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stepLINKS of the Day

Some lady just called me trash and told me I don’t belong here…it was my wife and I was sitting on the couch…I guess she doesn’t care about the hurt I feel from Mary Kay Letourneau…so, as I mourn Mary Kay Letourneau….Here are some stepLINKS As I wish condoms were mandatory, like masks…because the world […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am sure this is an observation of late night TV. Something that Jimmy Fallon turns into a dumb school yard game. Or James Corden does a song and dance about….but those instagram girls with their religious quotes as the top of their social media bios are ridiculous and not because I hate religion, even […]




SI Swimsuit is Pointless of the Day

I have shitting on Sports Illustrated Swim for the last bunch of years…literally stealing a copy of the magazine from the local Korean grocery store in my neighborhood and SHITTING on it…a bloody and confused lack of pancreatic fluid, high in bile, thanks to alcoholism and parasites from drinking out of a fucking puddle most […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am annoyed of everyone’s opinion on Jussie, who can’t even spell his damn name properly, hollywood / celebrity justice motherfuckers…rich people get away with shit, get the fuck over it….the world is unfair, the system fuck, OJ is Khloe Kardashian’s dad / a killer..etc. That said, I gave into the evil censors of social […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Sometimes I think of brilliant things to say about random shit I’ve seen on my adventures around the internet, social media, or if I leave the house, and today I was fucking inspired, but got distracted and now you’re stuck with this….sucks to be you…but I guess it really just sucks to be me…in a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

We live in an era where you have to really interview any girl you try to have sex with multiple times, because if you do it wrong, or you leave a bad taste in their mouth, from sperm or not calling you back, you can trigger them to turn on you even if you never […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I read this on the internet: -FB sold private data of hundreds of millions of users to third party developers without express consent of said users and with no system in place for auditing misuse of private data -One of the developers who harvested this data was Steve Bannon’s company Cambridge Analytica who was in […]




Sports Illustrated Nonsense of the Day

Why would a sports magazine encourage fat chicks to be fat? They should focus on Athletes, fat is unhealthy as fuck….it would make more sense to go body positive with chicks in shape, not fucking pig women with their guts hanging out… I don’t need to see chicks who look like me in bikinis…. Then […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I once went on a tinder date with a girl who told me that when she pees she gets horny because it feels like a small orgasm…so I spent the night trying to keep her well hydrated thinking that every time she’d go to the bathroom she’s get excited enough to let me finish her […]




Sports Illustrated Swim – Big Launch No One Cares About of the Day

I consistently say that Instagram killed the bikini model, or maybe it created the DIY bikini model, who in many cases is hotter than the bikini model, probably a little more desperate than the actual getting paid bikini models, sometimes bigger earners than the actual bikini models, because lets face it, getting in a bikini […]