Amy Winehouse is hot. I don’t think she looks so bad for a heroin addict who’s about to die because of her addiction. Sure she’s got a fucking disgusting face, but that’s just the Jewish face, tons of girl I know have the same droopy shit going down and they aren’t addicted to drugs, it’s just genetics that’s why Jewish guys go for non-Jews and their money convinces the non-Jews to convert for them, because the Rich Jewish life is a better one than the poor hot French Chick life.
Winehouse is rockin’ a great set of tits on such a small frame which is so hard to come by on an addict, usually the tits are the first to go, so it’s nice to see but not as nice as seeign that she’s a cheap date and likes McDonalds and she carries her own pink boxes around with her even though she’s famous. Making me believe that you could impress her on your budget so instead of dreaming about the hotter more expensive pussy, we gotta go for pussy that’s in our budget.
Sure I’ve seen better pussy crawl out of the gutter, but they weren’t dressed this well and they weren’t that good at singing, when they fucked they sounded like a camel giving birth, not that I know what a camel giving birth sounds like, but I like to pretend I am a Zoologist sometimes, it was a childhood dream.
Most importantly I constantly get refused link partners and advertisers because I post nipples on my site, I’m glad that Winehouse posts tits on her body in the form of prison tattoos like she’s a fuckin’ sailor rolling into port to slam all our hookers and land syphilis, it’s like me and Winehouse are fighting this fight together, because I believe most people have nipples so posting them isn’t porn but the advertisers I reach out to don’t seem to get it, and unfortunately either does Amy, cuz she’s too high to care…and focused on her next hit.
Point of all this is to say, is that if I was as addictive as heroin, I’d be in a much better place, so fuck you heroin for showing me up all the time but I think the real issue is that there’s no way she wasn’t molested or beaten as a kid, cuz she’s got some major fucking issues….I’ll miss her when she’s gone.

Amy Winehouse Bikini Pictures With Nipples…
Amy Winehouse’s Bra
Amy Winehouse’s Dirty Underwear
Amy Winehouse Short Shorts
Posted in:Addiction|Amy Winehouse|cleavage|Heroin|Nipples|Tattoos|Tits|Unsorted