I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Bella Thorne Category




Bella Thorne in a Satanic Ritual of the Day

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The Thornes are a weird, stage family, that if this was the 20s, would be carnival act that tours town to town, but that is instead based in LA, and sent to auditions until one of them got a mainstream gig, allowing the others to embrace their “art” or “craft”…financed by their sister/daughter, the chosen one, Bella Thorne..sacrificed for the benefit of the rest of them…so that they can do hipster photoshoots and ride the name…

So I guess it only makes sense that Bella is posing in some satanic sacrfice temple…probably where they killed that homeless girl, or was it Jon Benet Ramesey for her her powers to create this…

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Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Some Bella’s in a Bikini of the Day


Bella Hadid and her Hooker Model Mom who Made The Hadid’s Models and Probably bought her tits…because it makes for a good life…far more rewarding than having an actual job that can actually impact the world in a positive way, if you’re one of those assholes who thinks sitting by the pool all day drinking cocktails by the pool isn’t meking the world a better place…it’s people like you who aren’t vapid enough…and just rain on the rich girl parades…

and…another Bella…

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Bella Thorne’s Ass in a Bikini Jumping…is underage…but based on all the dudes who jerk off to her in their 30s…you’d think she’s legal by default…you know if you reach a certain level of making dudes jerk off..you automatically get your 18th birthday…

A video posted by BELLA (@bellathorne) on

Posted in:Balla Hadid|Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Bikini Party of the Day


I probably visit the wrong websites, you know, middle of the road, dude specific, uneventful same shit every fucking day, designed for regular middle of the road dudes, because from my perspective, dudes fucking love this girl, but I figure the dudes who love this girl aren’t necessarily educated, cool or know what’s up, but rather see new young famous overpaid, underage chicks…from the Disney Channel, that I assume they watch from their garbage trailer park home….

Because any real, hard working, successful person has no idea who this is, but all you internet creeps love her…

It’s weird…but not weird enough for me to post

A girl can't help it ????????????????

A video posted by BELLA (@bellathorne) on

Here she is in a bikini…for her social media….

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Seducing You of the Day

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She knows exactly what she’s doing here…and you’re all falling for it. Idiots can’t control your animal instinct to want to get up inside a young as fuck girl, who wants you to want that…but who will never give you that, and if she did, you’d be breaking the law, but you’d think it was worth it, because there’s no way you’d ever say no to this, even if you know it’d be wronng to say yes…which is the problem with boners…

16 is legal in Canada and I don’t fuck with anyone under 18, they annoy me, but I guess if I wasn’t allowed to, or didn’t have the option to say I don’t want under 18 year olds…maybe I’d be as into this girl as you…

What it comes down to is that she wants this, and you’re falling for it…this is how she propels her career into her 20s…get the perverts now…and the rest will follow later..

I feel like I’ve already seen these pics before…btu whatever…you’re a creepy pervert…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne 17 and Half Naked in MTV Scream of the Day


Bella Thorne’s great young ass that is making moves, getting famous, even though she’s a redhead and should be left out in the woods to fend for herself, because redheads are scary and clearly the devil’s work…

She’s stil l7, but on the who the fuck cares, let’s get her in a bikini, because 17 year olds get in bikinis, and we’re MTV and not exploitive of anyone, except maybe everyone who has ever been on Real World, Jersey Shore, and the Teen Pregnancy show…

17 is legal in Canada, but I don’t fuck with that, but I can still appreciate a lean, fit body…that I have a feeling will stay lean and fit and not just because I’ve been in the same place as Bella Thorne and she locked eyes and smiled at me…unless that was Carrot Top…I have facial recognition blindness…

I think I just appreciate any girl with a stage parent who sold her kids off to Disney, because I like saving people..

Here’s the trailer 7 Minute trailer of MTV’s Scream, that I guess is a remake of Scream for the new Generation, instead of just having the new Generation watch Scream, they wouldn’t get it with the whole land line and no cell phone situation….becasue they are morons..and so is Hollywood for not producing original fucking things…it’s like it has turned Broadway or high school theater…we don’t need to see Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, or RENT, or West Side Story, or Phantom of the Opera, whatever the fuck every school makes you watch, again….

But I guess, what matters is gratuitous bikini action…..with a 17 year old they pay to get half naked….

It seems so wrong when you position it like that…but her mom signed the waiver when collection the check, so I guess it’s ok…even better than ok…it’s amazing..and shes amazing…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Fetish Quote of the Day

Bella Thorne is making the rounds right now, mainly because she’s a 17 year old Disney star and at 17, all these Disney Stars come out of the woodwork and start slutting themselves ou tto the media HARD….I assume someone at the Disney team tell them to do this, because like clockwork, this just keeps happening, Disney Star after Disney Star…

I guess they know creepy dads and perverts watch them and want them and the best scandal is one where they innocently show off their hormones-in-the-food booties..

Their mom’s cultivated them aggressively to be this star, and they won’t let it go to waste….not now, not after they’ve gone this far as a family..

That said, INTOUCH Weekly did an interview with her and this was the quote you can masturabte to :

My favorite thing to do is sit in my bed with my mom

Because if you know anything about stage moms, they’ve done a great job brainwashing their kids to be performers…willing to do anything they can to make it…

Here’s her dance video..

A video posted by BELLA (@bellathorne) on

Here are some pics of her from social media…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne is in a Bikini of the Day

Bella Thorne Shows Off Her Bikini Body In Malibu

The number 1 activity on Memorial Day was girls getting into bikinis….while the number 1 activity for Bella Thorne to do in the next few months of her being 17…is getting into bikinis….there’s just this thing about not quite 18 year olds…being all innocent on the beach…minding their own business..as they frolic for the paparazzi that has no sexual overtones or undertones…and that is really just a girl not trying to give creepy old guys boners…because this isn’t the porn / selfie generation where kids are watching gangbang videos by the first grade…

I know what’s going on here, because I’ve seen in happen for every not quite 18 year old…who’s PR team realizes that all you have to do is be a little half naked…and show off that youthful body..and the world…will be your oyster…at least until you turn 18, at which point people may stop caring…

Either way…here’s an innocent 17 year old…in a bikini…who you shouldn’t sexualize…because that’s not the reason she went to the beach in white bikini bottoms that we can assume are sheer when wet…she went to the beach to just be a normal 17 year old…who just happens to have stage parents pressuring her to make them more money in these final months that they get to keep her money…

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Posted in:Bella Thorne




Bella Thorne is a NUrse of the day


Bella Thorne posted this picture of her as a 17 year old nurse…the kind of Dougie Howser that you probably fantasize about….but that you shouldn’t fantasize about…because a nurse is there to tend to your illness…and 17 year olds are so irresponsible and caught up in their vapid social media existences that you’d likely end up taking care of yourself, or dying off due to their negligence…as they snap a selfie with you….and sure a teen body that’s a few months from being legal…always looks better than an old fat seasoned veteran nurse who is probably angry, jaded and mad about her Union not getting her that raise…so just as careless…but there’s a lot more comfort in that than some actress pretending to be a nurse…

All this to say, Bella Thorne, whether a real nurse or not, gives me anxiety…because I like to know my nurse knows what she’s doing…and is more than just a slutty teen in a nurses outfit…if you know what I mean..

Posted in:Bella Thorne




Bella Thorne in a Bikini of the Day


Bella Thorne posted this bikini pic from a couples of weeks ago, because I guess she liked the attention she got for being in a bikini, as a girl who was raised amongst a bunch of girls, by parents who assume are trying to expose them, exploit them, and monetize them….since mos 17 year olds are not living in LA going to auditions attheir own will….you know years of being stage parented…finally paying off…so she’s finally able to show off her young ass and get celebrated the way her family wants…and needs…because that’s how they pay the mortgage…

Here is her ass at some Pitch Perfect premiere…with that ass…


17 today isn’t 17 thirty years ago, although the laws may be the same…I can assure you that growing up on porn fucks them up…because when I was 17…I was the guy who had one porn….and I’d show it to every girl I could…only for them to freak the fuck out…now girls are sending out links of gangbangs to the football team saying “let’s try this before graduation”…at least that’s what I assume is happening…#evolution…

Posted in:Bella Thorne




Bella Thorne Bikini Dance Party of the Day

A video posted by BELLA (@bellathorne) on

She’s not 18. Which means you see abosolutely nothing here.

To see the pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Bella Thorne