I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Rita Ora Category




Rita Ora Topless of the Day

As we go into the weekend, her’s some Rita Ora, who is famous for more than just her tits, but who I think is only interesting because of her tits.

This is a good reminder that if you can get outside topless, or if you have a chick you can convince to get outside topless this weekend, you probably should. It’s good for the soul…and probably for the body because the sun energizes you and gives you that vitamin D you need…but don’t tell anyone, they’ll just push cancer causing sunscreen on you, by telling you the sun gives you cancer, when really the sunscreen does and it helps them sell other medicine for cancers all made by the same manufacturers…hilarious…ALL FOR PROFIT…let ’em die so long as they need our meds while they’re doing it. LOL. HILARIOUS.

Anyway, these shoes are also pants, but I’m staring at the tit in front of what looks like a barn because Rita Ora’s doing country vibes, like she’s some kind of prepper off grid working the land because of the impending COLLAPSE….



Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Gets Wet of the Day

If you’re wondering why Rita Ora is not a huge pop star that she’s been trying to be all these years…just look at this awkward bikini dance…I mean they want me to believe this is some professional singer and dancer…I don’t buy it…and I guess either does anyone else since she’s got next to no hits yet still claims she’s a pop star….

If you’re wondering why Rita Ora thinks she’s a huge pop star…just look at this awkward bikini dance…her Croatian or are they Bosnian Tits….are big enough to get dudes to basically give her what she wants, agree with her, humor her, shower her with kindness, even produce some tracks for her if that’s their skill set…because those tits are big and big tits are a currency that have a suffocating grip on ALL our balls…we are weak to begin with, not real men protecting our homestead, obviously…just a bunch of low testosterone accommodating pussies…made even weaker when faced with tits. Good old fashion WOMAN tits…not that tranny mutant tit shit they pretend is equal to actual female tits…you woke fucks.


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Sweaty Tits of the Day

Rita Ora is in the Sauna doing her detox from getting deep dicked by dirty cock in hollywood all these years, I mean they need pussy to stick their dick in, and pussy is willing to get in on it, because staying in that exclusive club is more important now than ever, you know with the whole end of the world happening.



Where is it that she got? A record deal with a satanic record label to hoard her as they pushed Rihanna, paid her off and allowed her to solidify her place in pop culture, by going to 12 events a day to keep everyone a fucking talking about her, because the media is bored and need things to talk about…

She has never been about making music, or being an “artist”….she’s been tits at events building an audience thanks to tits…prove me wrong…cuz I do this shit all day and still have never heard any of her hit songs.


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Pussy Bone of the Day

Rita Ora really isn’t all that interesting, rumor is that she’s currently engaged to that New Zealand Julian Donkey Boy Jojo The Rabbit Vampire Roomate dude…and even that’s not that interesting…if she was interesting people would give a fuck about what she’s up to, instead we’re sort of just fed it, like it’s some algorithm propaganda by someone who feels guilty for screwing her out of the superstardom she probably thought she was destined to when she signed the deal with Jay z, before Panty Tycoon Rihanna had her ousted, or her career snuffed out….which I’d feel bad about, you know a David vs Goliath situation, except that are all sell outs who signed over their souls….

You know she never got hugely famous, but she got paid out, and that’s allowed her to not make hit songs, but to instagram pretty good, while pretending to make hit songs…

Who cares…she’s got great big tits, and a vagina that may be hanging out of these denim jean short/bikini bottom, lets see that unzipped, her pussy too big to fit….like a fat lady in button up pants at the buffet…didn’t think that one out proper.


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Bikini of the Day

I don’t lurk, I get force fed propaganda I didn’t ask to see, but sometimes, I don’t mind staring at that propaganda I didn’t ask to see, because I don’t get influenced by the propaganda I see….I don’t know if it has to do with me being on the spectrum of autism, there was a marketing article about how autistic people don’t fall for marketing and I’ve never fallen for marketing….trends….hanging with the cool kids…wanting to be part of the cool crowd….in fact I hate the cool crowd and not because they don’t invite me to their parties…but if they did invite me to their parties I would still hate the cool crowd because they are the ones who aren’t organically cool, they are trying to be cool, which by definition isn’t cool…..how about you go to Hypebeast and get scammed on the latest limited edition sweatshirt that cost the brand 8 dollars to resell to you for 2,000 you embarassing fuck…

But yeah, if I was autistic, which I assume I am, just from an era before autism was a thing, I would rather it be some Aspergers coding things, so that I could be big tech that DOESN’T censor you…my propaganda would be FREEDOM….

So in today’s force fed propaganda, I came across Rita Ora sucking in her 30 year old gut in her skimpy enough bikini for attention, because these whores know that even with the record deals, the hosting deals, the brand deals, even their own brand promos, that ultimately they’re nothing but a set of tits….for all their accomplishments and money…they are nothing but a set of tits…and that’s fine with me cuz I’ve reduced women to their tits, at least unimpressive, try hard, slutty women to their tits, becuase there are women who aren’t pushing their tits on me and are actually impressive, smart, respectable, not shameless, confident, not needing men to jerk off to them, some may not even have social media, some could be really intelligent, maybe into the church or helping AIDS babies not making AIDS in their babymaker….just a rare and beautiful breed….Rita Ora just isn’t that…good tits though.


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Flasher of the Day

Rita Ora may think her purpose on this earth is to make music, like the other Albanian singers making hits, because I guess they were human trafficked out of BOSNIA…in the 90s…to create hits 25 years later…

She likely thinks that she’s a solid singer, gifted by god, not that she actually believes in god, to be Rita Ora, one must SELL their fucking soul to SATAN…we already know that…

She doesn’t want to think she’s just hot tits, while being hot tits, and I know I’d be down to Eating ass with shit in it from a lazy rich person wipe…she looks good…but I’d probably eat any ass with shit still in it if I was really in the zone, you know present in the moment, I’ve done it before I’ll do it again, so it’s not really a compliment…

She did make money with a crazy record deal, which has carried her, and I guess she can sleep at night thinking she’s a popstar, but we all know she’s just tits, aging tits, but STILL tits…irrelevant, unimpressive, desperate and shameless…but still TITS…


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Bikini Dance of the Day

Rita Ora is a funny personality, .I mean not comedically funny, but funny in a QUEER way…but queer in its traditional form of “weird” not in its current form of “weird”….you know what I mean…

She’s queer, but not queer, but maybe queer cuz she did have a threesome and she is here with some other bi-sexual industry kitten who fucks what needs to be fucked when it needs to be fucked as her job description clearly outlines…

But yeah, queer in that she landed a solid record deal, got kicked off the label or at least the label kept her captive to not bite into profits from other talent they had on their label, only to release her from her contract 7 years later, no hit songs under her belt, but paid out to fuck off….allowing her to continue existing like she had the 7 years she was signed basically being a celebrity groupie…like she was Phoebe Price or the Annalynne McCord’s sisters…go wherever you can so the paparazzi see you but NEVER do anything of merit cuz you don’t have to cuz you got paid out…

Unless you consider fuking ROB KARDASHIAN…the fat brother they turned into Khloe Kardashian after Bruce found the right doctor for the family to execute that…have you seen Khloe and Rob in the same room ever? Me neither…but I also do everything in my pwer to not see Khloe Kardashian anywhwere…

Point of the fucking story is that Rita Ora and her tits are doing what Rita Ora and her tits do best…being a lame attention seeking nothing with great tits….cuz with great tits even a nothing is a something…and here’s Rita Ora and Ashely Benson comparing titties…


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Cleavage of the Day

Rita Ora’s taken some time out of getting fucked in potential threesomes with New Zealand’s own Taika Waititi, who unlike Larry Page from Google who bought his way into New Zealand citizenship since New Zealand is supposed to be a good place to ride out to apocalypse because it is so far removed, Taika was born there….and I guess doesn’t see New Zealand as a great place to ride out the apocalypse, when he can go to his house in LA and make his own apocalypse in Rita Ora’s cunt…

The real question is whether Taika Waititi knew who Rita Ora is, since no one knows who she is, or if he was just won over by her tits…because they are great tits, better a few years ago, but isn’t that usually the case with fat tits….

She is actually more than just some girl who sings fucking various producers and at least one Kardashian….who was able to become a social media influencer for showing her tits, but that’s probably the most interesting thing about this pervert who has her tits out, belly hidden, in LA, not Australia where they first threesomed, because Australia is in some insane regime of population control…people can’t be 5 km from home, they can only leave their house 2 hours a day for work, exercise or shopping, so long as it is 5km away….they are going door to door to test people who are just minding their own business at home…issuing tickets…pepper spraying 12 year olds…all while one of the ministers has vaccine related retard face Bells Palsy….and if you go against the regime, they declare you mentally unfit, which is actually a loophole the governments everywhere have and can throw you in the loonie bin and pump you up with fucking sedatives….ALL because there’s barely any cases of the fucking flu….and it’s likely all vaccine illness…

So be prepared for that over here…while remembering that I prefer tits as the tool to control populations, propaganda, and all that other good stuff…


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Nude Bodysuit of the Day

Rita Ora’s in a hot one piece outfit, I guess it’s called a leotard…she’s a performer, a woman of the stage, a private dancer because no one actually knows who she is or goes to her concerts, which really isn’t her fault, Jay-z’s label that made her a lot of money basically held her hostage so that she didn’t bite into Rihanna’s profits…whether that was a Rihanna tantrum or strategic, who knows, those people are demented and evil, which is why they are billionaires..

I saw that Rihanna sold out of her new perfume, because having a billion dollar lingerie brand wasn’t enough for the already rich as shit Rihanna….because the money is available, the people of social media are brain washed and have credit cards…so brain washed that they bought into a perfume they never smelled…to which Rihanna is probably laughing…YOU HAVEN’T EVEN SMELLED IT YET you fools….not to mention perfume’s probably made with some weird fucking ingredients…

I just googled it:

Fragrances are linked to a staggering number of health risks. Across multiple research studies, chemicals used to make fragrances are classified as allergens, hormone disruptors, asthma triggers, neurotoxins & carcinogens. … Fragrance chemicals, like other toxic chemicals, can pass from the skin and into the blood.

I just assumed it was made with horse piss….but yeah, people lining up to buy Rihanna’s perfume because they’ve been so well trained…SICK FUCKS…

Anyway, Rita Ora is not Rihanna, she’s not a found in Barbados `14 year old imported to America as part of their strategy, a story that’s never made sense to me….

BUT I would like to smell Rita Ora’s scent, mainly her vaginal scent, maybe pee in a bottle and sell that shit, I’ll buy it all motherfuckers…I just probably can’t afford it…

I have a thing for her tits, unfortunately her belly’s catching up to the tits, these things happen….

I also have a thing for one pieces, I’ve pulled at least one leotard aside for lunch, or a mid afternoon snack….because I couldn’t handle how ONE fabric or garment touched all the key talking points…TITS, ASSHOLE and PUSSY….magical…

Oh and a nip slip…


Posted in:Rita Ora




Rita Ora Tits in a Bikini of the Day

The highlight of Rita Ora’s career has been watching her tits sag.

It’s nothing to be ashamed of, you can’t all be 20 years old forever, some of you have to age, and with aging comes a loss in elasticity of skin, and if you’re tits are big enough, they’ll self sabotage themselves, maybe even commit suicide if left to their own vices, but jumping off the bridge that is the sternum…

I don’t know if that being the highlight of Rita Ora’s career about being a host body for a set of tits that are slowly fading away in the worst way…is more a sign of how I reduce all these women to their tits, because nothing they do is as interesting…or if it’s a representation of how useless a career Rita Ora has had as a signed artist, who got bought out of her contract for a lot of money, forced to fend for herself, she fucked her way through some producers and never really achieved the popstar status she hoped for….she did get to all the parties though and parties are important to increase your profile….

So we’ve got this Euro bitch who moved to America on Rob Kardashian’s dick, who Europeans think is a big American star and Americans think is a big European star and I am sure in that crossing of miss information…she’s got paid…just not enough to not post bikini selfies for attention as the girls do…but as it turns out you can have all the money in the world and still be a slut…just ask J.Lo…Rita Ora’s probably met her once, and I am sure was stoked on it, so maybe we can ask Rita Ora, but she’ll have to fall more into obscurity for that…she’s still too big time to deal with the commoners…typical low level celebrity that hasn’t quite made it shit…

Check out the tits though, that’s her greatest accomplishment, Host Body.


Posted in:Rita Ora