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stepLINKS of the Day

Sure talking about drinking gets annoying – but going out drinking hasn’t got shit on pulling up all these links….while drinking….at least when you’re a hermit who doesn’t like leaving – so click em -you’ll like….but maybe you should get drunk first… Tara Reid All Cleaned Up GO Hugh Hefner Is Not Impressed With Lindsay […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Here are some stepLINKS while I go drink away my issues you unappreciative pricks. Follow me on TWITTER – make me feel like you care as I post penis inflation youtube videos there….you know cuz twitter is the future and DrunkenStepfather doesn’t get bitches posting pics…it’s got me posting pics of bitches…totally not the same […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Sure my weekend didn’t involve plane crashes, but I like to think of myself as a plane crash everytime I have a drink in me, only instead of leaving casualties, I just do a good job making enemies. The weekend started in a Portuguese Mafia bar with an immigrant waitress and a bunch of dudes […]




I am – Getty Image Round-Up

We do a round-up of getty images of the day that we find interesting or worth posting. I went through the galleries and this is what I found….your comments are welcome, but it doesn’t mean we will agree with you. My 5 Choices after the Jump…. Beastie Boy – with age comes indigestion…. Married to […]