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stepLINKS of the Day

Sometimes you go out hoping to find a group of 40 year old fat moms who just signed their divorce papers, who have not gone out in ten or more years, and who are ready to come back with a bang….literally….ready to get wasted on wine coolers, or sparkling wine, while wearing a tight skirt […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I wonder if women ever think that the reason they don’t get hired for jobs is because the man running the company has a wife at home and doesn’t want some harlot trying to homewreck…so it’s easier to hire a dude for the job….not that women don’t get jobs, most women I know work…but that’s […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s funny that the most important news is that actors and producers are pervs, and that the women they surround themselves with allow for sexual harassment on their quest to the top… I have zero interest in knowing who Al Franken jerked off to….or who anyone has jerked off to…and the fact it is the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I find it amazing that people are shocked that Harvey Weinstein, a creepy nerd who was given lots of money and power in the film industry, is a creep….if you’ve met anyone Hollywood, or really any dude ever, they are creeps, and if that creep is given money and power and can give women you’ve […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

The most valuable lesson my mom ever taught me was that if someone’s about to stick something / anything in your ass – don’t resist…it does more harm than good…and for my entire life I have carried that lesson around with me – and passed it on to all girls I know and all girls […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I like reconnecting with the 18 year olds I used to get nude pics from 10 years ago….she got a boyfriend and disappeared to marry him and have kids…and do that whole thing…where I never heard from her again…and I can’t even remember where we connected, it was pre-tinder, pre instagram, and despite being 28 […]




Taylor Swift is way Too Pumped On Selena Gomez at the AMAs of the Day

Taylor Swift creeps me the fuck out, this is a video she live instagram streamed that I accidentally clicked on and had to download, because her little crew creep me the fuck out. Not just because of KENDALL JENNER’S REACTION WHEN ASKED ABOUT THE TAYLOR SWIFT CREW ….but because I know anyone who makes that […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I like tits, I like ass, I like legs, I like mouths, I like pussy….but I don’t like brain, that shit gets in the way of everything I like doing with all those other things… Not enough girls are buying into the lie of new feminism – and don’t feel showing me vagina is key…so […]




MTV Movie Awards Happened of the Day

MTV Movie Awards Happened and No one Cared…at least I didn’t care. I wasn’t invited, I don’t like award shows, I don’t watch award shows, I don’t even have cable in an era where cable barely exists. It just isn’t interesting. I know these awards are all “advertorial”…you know sponsored content from the film companies, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The DrunkenStepfather Christmas Story A video posted by www.drunkenstepfather.com (@drunkenstepfatherdotcom) on Dec 15, 2015 at 11:08am PST Here’s the DrunkenStepfather official unofficial Christmas card because Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year…for everyone….even Hos,,,Hos…Hos… Tis’ the Season…I actually love….because so many people are sad and lonely and feel inadequate with their lives and […]