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Archive for the Halsey Category




Halsey Has Her Tits Out While Doing Santanic Symbolism Looking like a Tranny Winehouse of the Day

Since I don’t care about these shitty pop acts that won the lottery amongst other aspiring pop acts who didn’t make it, they are all pretty interchangeable.

So when I saw Halsey, I thought Kesha, then realized that it’s Halsey, who I remember being the girl who pretended to be homeless and black, an offensive and racist stereotype, probably also a victim of sexual abuse and every other possible disorder for attention…..

Last I heard she was dying of some terminal disease that isn’t caused by mixing blood, you racists….but since I don’t know what the disease is, it could actually be a black disease like sickle cell….but not dying enough to look white as shit with her tits out in a magazine photoshoot.

The shoot is cheesy hipster shit you’d expect on INSTAGRAM in the early days, eating SPAGHETTI so edgy and innovative you lazy fucks….but what do you expect, pop shit with fake tits…and at least she’s got the tits out in her lame, fabricated, contrived edginess nonsense.

Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Almost Upskirt of the Day

Halsey is some bullshit who has climbed the ladder to rich and famous by being involved in some viral songs for the retard generation that don’t even know what real singing is, but know what viral songs on TikTok will get them views, most are normally computer generated and faker than Halsey’s mom tits.

She played some bullshit story to the rich people who found it endearing about how she was homeless, back when she was in the party circuit hanging out with the DJs who gave her her break….thanks to her throat skills….and rich people buy into that shit aggressively because they are empty and like to connect to sad poverty stories when it’s one of their own to feel like they’ve got more depth….so they ate it up.

She exploited the fact that she’s half black, despite never being exposed to any racism because she looks more ASIAN than anything, and I hate race baiters who try to cry for attention or draw attention to how diverse they are, especially after they’ve scammed the world for riches and fame.

She’s currently breaking up with her baby daddy, she’s a mom now, and ANOTHER statistic of a woman raising a future criminal in a broken home….

She’s looking like she’s growing her hair back after a cancer treatment, or two, probably HPV, because getting famous comes with RISKS.

She’s showing off her SOLES, not her SOUL because she sold that a while ago….and there’s a TAMPON string on the heel, but unfortunately for us, we can’t see where the rest of the tampon is because she’s being strategic in her upskirt shit!


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey and the Nipples of the Day

Here’s some exclusive BEHIND THE SCENES nipple through the ripped WIFE BEATER on set of the latest JOKER porno moving being shot in the back alley dumpster starring some big pitch they found in the fucking gutter who thinks she’s some kind of sex goth in her stupid clown make-up and shitty sex harness…

It’s actually Halsey, a fake celebrity who is now a celebrity, because they turned her into one…after buying into her story of being homeless, something rich people love as an origin story, even though it was clearly bullshit and she was just a party slut who go in through her DJ connections.

Either way, nipples in a wife beater reminds me of PUNK SHOWS in the 90s when bras were typically warn except by the good girls…being appropriated 30 years later by some hack, still NIPPLES on the bolt ons though.

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Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Nipples of the Day

Halsey has resurfaced from whatever hole she lives in…probably a pretty luxurious hole, unlike her vaginal hole, which has birthed at least one child in the last few years, but luxurious in that she’s a rich and famous celebrity all thanks to a lie….

I mean, sure she’s got the hit songs, the fans, the influence, the celebrity…but she pretended to be homeless, a rape survivor or near rape victim, a victim of racism because she’s half black and hotels don’t have black shampoo, you know probably pushing mental health issues…VICTIMS everywhere…and I hate that…

What I don’t hate is that she bought herself some bolt ons and shows of them bolt ons, whether for fashion or attention, it’s the thing to do when you need to maintain that celebrity and relevance…isn’t it…

Here she is in other shit where nips may or may not be visible as it’s the thing to do to maintain celebrity and relevance and thank god for that.


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Has her Tits Out at an Event of the Day

Halsey went to some event with her tits in some slutty dress that let the bottom of her implant hang out so hard you can practically see the titty scars from when she made it in the industry and decided to buy herself a set of tits like they were a new car, or a mansion in LA, which I am sure she probably has on top of the tits, but we’re only here for the tits even if they are shitty bolt on tits..

Anyway, I am not really impressed by a set of tits on some pop star who only became a pop star because the fanbase are a bunch of half retards and they’ve been able to engineer music that trigger hits because the human hive mind is not that complex…

Anyone can have a set of fake tits, even annoying pop stars who pretended they wwere homeless and almost raped while partying in the VIP room for DJs who probably helped her make her shitty pop music happen……

Anyone can have a set of fake tits, even pop stars who are mad that she didn’t get any respect as a black woman, since her dad is black, because she’s light skinned, but she fucking tried…whining about hotels not having black shampoos and other nonsense….in a plight I doubt she’s really struggled through, but milk it when you can, like you’d milk those mom tits, if they still produce milk, or if the bolt ons allow it…

So fake tit hater or not, I’ll look at em even though her face freaks me the fuck out…


She also had her fake tits in overalls with her dumb fucking selfie…

Posted in:Halsey




Halsey’s Self Awareness of the Day

Here’s some Halsey looking like fucking shit, rocking a “Corporate rock whore” t-shirt, because she knows that she sold her fucking soul to whoever these people sell their soul to, in order to be the flavor of the month with shitty viral pop songs for TikTok, or whatever their peak of success is measured when manipulating the minds of the weak generation that don’t know better!

I never really subscribed to Halsey’s bullshit origin story, I am convinced she was a party slut with access to the VIP room at the club in her hometown, allowing her to meet the right lame ass DJ who gets overpaid for his music, who to anyone who has ever been to one of these DJ parties knows, is just an overpaid nerd who is totally fucking accessible, if anything, that’s the whole point of becoming a DJ, because the DJ whores were fucking REAL in the 90s, they were more real in the 2000s, and by 2012, these fucking guys were SELLING out stadiums, making the DJ whores even MORE fucking insane about sucking their dicks! It’s a lifestyle

But yeah, drops some vocals on a hit DJ produced song, now exists and all her dreams come true whre she can DJ whore at the highest level while making everyone a ton of fucking money, because she’s a corporate rock whore, not a SELL out, it’s not like they pulled some ARTIST out of the subway station to package as a star, but instead found a bitch to play the fucking part!

Well, the young mom looks like it’s working out nicely for her as she walks around with her booze in hand, looking like she’s having a psychotic break, because she’s like a fucking lunatic!

I don’t find her hot, but I do find her demise hot, so let’s hope this ends in an overdose or something fun like that, you know PROVE to me you’re a homeless addict bitch, none of this candy coated bullshit!

Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Bikini Tits of the Day

Halsey is one of the new generation popstars that may make huge money doing whatever it is that she does, but that isn’t really that impressive in what she does, because everything’s sort of become a fast food, fast fashion, fast fuck that we pretend never happened. It is the Kardashian level of try hards trying hard to be influencers, musicians making music to go viral, not because it’s from the soul, movies are designed to be blockbusters, treating the audience like 13 year old half wit morons that they walk through the movie, and no one seems to care because they base quality on money and money is everything in their demonic world….

The good news is that in Halsey scamming her way to the top from the VIP room, to the being featured on a touring DJs hit song, to getting a record deal and invited to all that high profile parties, where she told a lie about being homeless, or sleeping on trains, scared of being raped….because her family probably lived in the suburbs….

Then she became a race baiter and protested shampoos in hotels she was staying at for free because she was famous for not having hair product for black people, since she’s half black and no one cared, which she couldn’t fucking have….so instead she shoved it down our throats.

Then she was seen snorting drugs on a jet ski in Miami and none of her brand sponsors or label cared, it was all good, let the kids who think you’re cool get into that shit true, because in this era of TRUTH, which is actually the era of everyone being a fucking liar, you can do what you want because that’s your truth, or that’s your mental health….

She did get fake tits with her money and shit out a kid, before claiming to have all kinds of chronic illness and auto immune diseases, which is what you’d want from your favorite pop slut…the fake tits, not the AIDS…and now she’s in a bikini, because she’s pushing products on her unsuspecting fans because you guessed it….SHE WANTS MORE MONEY….since you can never have enough when you are these garbage people.

Point of the story, her body looks good, and that’s saying something, since she shat out a kid and has been whining about dying for a solid year…maybe auto-immune disease is the answer to having a ripped toned body….I mean those gays in the 80s had a low as fuck body fat index…..maybe they were onto something…..so if you’re looking to get fit, go out there and have raw anal in a bathhouse, or I guess you can always get the COVID vaccine, which is destroying immune systems around the world DAILY….and while you do that, I’ll stare at these bolt ons.


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Nipples of the Day

There was a time in the 90s when wife beaters were the trend and not just for people who beat their wives, but obviously beating your wife helped the legitimacy of the shirt…..but yeah, there was a time when men and women alike united on the “let’s buy this undershirt from Walmart and pretend that we’re Mexican gangsters in LA”…

Anyway, in that era, you’d be lucky if a bitch slept over, I mean you’d be lucky if a bitch slept over now too, but you would be lucky if a bitch slept over because you were out partying and she needed a shirt to sleep in….you’d always give her the wife beater knowing you’d see her nipples…because she wasn’t sleeping over to fuck you dude….let’s be realistic in this throwback fantasy…..

If you went to a punk show, rave, or whatever there’d be at least one set of hot tits in her beater without a bra, because girls all wore bras back then, except for the fun ones…and you’d be seeing nips in public…a revelation, a revolution, I don’t know, free the nip isn’t anything new….it’s happened my entire life and I’v loved it.

What I don’t love is Halsey, even with her shit plastic surgery, shit tattoos and make-up, she’s rocking a broken down overrated face….she clearly fucked the right guy in the VIP room to give her a silly popstar life that I am sure she always wanted or was designed for….

I don’t love her silly fake tits, that look less round here, making me think this could be a throwback thursday post I’ve already posted…because her bolt ons, are so bolted on you’d think they were put there for structural reasons, or to hold onto something heavy when she’s not busy being a popstar….maybe she works at a Marina in the summer and they dock their boats to her tits…I mean I don’t know what a good BOLT on oke is, but these aren’t looking bolted on enough for her typical bolt on look….

I do love a sheer top in public, no matter who it is on, so Halsey and her silly clown tits aside, it’s still nipple.

The other funny thing in all this is her “cross” around her neck, like anyone in the music industry is a Christian and not some devil worshipper who goes to weird satanic rituals with her colleagues….that you gotta assume she is….but yeah, this is about the nips.


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Bolt Ons of the Day

I think Halsey is full of shit, but I think everyone in pop culture is full of shit, especially when their whole origin story, but more importantly, their tits…ARE NOT REAL…

I am the kind of guy who like tits that look like fake tits, when they aren’t fake tits, but tits that look like fake tits, when they are fake tits is hardly impressive…especially when you have the budget this trending pop icon no one should care about…but probably DO care about…because they are pathetic fucking losers who need false idols…

But yeah, fake tits, big deals, they cost 5-10k and the 20k onees look likee they cost 5-10k….totally affordable for most sluts who make 10k a month off OnlyFans….even affordable to sluts who make 2k a month off only fans…that’s only 2.5 months of Onlyfans whoring to get tits…

I’ve known fake titty girls throughout my life, who all act like their latest accessory is something magical, while showing off what they hope will make them feel hotter, and it’s always just made me think “a new car would have been more impressive to me”…

So as Halsey accepts a meaningless award that’s so cleverly the middle finger she clearly plans to sit on…as she keeps it next to her bed….I’m just here for the fake tits…the unimpressive…oh look you have a bit of money and a hatred of your natural tits…thinking the fake tits will improve your existence….tits.


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Got Her Period of the Day

Here’s some Halsey doing a selfie after one of her satanic rituals, you know it’s a small price to pay for that fame, and if you don’t rebuke evil and if you don’t consent to evil, you may not end up with as lucrative of a career, being a puppet to handlers who need you pushing their evil brainwashing agenda….you might as well just choose the dark energy demonic side…and get fucking paid…..and all those fans…so exciting….

Unless she’s just being one of those annoying hipster feminist girls of the internet who decided to play up their periods as some angle to push feminism or to cry for attention, by either doing period facials or artwork with the menstrual blood….something I posted about what must be decades ago…it’s nothing new…just more mainstream, which means more people are doing it, and it’s far grosser than drinking your own pee, even though I’d probably eat out any girl on her period, but that’s far different than fetishizing it and making it a health and wellness trend for other mainstream girls to get into because their leaders like Halsey do it…

Either way, like period sex, it’s disgusting, but unlike period sex it doesn’t feel good, so I can’t turn a blind eye to it…


Posted in:Halsey