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Topanga’s Got Fat Tits of the Day

Danielle Fischel is the weird looking girl who I wouldn’t have molested like she was Miley Cyrus, had I been a producer on the show. The truth is that I never really understood why she was the love interest of that annoying Savage kid, I just assumed her dad was industry or some shit. Now, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Before I got married, I wanted to have more than one wife. So that when one was out, I’d have another one to fuck, but after getting married, I realized why prostitution exists, you don’t have to deal with any of the headaches of listening to them talk. I didn’t end up fucking a whore […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I dropped my fucking computer when I was wrestling my stepdaughter, there was no mud in the room, but I definitely grabbed some titty and ass, before the computer incident ruined our fun and now the fucking thing barely works. It’s a Mac and I fucking hate Mac. Not only do they not make drop […]




I am – Not this Ice Cream Truck Driver of the Day

With a name like DrunkenStepfather and content like mine, that sometimes makes sexual references to 16 year old girls who look like the mature kind of 16 year olds who are out giving blowjobs already, I do not promote sex offenders. Sure 14 is legal in Canada, or at least in my part of Canada, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My wife’s dog pisses a fucking lot. My wife can’t bend over to clean it and I don’t like the smell of piss, unless I am drunk and I’m sniffing a whore’s dirty panties, and even then it’s not my favorite, I just do it because I am a sick fucking man, so today has […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My site seemed to have got hacked and stopped working last night and it continued through today, it is annoying but I’ve got used to it and figure I can’t control these things, so why bother getting all worked up about the shit. People don’t like me because they don’t find my jokes funny and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I slept for the last 4 hours and haven’t left my house in 3 days. That’s all I have to say about that. Here are my links….. Because Sometimes, You Need a Professional GO Aubrey O’Day Gets Kicked to the Curb GO The 12 Hottest Twins in History GO The Iron Chef – With BEER […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I just slept for 8 hours after sleeping for 12 hours last night. I was thinking I got a parasite from drinking out of a puddle that is ravaging my brain, but maybe it’s just the shitty weather or depression, but I have no idea what’s going on, all I know is that I am […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I may not be doing that good, but I am doing better than the 10 year old fat asian kid I saw trying to keep up with his friends as they ran to McDonald’s, poor fucking couldn’t keep up and had to walk it out, depsite how badly he wanted that burger that got him […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I was walking down the street and I see this fat girl, who was clearly trying to get in shape, decked out fully in her workout gear, riding home from work on a bike, and as she got to the intersection, either a car cut her off, or she lost her balance and she fell […]