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stepLINKS of the Day

I am not at the MET GALA….I am not proposing to my girlfriend Keisha at the Met Gala, like I was 2 Chainz. I am not flashing panties and being a fame whore at the Met Gala. I am more of a backwoods kind of guy, hanging with obese, probably inbred hicks, who are so […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

God Loving white people, who look like they are from small towns and like they tail gate every football game, you know good old typical or average, middle of the road Americans…are pretty much the worst when they are wasted….even the tight jean wearing, big titty, Southern women who are surprisingly not obese like America […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I spend my day, my entire day hating on everything, plotting terrible ideas, looking at tits, thinking about how everyone is the fucking worst…and sometimes I leave my house and experience things like Walmart…or the gas station…and come face to face with people who always meet my low expectations of them…the women are never as […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

The asshole, the gateway to a woman’s soul, is always the thing you’re inclined to want to put your dick inside, so cute and round, until you are actually doing it and look down to see a poo stripe, like your dick is some kind of pink and brown skunk, then the pulling out and […]




Katharine McPhee Nude Bra of the Day

Katharine McPhee got her titties out on the social media – because that’s what social media is for…it’s for the tits… Zuckerberg will argue in front of Congress that Facebook is for friends to connect…and share their lives….or whatever the fuck he pretends it is….while it is clearly just a way for him to steal […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The interesting thing about this FOSTA / SESTA / act to stop enabling sex trafficking, is that policing it is going to be impossible… It’s the whole a HO IS A HO IS A HO and a girl who is struggling to get paid for sex will find the sex that pays… If they are […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The sad thing about the YOUTUBE shooting – is that they didn’t shoot any YOUTUBER trash that make millions of dollars a year to be idiots on their stupid fucking ad filled platform… Right? The sad thing about my life – is that I am not a YOUTUBER trash that makes millions of dollars a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The exciting thing about the weekend is that you’ve got all the options, all the choices in the world. all the time in the world, to do anything you dream.. You can write a book, a movie, go gamble, go to the movies, get drunk, get high, get laid, eat pussy, go to the strippers, […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Just because I am not posting about it everyday – doesn’t mean that I’ve given up on my PATREON page, like a slutty girl on instagram trying to monetize my feed, I am trying to get support for the site to make it a better place… Sure it’s been a realization that none of you […]




stepLINKS of the DAy

I love that we live in a world where we care about women who get paid millions to act in bullshit that doesn’t matter….being ripped off because men make more than them…even though they get paid an absurd amount of money and anyone doing what they do shouldn’t complain for a fucking second…but manage to […]