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Katharine McPhee Bikini of the Day

Sugar Baby Katharine McPhee who fucks a 75 year old…..who she actually married….so it is her husband which means she may not fuck him at all because of that whole old men can’t get boners thing…but he is David Foster, a captain or icon of the music industry, rich as fuck for producing countless hits, […]




Katharine McPhee Got Them TIts on of the Day

Katharine McPhee got the tits out. Here’s a very fucking long video of sex worker Katharine McPee in a bra looking top with her tits busting out….in a live facebook / twitter / instagram / periscope / youtube for the fans…. If you watch this entire video, you’ve got real fucking problems…or you’re a 75 […]




Katharine McPhee Fixing The Pussy Lips of the Day

Katharine McPhee is no longer topless on her honeymoon with her grandpa, instead she is seen here stuffing her meaty vagina back into her bikini bottoms…. If there’s one thing I know about Katharine McPhee, it’s that she spells her name with an A not an E and that fucks with my head. Who does […]




Katharine McPhee Topless of the Day

Katharine McPhee is still on her honeymoon with her very fucking rich Grandfather, who I guess is also her mentor and the reason she will never have to work again in her life… In being on her Honeymoon, the Vaginaplasty cuz her shit was too meaty, American idol starlet who no one cares about, decided […]




Katharine McPhee Wet Bikini of the Day

Katharine McPhee is married to David Foster officially. I guess this is their Honeymoon, even though the rest of her life will be a honeymoon, as dude fades away thanks to the aging process he is trying to fight off, but is in his 70s….and thanks to him being rich as fuck…it will just be […]




Katharine McPhee Fat Ass in Leggings in Crisis of the Day

Katharine McPhee is out here with her ass in leggings, looking better than her ass in a bikini, cuz thee fabric of these performance pants suck her the fuck in. Clearly she is trying to track down her sugar daddy, who thanks to his dementia is lost…trying to find his way home…it’s a panic. I’ve […]




Katharine McPhee Nude Bikini of the Day

Katharine McPhee is some American Idol pervert, who found a career after American Idol, but decided to settle on being the caregiver to a really fucking rich and successful 80 year old music tycoon, David Foster…. He has a shit fucking ton of money, he has fucked a shit ton of women, and probably som […]




Katharine McPhee Titty Bounce of the Day

Katharine McPhee and her American Idol tits that have established a career outside of American Idol…like so many other idiots thanks to America being based on reality TV…there top business people, and the leader of the free world are reality show stars… This one may not be a Kardashian, or a Trump, but she is […]




Katharine McPhee Bikini of the Day

When you are rich as fuck, a leader in your industry like David Foster…the 69 year old who I assume is a billionaire, he was married to that whore Yolanda Hadid, who only dates billionaires…..this is what you get to FUCK. An american idol starlet, who has gone on to do wonderful things, like chop […]




Katharine McPhee Still in a Bikini of the Day

This is Katharine McPhee in a bikini looking alright, doing that whole Sugar Baby, living that rich person life, cuz she’s engaged to a 75 year old very rich fucking guy and that’s how romance works. I mean she likely grew up listening to his music, she probably respected him and though of him as […]