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stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t understand this argument about period Sex, I never understood the big deal with it, people like hipster millennials complaining and smearing canvases with Period blood declaring it being a woman’s right or nature, When my wife used to get her period before being a menopausal pig, I loved period sex, mainly because it […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am a pretty flawed person, so I’ve decided to do some self-help, introspective, work….you see I constantly callout girls for being attention whores, being exhibitionists, being low hanging fruit, tits get hits, low level sex workers.. When I should be encouraging it, I should be celebrating it, recruiting more girls to participate in it…. […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Sometimes I squeeze my balls to see if I still feel. Other times I pull on my dick shaft to try to make it look more masculine. But most of the times horny girls ask me for selfies because they want to dry out, you know not masturbate wherever they are. Meaning my contribution to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I saw a girl in what I thought were the skimpiest shots ever, all of her ass cheeks hanging down, and she was so skinny, almost crackhead / bulemic skinny, only to realize as I got closer that it was just some weirdo looking dude, who looked like he probably would have shot up his […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Someone told me sharing cellphones is like sharing a used condom…it’s an invasion of person space..but all I could think was what happens when you’re fucking a hooker with your friend who paid for the hooker…and you happen to be there to pick up the table scraps but you’re not dumb enough to go in […]




Kristen Stewart’s Pussy of the Day

Kristen Stewart’s sex toy is a Victoria’s Secret model named Stella Maxwell…who was a legit a tall, thin, weird androgynous model…in the hipster scene…who grew out her hair…and put on a push up bra…and became some hot thing…that Victoria’s Secret team bought into because she was leaching on Barbara Palvin to get Victoria’s Secret, because […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Remember – the weekend is for fucking fat chicks…because they are easy…but more importantly because you’re disgusting…and that’s more than you deserve…you chronic masturbating asshole… To See the Rest of the StepLINKS open your fucking eyes fool… Nicole Kidman Looking Hot and Hard Nippled CLICK HERE Beyonce Announces Her Kids and their Names…. CLICK HERE […]




Bella Thorne in a Bath for America of the Day

Bella Thorne is Living the All American Dream… From a pawn to one of the most evil corporations in the world…>DISNEY…masked with puppets and other kid friendly shit all used to brain wash the youth with their evil agenda…. To instagram slut getting tons of likes, an absurd amount of likes, the sluttier an racier […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I spent my day trying to convince at least 4 girls to get into porn because It would be so hot – and I slowly saw them go from NO WAY to maybe to “yeah that would be hot”…to which I said…”see…I knew you were a whore”… Because that’s the type of time waster I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Now more than ever, Rape jokes are important to make…because we live in an era where rape jokes are frowned upon and if said to the wrong person can get you beat, or arrested for assault or some shit, and really…we need to band together… What I’ve realized is if you make rape / murder […]