when everything […]




Nicky Hilton’s Got Bad Ass of the Day

I’ve always Nicky Hilton’s body. I’m sure that’s had a huge impact on her everyday life, you know hitting the gym, buying the right spanx and jeans, studying herself in the mirror wondering if all the hard work, money and time that went into her revamping her look would get my approval, you know since […]




Paris Hilton’s Hard Nipples of the Day

The only thing I really hate about Paris Hilton is her face…I mean other than everything else about her, from her voice, to the things she says, to what she’s offered the world, her legacy, her retarded behavior, the fact that she was famous for pretty nothing, and her family for brining what may be […]




Nicky Hilton Sexes it Up in Dominatrix Jeans from the Future of the Day

Even though she’s trying as hard as she can, Nicky Hilton is still not hot. Bitch could be rocking white cotton panties soaked thru with pussy juice while counting her trust fund in her vault muttering legit offers of the good life with my cock down her eager throat, I’m talking contracts in hand, ready […]




Nicky Hilton’s Ass in Tight Pants of the Day

I find Nicky Hilton one of the uglier shaped bitches who walks around Hollywood ans gets her picture taken like she fucking matters, even though she never made a sex tape, or had a TV show, or really did anything worth noticing, other than be born into the Hilton Garden Suites family, and having a […]




Paris Hilton Goes to Vocal Lessons of the Day

Oh God…. I don’t know what the fuck I am putting this up for….I have a feeling that when I saw it and read the caption a few times….my survival instinct kicked in and like a bad action movie where we all need to board a rocket ship to start a new civilization on another […]




Paris Hilton Pregnant Bikini Picture of the Day

I think it was pretty obvious that Paris Hilton was pregnant in the last 2 months of pictures of her. She’s fat in the stomach and girls like Paris Hilton don’t get fat. Like a gay man, being skinny is all that matters to her trashy rich cunt life. If anything, this is a medical […]




Paris Hilton Bikini Trash of the Day

Paris Hilton is in her bikini. I can go pass the fuck out now knowing I’ve left you with something disgusting enough to satisfy your pervert needs… It was a joke that she was famous 10 years ago, but now the joke is on us because we’re still talking about her 10 years later. She’s […]