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Mourning Hangover Dump of the Day

Posted in:MHD

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I’m not a degenerate drunk who can’t handle real life…I’m a degenerate drunk who likes to enhance real life….I don’t know what happened to me last night…but I will say that I saw no naked titties, I paranoid schizophrenic imagined someone broke into my house…I debated the meaning of life…and by life I mean Twitter […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I forget to do my stepLIKS……when you’re drinking hard…his kinda thing happens…here thhye are….happy new year you fucking cunts Rihanna: Drunken Queen of Barbados GO Another Nail in Lindsay Lohan’s Movie Career – VIDEO GO Web Cam Sluts That Will Get You Hot GO Let’s Play a Game of Black Out Baseball GO Leanna Has […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I have nothing to say…I spent all my energy talking to my spam bot GF on AIM…..she comes to me daily saying the same thing 20/f/california…and I get sucked it… You can add me to FACEBOOK to see day 3’s transcripts… In the meantime, I’ll be drinking and brainstorming ways of being the next Mark […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve been watching hours of lebanese porn on the internet because I am too scared to leave this basement hell I call home….and I’ve been reminded that the scissor kick move is very gay. On a sidenote, the “N” word was used on the site yesterday accidentally. People need to be less sensitive. I didn’t […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s the weekend. Fuck you. It’s the weekend. Go outside. It’s the weekend. Send me pics of girls tanning in their bikinis. It’s the weekend. I’m drunk. Here are my stepLINKS…. I get a Kick Out of these Creepy Michelle Rodriguez Boyfriend Pics GO Celebrity Planking Pics…. GO Jennifer Aniston is on All Fours Like […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My vanity facebook project was a huge success…I have 25 fans and shit makes me feel real fucking famous…like I can get in on VIP and get comped dinners and limos and hosting parties like I was Jersey Shore….It confirmed that I am even more pathetic that they are with no fanbase at all and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It is July 4th weekend. So if you’re even on the computer, which you shouldn’t be, but likely are cuz you are a loser with no friends, and your family hates you, but luckily you have webcam chat rooms and forums to make you feel connected to other people, even though you’re not connected at […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t get hate mail anymore. I think people have forgot the site exists…Yep. I’m pretty sure people forgot the site exists. Here are my stepLINKS anyway…I need to drink, negotiate with pussy, maybe film a viral video or two, and end up passed out in a ditch, possibly crying, but likely laughing at how […]




stepLINKS of the Day

If a blogger makes a blog post that no one reads is he actually a blogger?! Wow….but not as much of a wow as I wish the girl I just watched getting fingered at the gas station….. I need strippers and I need them now….and not discount ones who use a lamp as their pole… […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Posted in:MHD

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My stomach is fucking shot and I have a feeling it is from bad Mexican I got from non Mexicans cuz the Mexicans are oppressed and too busy working McDonalds to start their own taco stand…..But then again, it could be the bottle of wine, or the bottle of vodka, or the bottle of cough […]