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stepLINKS of the Day

It is a very proud day for me, I’ve managed to get a decent amount of booze, which has taken me a 5 days to pull off and in doing so, I ended my Jimmy Fallon is a Failure obsession. I managed to meet a bunch of girls on spring break, and got no body […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I just found out that the 2 famous people I hate the most are going to be in Montreal 2 days apart, Lady Gaga on March 28th 2009, and Katy Perry on March 31st. I should do something to them, but I am uninspired, not that you care. But maybe you’ll care about that before […]




Beyonce Performing with the High School Musical People of the Day

If you’re wondering why I haven’t updated the site, it’s because I am running of West Coast time and I’ve been out hoping from Oscar party to Oscar party all night long. Sure, I’m not actually in California and I wasn’t invited to a single Oscar party because I am irrelevant, and sure I only […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I haven’t got that much sleep the last 24 hours because I’m on Twitter and Michael Lohan told me that I crossed the line in things I’ve said to him. Now, I’m standing by the door with a kitchen knife, paranoid he’s gonna come get me. You know, he did try to off his family, […]




Jennifer Love Hewitt Doing Push Ups on Leno of the Day

Jennifer Love Hewitt did some pussy sit-ups on Leno last night, I guess they had some kind of bet going the last time she was on the show, that next time around she’d take her fat ass to the floor and show them how her fitness level improved, so on National TV, she was called […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I didn’t realize that it was a holiday everywhere in the fucking world today and I ended up posting more than ever and I am pissed off about that. I should have been sitting on my ass all day doing nothing…oh wait…I was. Everyday is a fucking vacation. Everyday is Spring break. I just distract […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Here’s something fascinating. I was trying to get into my stats on my site and typed in anayltics.goog.com . I messed up the URL but was fascinated by what I found, not that I was that surprised with the desperation that went into this, her biological clock is ticking after all…Try it. So I was […]




stepLINKS of the Day

stepLINKS I met a guy who was a mortician the other day. Now I find that to be the shittiest fucking job in the world and I guess he does too, because he was fucking wasted. I tried getting some dirt as to whether he’s ever fixed up a hot girl and he tried to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Since I celebrate the New Year a day later, when the New Year actually starts, and not when every asshole in the world is getting a fucking boner that the clocks about to strike midnight, I am pretty fucking tired from drinking discount liquor in discount bars with other alcoholics who don’t need a celebration […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I fell on ice when I was drunk. I heard a crack. Everytime I breath, I feel nothing but pain and cracking of bones. It is broken and I am on meds and still in pain, but meds make it not so bad. Sure I smell like shit and can’t stand, sit or lie down, […]