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Archive for the Miranda Kerr Category




Miranda Kerr Supporting her “Husband” of the Day

The story is that Miranda Kerr is supporting her Husband, Orlando Bloom’s Broadway Debut, like she actually cares about Orlando Bloom, and their marriage, because apparently, at least according to a few insiders I know, she’s a total cunt, and she fucks all kinds of dudes, and the whole marriage was a stepping stone and a marketing play for the Victoria’s Secret people, until she got cocky with getting the cock…from some very high profile tweens, so they had to fire her…but it’s all rumorrs right, rumours I totally believe…a hell of a lot more than her going to actually support her man…who I hear she never even sees…

Don’t believe the lies the media is feeding you, believe the guy who calls himself DrunkenStepfather….


Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr’s Nipples of the Day

Miranda Kerr is a whore. I am not just saying that because she’s wearing see through clothes out in public, or because she gets paid to be half naked like some kind of stripper.

I am saying it because I know people who know her and no one says anything good about her, not even her “husband” Orlando Bloom, who is apparently just a figure head for her marketing campaign, you know so people think she’s this focused mother who didn’t gold dig her way to the top of the model world leveraging her A-List sperm she smeared on her uterus. It was a good retirement plan in case the model thing didn’t work out…

I mean any bitch who goes to any event with her titties on blast, even if her job involves getting paid to put her titties on blast, is not trying to make a fashion statement, but rather screaming “Hey look at my tits paparazzi, look at my tits I can put on blast now that I don’t have a contract with a major brand”…Feeling all free and loose in the hips…because those billion dollar brands tend to be assholes when it comes to showing the world your tits at events.

All this to say, I’m totally down with whatever is happening here, because I like whores, I like exhibitionists and I like married chicks in shitty marriages who cheat on their husbands screaming for attention because they are broken for whatever reason all via their nipples.

It works for me…in fact, it’s pretty fucking amazing.

To see some pics of her not wearing a bra at the US Open, because now that Victoria’s Secret has fired her, she boycotts bras CLICK HERE

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr Titties for V Magazine of the Day

Miranda Kerr is doing the best she can to stay relevant now that she has been set free from the evil empire that is Victoria’s Secret, a company that is probably responsible for making her a household name, but that she doesn’t give them credit for because she’s a girl and girls always feel like they are the reason their life is the way it is, in an “ALL ME”, even if all she did was strategic whoring…and she’s doing it with her tits, like she was a real up and coming model and not a mom with millions just trying to keep busy.

I’m not sure what this is all about, but I know I like it…probably because I know she has options to bow out gracefully but instead chooses the titty route. FUn.

To see the rest of the pics click here

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr in Vogue UK of the Day

Miranda Kerr keeps on trying…now that she’s quit Victoria’s Secret, she’s got a whole lot of hustle to do to stay relevant. Now that she hasn’t got the marketing team of the brand behind her, she’s gotta figure this out on her own, because the second no one cares and forget she exists is the second she’s gotta go back to making babies with A-listers and that shit is dirty for a pussy, it just ravages it, but not too dirty for me to turn my back on it, if anything it’s just the right amount of dirty that I’d want to volunteer to use my mouth to clean it up…

So she’s in Vogue UK, she still matters for now, people pay attention to her, because if you don’t, it’s back to the delivery room shitting out babies from her twat…and we can’t have that..because even if she bounces back, there’s no real guarantee she’ll bounce back quite enough…

I’m still a fan of her alien face…thanks to the rest of her body….a body that she’s barely covering with clothes, but still covering too much for my liking, strategic nudity that’s just a miserable cocktease…the fucking worst…

All this to say, keep up the good work bro. You don’t need that evil empire to own you. Break free…run while you can….

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr in a Bikini for Some Magazine of the Day

Apparently, Miranda Kerr made the Forbes list of top 100 most powerful entertainers…I am not sure why, because she’s not really an entertainer, I mean sure getting half naked is entertaining for some of us….but it doesn’t really count, neither does marrying an entertainer and having his baby…so I can only assume Forbes jerks off to his wife’s Victoria’s Secret catalog when she’s out getting groceries like it was still 1990 pre-Internet.

I mean, she just quit Victoria’s Secret to attempt to be an independent worker in the half naked game. It may lead to TV and acting, but it hasn’t yet. She’s definitely not making Oprah’s 100 million a year, or Beiber’s 58 Million a year, or Ellen’s 56 Million a year, but is instead came it at number 100, in what I can only assume was a favor…because seeing her modelling in bikinis for some magazine I’ve never heard of is alright, but more along the lines of building up her portfolio of non-Victoria’s Secret work, rather than being powerful…

Who cares, here are the pics.

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr for The Edit Magazine of the Day

Miranda Kerr is not nearly nude enough for The Edit Magazine, where she got into some one-piece bathing suits, as she ventures out on her own, into the cold dark scary world without a corporate backer, that could really backfire for her, despite having a pretty popular actor husband, and a lot of money in the bank, that even with it failing she’ll be okay, she’s already won….

What I don’t understand is why in this new Miranda Kerr hustle, she doesn’t get naked, after years of being half naked with her vagina and nipples photoshopped off of her like she was Angelina Jolie hiding from cancer…you’d think her rebellion now that she’s emancipated herself…would be hard nipples and bush everywhere….

I guess people aren’t as logical thinking as me….but in their defines I’m pretty autistic…logic is what we do.

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr for Vogue Korea of the Day

As Miranda Kerr rides high on the tailwind of being a Victoria’s Secret model, booking as much as she can before she is forgotten as she escapes the firm grip they have on her career, name and really life purpose…she’s gone off to do some Vogue Korea shit, where she was in a one piece, but more interestingly, pretty fucking naked….I need the outtakes from this shoot…seriously….because despite not quite grasping all her big face hype, I still like seeing models naked, even if I’ve seen them naked before so many times before…as I document Her breaking free from the clutch of the billion dollar devil who she sold her soul to

I’m a fan.

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr’s Hot Vogue Cover of the Day

Miranda Kerr is on the cover of Vogue and I have a feeling when the rest of the pics drop…there will be nipple.

The reason I think that, is because she’s on her own now, an independent worker, a free agent, facing the world without a billion dollar brand behind her, and now she will see if we like her for her, or because Victoria’s Secret master minded us in, and the way all girls seek approval is through nudity….

I appreciate this quest, because I am a pervert.


Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr Recycles Some Bikini Pics for Instagram of the Day

Bikini model Miranda Kerr posted these bikini pics to her Instagram….

I am guessing she’s hired a publicist now that her gig with Victoria’s Secret is up and she’s out there trying to promote herself as hard as she can so that all her riding Victoria’s Secret marketing budget to become a celebrity the last 6 years doesn’t go to fucking waste.

You know, because she’s at her peak and can either ride the status quo as she slowly gets fatter and older. Or she can break free and create her own destiny, that will either collapse and she has enough money to still live the good life with her rich actor husband, or work and she will make a name for herself as someone who isn’t just a Victoria’s Secret model, whether through acting or modelling, just anything that isn’t Victoria’s Secret.

So she’s been out there posting all kinds of pics from shoots, that are all a lot like her Victoria’s Secret shit, but I guess we should give her time to find her own style and sound. Like when she WENT OFF AND GOT NAKED FOR VOGUE

She’s even gone on Fox and Friends to show off her flexibility to the Republicans….What won’t this girl do…

There is hope….

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr is Spilling Out of a Dress this Campaign of the Day

I don’t know what this campaign is for because I don’t fucking care, it doesn’t fucking matter, it is not like I am going to buy their stupid products for me or my wife, if they are paying a bitch 25,000 dollars a day or more to be on set for some garbage ad, I figure they are probably some overpriced shit you can probably buy a variation of at the local Dollar Tree, for a dollar. I am just into it for the tits!! The mom tits spilling all over the place. They are good.

Posted in:Miranda Kerr