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Archive for the Addict Category




Lohan’s New Marketing Campaign of the Day

She’s an actor. Maybe she’s not a very good actor, but an actor nonetheless. Actors lie. That’s what they are trained to do. They are also very image conscious and aware and every move they make is totally scripted, especially for someone who isn’t getting any work and who’s only opportunity to act is in their everyday life….

I am convinced she like the attention she’s getting. She probably finds it funny and found an angle. You know one of those don’t fight it, join it, cuz as more and more people talk about her dying or her fake feud with her father, who is just going along with the whole thing, the more people are saying the name “Lohan”….

I am a fan of her. I think she’s amazing. I would be friends with her if she ever dropped that deadweight cunt Samantha Ronson, and I think this is probably her best role yet, if I was the Academy Awards, she’d get best Oscar for her role in life.

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Addict|Lindsay Lohan|Marketing Campaign




Lindsay Lohan Looks Sober of the Day

Here is Lindsay Lohan leaving a club, she’s gotta be sober, I mean otherwise she wouldn’t look like she was taking a nap, you know cuz when I get wasted, I always look alert and ready to drive the fuckin’ schoolbus. I quit doing the Lohan Death Watch, but I figure I might as well do the Lohan is Sleepy watch because it’s Friday and I need to got Britney Spears hunting.

Here’s the video….

Posted in:Addict|Lindsay Lohan|Slut|Sober




Your site isn’t safe dude…

Hey guys.
I’m not a webmaster or anything on this website. I just found out that this website is not safe.
I dropped the DB yesterday (by accident, sorry..) and now I got some logins… (I can generate them). I do NOT want to break your site, this is only for you consideration. I didn’t delete anything, and I will not go and lame around.

Please fix your website mr webmaster. I like this site, and do not want it hacked or anything. So I did this, for someone else does…
You may contact me @ phpserver@gmail.com.


Posted in:1989|2008|80's tees|80s|80stees|A-Trak|Academy Award|Accident|Ace of Base|Acrobat|Adam Brody|Adam Sandler|Addict|Addicted|Addiction|Adele Silva|Adriana Lim|Adrienne Curry|Agent Provocateur|Aids|Airport|American Idol|ANTM|Arrivals|Bald




I am – Amy Winehouse Bikini Pictures of the Day


I realized today that my life is lacking something and that something is a little more Amy Winehouse in a bikini, thank god my dreams were answered, so that I can go on another day like Owen Wilson.

I don’t know what it is about crackheads that are half naked and wet, because it’s something you can see pretty much any downtown strip, but knowing that Winehouse has boatloads of money makes shit a lot more exciting. Poor addicts are played out.

There’s also something exciting about an emaciated crackhead like the fact that their heads look massively huge and I love horses, they are classy and the fact that her uterus is already hanging halfway out her box, all you gotta do is throw your load at her and hope some sticks, if you’re trying to K-Fed her and that’s a lot easier than those frigid bitches with tight pussies and internal reproductive organs…who probably wear underwear and don’t put out.

I just noticed her top is see through, and crackhead nipples are way cooler than any non-crackhead nipple because all you gotta do is wave 5 dollars in front of their noses to get a piece instead of actually having to talk to a slut…Try to prove me wrong asshole.

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Amy Winehouse Dirty Underwear
Amy Winehouse Nipple and Prison Tattoo
Amy Winehouse Nipple and Meth Skin

Posted in:Addict|Amy Winehouse|Ass|Bikini|Drugs|Nipples|Unsorted




I am – Amy Winehouse’s Bra of the Day


This bitch is a wreck and that’s why I like her. She reminds me of most of the hookers I could afford when hookers was my hobby and there’s just something so irresistible about a bitch who’s hooked on drugs. I don’t know if it’s her emaciated body that makes her head look like a bobble head or whether it’s the smell of her unclean panties or if it’s the fact that bitch will do anything for a hit and that usually leads to cheap fucking blowjobs..

I was at a bar the other day and I met some 60 year old woman who was really into herself and thought she looked fucking awesome. She was telling me how most people think she looked 45 and expected me to agree, but I didn’t bother. She went on to tell me that she had just been released from the psych ward because her 2 kids committed her. When I asked her if she was crazy she said it was all a misunderstanding and that her daughter was just out to get her. She told me that her family wanted nothing to do with her, and she was all twitchy and jacked on meds, and looked like she was about to cry. Whenever I tried to change the subject, because I don’t really give a fuck about some senior citizen’s insanity, she kept bringing it up and saying how she missed her kids and grandkids. After about an hour of this, she pulled out a bag of meth and offered me a hit, I said no because I got enough fucking problems, but at the same time thought it was so hot to see someone that old rockin’ out so cool, because like I said there’s nothing hotter than a bitch with an addiction, no matter what age they are, or what mental problems they have….

Either way, here she is yesterday carrying a picture of herself, with her bra poking through because you love her……

Amy Winehouse’s Dirty Underwear of the Day
Amy Winehouse is a Real Addict of the Day
Amy Winehouse’s Nipples and Prison Tattoos of the Day
Amy Winehouse’s Nipples and Meth Skin of the Day
Amy Winehouse’s Meth Addict Before and After of the Day

Posted in:Addict|Amy Winehouse|Bra|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Amy Winehouse's Bra of the Day


This bitch is a wreck and that’s why I like her. She reminds me of most of the hookers I could afford when hookers was my hobby and there’s just something so irresistible about a bitch who’s hooked on drugs. I don’t know if it’s her emaciated body that makes her head look like a bobble head or whether it’s the smell of her unclean panties or if it’s the fact that bitch will do anything for a hit and that usually leads to cheap fucking blowjobs..

I was at a bar the other day and I met some 60 year old woman who was really into herself and thought she looked fucking awesome. She was telling me how most people think she looked 45 and expected me to agree, but I didn’t bother. She went on to tell me that she had just been released from the psych ward because her 2 kids committed her. When I asked her if she was crazy she said it was all a misunderstanding and that her daughter was just out to get her. She told me that her family wanted nothing to do with her, and she was all twitchy and jacked on meds, and looked like she was about to cry. Whenever I tried to change the subject, because I don’t really give a fuck about some senior citizen’s insanity, she kept bringing it up and saying how she missed her kids and grandkids. After about an hour of this, she pulled out a bag of meth and offered me a hit, I said no because I got enough fucking problems, but at the same time thought it was so hot to see someone that old rockin’ out so cool, because like I said there’s nothing hotter than a bitch with an addiction, no matter what age they are, or what mental problems they have….

Either way, here she is yesterday carrying a picture of herself, with her bra poking through because you love her……

Amy Winehouse’s Dirty Underwear of the Day
Amy Winehouse is a Real Addict of the Day
Amy Winehouse’s Nipples and Prison Tattoos of the Day
Amy Winehouse’s Nipples and Meth Skin of the Day
Amy Winehouse’s Meth Addict Before and After of the Day

Posted in:Addict|Amy Winehouse|Bra|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Amy Winehouse’s Dirty Underwear of the Day


I once knew a girl who never changed her underwear. She owned about 3 pairs and would always rotate them every couple of days. Every time I’d see her, I would ask her why she always wore the same fucking pair of underwear and she said because they didn’t smell. I always had a problem going down on her knowing that her shit was wrapped in what was pretty much the equivalent of a used tampon, but for some reason she didn’t smell and I was pretty perverted at the time so I didn’t let it bother me….

Amy Winehouse looks like the type of girl who probably doesn’t wash her underwear, she looks like she’s too busy getting high in a one bedroom apartment with her friends and only gets up to get more drugs. I guess when you are laying high in a pool of your own piss, changing your underwear isn’t your top priority, but the sad thing is that I’d still go down on her, just to see if I would come out of the whole experience alive.

Related Posts:

Amy Winehouse is an Addict
Amy Winehouse Nipples and Prison Tattoos
Amy Winehouse Nipples and Meth Skin
Amy Winehouse Before and After Meth Pictures

Posted in:Addict|Amy Winehouse|Crack|Underwear|Unsorted|Whore




I am – Amy Winehouse's Dirty Underwear of the Day


I once knew a girl who never changed her underwear. She owned about 3 pairs and would always rotate them every couple of days. Every time I’d see her, I would ask her why she always wore the same fucking pair of underwear and she said because they didn’t smell. I always had a problem going down on her knowing that her shit was wrapped in what was pretty much the equivalent of a used tampon, but for some reason she didn’t smell and I was pretty perverted at the time so I didn’t let it bother me….

Amy Winehouse looks like the type of girl who probably doesn’t wash her underwear, she looks like she’s too busy getting high in a one bedroom apartment with her friends and only gets up to get more drugs. I guess when you are laying high in a pool of your own piss, changing your underwear isn’t your top priority, but the sad thing is that I’d still go down on her, just to see if I would come out of the whole experience alive.

Related Posts:

Amy Winehouse is an Addict
Amy Winehouse Nipples and Prison Tattoos
Amy Winehouse Nipples and Meth Skin
Amy Winehouse Before and After Meth Pictures

Posted in:Addict|Amy Winehouse|Crack|Underwear|Unsorted|Whore