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stepLINKS of the Day

I went to the Dentist today, not because I have a dentist or have the money for the dentist, I like to ride out my tooth rot like a cowboy….you know dreams of pulling out my own teeth like a bad youtube video…the poor white trash redneck way… I went to the dentist because I […]




Coachella Tits Roundup of the Day

I am sure there are a lot of MEMES out there making fun of Coachella, because anyone who wants to put themselves through Coachella, has a fucking mental problem. They are the masses, the people who could easily be swindled by the FYRE FESTIVAL people, who feel a need to be part of something, a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Sometimes I wonder if I have a Brain Injury, if it is a Retardation, can I call it a retardation since I feel like I’ve got it….and can I just self diagnose and I can now make retard jokes…like I’ve been doing with Autism jokes for years…cuz who is to say I am not Autistic…right… […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Everyone is the worst… I was hoping the instagram take down was permanent – so that the hustle of everyone ended there…I’m talking to instagram whores… It’s national pi day you fucking nerds and everyone likes to talk about pies today, but no one’s talking about the one pie that matters…..PUSSY. It’s also national chips […]




stepLINKS of the Day

If women liked the way they looked – the economy would fall and none of us would get the nudes they pretend they do for empowerment….but are really doing it for validation…they are coded to cocktease to feel better about themselves and better themselves financially….cuz it is a business….we celebrate sluts – slut is how […]




stepLINKS of the Day

We live in a world, where superheroes like Luke Perry are proven to not be invincible and not eternal….They can stroke out like the rest of us obese drug addict chain smoking unhealthy too much salt in our fatty non organic foods….even though they aren’t even obese…putting doubt that there is even a god in […]




Oscars Round-up of the Day

The oscars…. I decided to LIVE TWEET on my TWITTER …the least followed twitter for the amount of time I’ve been on Twitter…the majority of my tweets were my deep hatred for Lady Gaga that is warranted, because I paid to rent A Star is Born to see the hype, and I quickly discovered that […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So….. I’m living in the winter life. Living the cabin fever like The Shinning hustle….not killing my fat wife off, because she’s doing a not so good enough job of it herself…but she is fat and time is a ticking…so dreams will come true…. I don’t leave the house…hermit. Not that I do much in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It is funny to me that the more over stimulated we are, the more options we have. The more distraction we are thrown. The more conversations over text we participate in. The more access to information we’ve got. The dumber we fucking are. It is funny to me that people, even morons are using technology […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I never understood why immigrant parents hate when their kids end up with white people, I mean I get that white people are trash, smell like Mac and Cheese, and offer no culture or value..but I am reasonable in understanding that white people dominate the country and if I came here from anywhere, like I […]