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Hannah Ferguson Weird Shoot for Triumph Magazine of the Day

Hannah Ferguson is a hard faced model who was put out by TRUMP models, not sure if TRUMP still owns the modeling agency, which is really just an escort agency for him to find pussy to stare at and be around, but that still does huge things in the world – like create Hannah Ferguson…the […]




Hannah Ferguson Bikini Photoshoot of the Day

All these bikini photoshoots are exactly the fucking same…they are so fucking contrived and boring – they lack creativity and they are impossible to get excited about If anything seeing a bitch pose for the sake of posing, for no reason other than to pose, for idiots who have expensive cameras because they like having […]




Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Swim NYC Event of the Day

Yesterday – I did this massive round-up of what I thought were the best pics from the Sports Illustrated 2016 issue, that in all honesty, I didn’t really look at all the pics in the issue…. SEE THE POST HERE TODAY – I am doing a post on the Sports Illustrated event for their Swimsuit […]




The Day Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Died or Not of the Day

Who the fuck is the adviser at SI, and do they have access to Instagram? Do they have any idea who their target market is, or are they more into appeasing the outspoken haters who don’t read their magazines, but rather just complain about the fact that they objectify women. Is this the skin issue […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I saw some dude telling a girl he had a huge cock in a strip club last night…you know a normal girl, probably with boyfriend girl, we call them the civilians in strip clubs…because you can’t get lap dances from them, but that get so worked up seeing dudes loving other girls that they want […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Today…a homeless person asked me if he could move in with me…and at first I as thrown off and though how disgusting that would smell…despite living with a morbidly obese woman…who already fucking smells like shit…and then I thought about how a drug addicted crazy person would probably be really annoying to hang out with […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The last 10 years I’ve spent at least an hour in a park in the summer, but one if the ass in skimpy shorts tanning is good enough for me to stare at until they feel awkward and get up and leave… What I’ve realized is that girls in Canada just aren’t as hot bodied […]




stepLINKS of the Day

DO you assholes actually even read what I write? Didn’t think so… Good thing…there are naked girls who feel sorry enough for me to send me pics.. Otherwise…what would the point of living be.. I guess there’s no point to living… Other than the stepLINKS… They Keep me Going.. So here are some stepLINKS…. Kristen […]




stepLINKS of the Day

People shouldn’t be happy Gay Marriage is now legal at the federal level, they should be angry that their freedom to marry what they wanted was controlled by the government up until this point…it’s like saying “thanks for being repressive” all these years… That said, to celebrate the government’s legalizing a law that shouldn’t be […]




Emily Ratjkowski and Others at the Entourage Premiere of the Day

Emily Ratjkowski was a the Entourage premiere, because she’s in the Entourage movie, pretty used properly by the Entourage producers on their cash grab to get the most that they can out of Entourage and 45 year old lame hollywood dudes on the escapades that people seem to enjoy, because they cast her as HERSELF…. […]