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Archive for the Crack Category




Amy Winhouse’s Cat Likes Crack of the Day

This picture of Amy Winhouse’s cat and MTV Award sitting next to her crackpipe came out the other day and I thought it was a great opportunity for you to write an LOLCat to the shit but I am not very good with cutesy funny talk and can’t pull this shit off, all I came up with was:

“Iz Smokin’ Crackz Becuz Daddy Uzed To Pet Me Naughtyz and Nowz Iz Letz You Dos It for Moneyz Cuz Baby Needz Anudder Fix”

I assume if any other sites know what’s up, they’ve already done this and I am just 12 steps behind, but it happens. I guess what also happens is that finding a crackpipe in Amy Winehouse’s house and shit doesn’t really phase us anymore, we all know she’s going to die and at least she’s living life to the fullest by getting fucked up every chance she gets….something other crackheads can’t really do unless they’re turnin’ lots of tricks and livin’ on the streets. So Instead of lookin’ down on her for throwing her life away, we should embrace her for being the best and most successful crackhead out there.

Posted in:Amy Winehouse|Cat|Crack




Tatum O’Neal Gets Busted for Crack of the Day

You may not know who Tatum O’Neal is because she’s been pretty much off the map the last 20 years, but if you’re interested she was the youngest person to win an Academy Award a long time ago and claimed that when she was a child star, her famous father, Ryan O’Neal introduced her to cocaine to keep her skinny and give her the energy to work when she was 11 or some crazy shit. She was also married to John McEnroe who beat the fuck out of her according to her while she hid her major cocaine habit that all started when she was a kid and that you can’t really blame her for considering I became addicted to jerking off when I was about 10 and still haven’t managed to kick the habit, I kinda turn to it everytime I get sad like I did when I was too young to cope with the problems life threw at me and went at my dick for that moment of bliss that feels, just for a split second, like all of the world’s problems just don’t exist.

Either way, she got busted for buying crack yesterday while Yves Saint Laurent and Bo Didley were dying, and claimed shit was to research a role, which is a pretty great excuse that I tried using the time I got caught hiring a prostitute, when they didn’t believe me I just said that it was a joke and that we were staging a candid camera type gag on the cops and luckily they bought it. They didn’t buy her story though, so she then claimed that she was clean for a long time and that the cops just saved her from relapsing and thanked them and hoped to get on with her day, but they still arrested her despite her appreciation for a job well done on their part which is weird considering when you have a thankless career, you tend to get won over when someone acknowledges your hard work and you would normally let them go on with their day as you smile because it’s days like this that make you feel good about what you do and it reminds you of the the reason you got into this shit in the first place.

Posted in:Crack|Tatum O'Neal




Vanessa Hudgens’ Ass Crack at the Airport of the Day

The good news for you guys is that Vanessa Hudgens dates fags and since you’re pretty much as big a fag as they come, that should give you hope, because I know that you still like girls deep down inside, they are just so much less willing to have sex with you than a barebackin’ bear in the bathouse who pretty much has no standards and a raging boner.

Either way, this is her ass crack at the airport and I am not sure where she’s going, but I wish I did so that I could let you know so that you can go hang outside her hotel room and make her sing your dick just because he’s a huge fan of her work and High School Musical changed your life by making you want to go back to High School but only if you could do it in song.

I don’t know why I am posting these since seeing ass crack makes me think of fat men in jeans that are a couple sizes too small but haven’t accepted that they are fat fucks yet and insist on wearing them and not of the gateway to a young, willing 18 year old nude model/actress/singer triple threat in no panties because just a few inches away is her box. But that’s just because I don’t find Hudgens anything special, she looks like a monkey and I’d still let her throw feces at me from her cage while I jerk off, but that’s pretty much it. I may not have standards but I don’t do beastiality….

Posted in:Ass|Crack|Vanessa Hudgens




Amy Winehouse’s Ass Crack of the Day

I am guilty of liking skinny chicks and appreciate any means a girl takes to get herself skinny. I am talking eating disorders, drug addiction, laxatives, extreme cardio, terminal illness, pretty much anything the world offers them to maintain their skinny bodies, because it takes some commitment, determination and it’s a lot better seeing a girl frail from starving herself, than watching a girl sit on her fat ass eating donuts. Maybe I’m crazy.

Unfortunately, Amy Winehouse just doesn’t do it for me. Lookin’ at her ass crack on a non-existant ass kinda makes me sick to my stomach and I don’t know why. I should be all over this, but I assume that she takes the nastiest cocaine fueled shits and doesn’t wipe properly because she’s too busy trying to get her next fix…but major drug addiction and bad hygiene hasn’t stopped me in the past, maybe I’m just an anti-semite and can’t stomach her buggy eyes on her droopy Jew-Face…..but the good news is that girl can sign.

I guess the real question is where was she when spirits needed to be lifted in the concentration camps in Nazi Germany? Just because she looks like she’s an emaciated Anne Franck relivin’ it doesn’t mean she’ was there for her people. Bitch.

Posted in:Amy Winehouse|Ass|Crack




I am – Eva Longoria Bikini Ass Pictures of the Day


Here are some pictures of Eva Longoria in a bikini that you’ve all seen already, but I am posting because that’s how I do things. I am not the fastest or the most thorough, but I got shit to do like try to convince girls to get naked on webcam or household shit like sit in the pile of dirty laundry including my wife’s shit stained underwear that is sprawled all over the fucking apartment….if you looked at it you’d think we were some kind of rich family, but reality is my wife gets her underwear at the second hand clothing store….since she’s huge she takes 2 pairs and doubles them up as one by sewing them togehter….

I was at a party this weekend and it was daytime outdoor shit filled with crackheads who were on a three day bender going strong…amongst them was a girl with a raped looking face covered in welts walking around in a pair of polka dot booty shorts, that were riding so high up her box I could practically see her anus. I pulled out my camera to try and stepTV the shit, because I never see chicks in bikinis in person and I never see crackwhores without pants on for free, it usually costs 5 dollars for that shit….unfortunately, she was with two crazy meth driven homeless looking dudes with a dog who didn’t like what I was doing and got all in my face jacked on crank and they got in the way of my stepTV magic…

I really don’t have much to say other than I like the way Longoria’s pussy hangs, I love that she bends over for the camera, I just hate her fucking rat face, but who cares what I think, I am not an authority on this shit….I am just some pervert with a shitty website no one reads….

The Close-Up Shots…

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Eva Longoria Working Out Ass

Posted in:Ass|Bikini|Crack|Eva Longoria|Unsorted




I am – Amy Winehouse’s Dirty Underwear of the Day


I once knew a girl who never changed her underwear. She owned about 3 pairs and would always rotate them every couple of days. Every time I’d see her, I would ask her why she always wore the same fucking pair of underwear and she said because they didn’t smell. I always had a problem going down on her knowing that her shit was wrapped in what was pretty much the equivalent of a used tampon, but for some reason she didn’t smell and I was pretty perverted at the time so I didn’t let it bother me….

Amy Winehouse looks like the type of girl who probably doesn’t wash her underwear, she looks like she’s too busy getting high in a one bedroom apartment with her friends and only gets up to get more drugs. I guess when you are laying high in a pool of your own piss, changing your underwear isn’t your top priority, but the sad thing is that I’d still go down on her, just to see if I would come out of the whole experience alive.

Related Posts:

Amy Winehouse is an Addict
Amy Winehouse Nipples and Prison Tattoos
Amy Winehouse Nipples and Meth Skin
Amy Winehouse Before and After Meth Pictures

Posted in:Addict|Amy Winehouse|Crack|Underwear|Unsorted|Whore




I am – Amy Winehouse's Dirty Underwear of the Day


I once knew a girl who never changed her underwear. She owned about 3 pairs and would always rotate them every couple of days. Every time I’d see her, I would ask her why she always wore the same fucking pair of underwear and she said because they didn’t smell. I always had a problem going down on her knowing that her shit was wrapped in what was pretty much the equivalent of a used tampon, but for some reason she didn’t smell and I was pretty perverted at the time so I didn’t let it bother me….

Amy Winehouse looks like the type of girl who probably doesn’t wash her underwear, she looks like she’s too busy getting high in a one bedroom apartment with her friends and only gets up to get more drugs. I guess when you are laying high in a pool of your own piss, changing your underwear isn’t your top priority, but the sad thing is that I’d still go down on her, just to see if I would come out of the whole experience alive.

Related Posts:

Amy Winehouse is an Addict
Amy Winehouse Nipples and Prison Tattoos
Amy Winehouse Nipples and Meth Skin
Amy Winehouse Before and After Meth Pictures

Posted in:Addict|Amy Winehouse|Crack|Underwear|Unsorted|Whore