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Archive for the Britney Spears Category




Britney Spears Bikini Ass of the Day

Britney Spears is amazing…and not just because she let K-Fed mooch off her for life in exchange for his sperm during her bi-polar period. Where she was rebelling from the world who just wouldn’t leave Britney alone, because they were obsessed with her and her parents didn’t have their reins on her and she didn’t have the mental capacity to really process it, but instead of being thrown away like Lohan, she got adopted by her parents, put back into her workcamp and is earning but more importantly…looking fit.

This body of a near 40 year old star of yesteryear is perfect…


Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Britney Spears Looks Amazing of the Day

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Britney Spears’ captors / parents / owners have let a personal trainer into her cage, who she pounced on, started having sex with because a woman has needs, and in the process has got in amazing fucking shape…and together they produce weird fitness videos because social media is their art form, or because her parents want people to think she’s doing well, and in love, despite being on a regimented diet and fitness program and girl looks fucking amazing…

I’ve always liked Britney Spears…but I really like Britney now…because a thin and fit girl in this fat era is almost a mythical mystical creature….even though Britney Spears is real fucking real…despite all the meds sedating her…

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Britney Spears Dance to Close Out the Day

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It’s safe to say that Britney Spears and her fitness body doing a dance is the best way to close out the day….

Girl looks fit, girl looks good, and when you’re medicated and forced to dance like a monkey for your mooch family, it pays off with hotness into your 40s…

She is the K-Fed Dream source, patient zero….and look at her now…doing the Britney Spears amazingly….

So fit…so tight bodied…busty mom of 2 with a mooch….

The future is bright, I mean not for her, she’s in captivity, an endangered species really…but she looks good…in her cries for help.

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Britney Spears Dance of the Day

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There’s nothing quite as good as Britney Spears dancing in video…she’s a magical creature in captivity…almost extinct but here right now and she’s gonna shake the booty and dance for you like she’s not medicated or sedated…it’s nice because she’s not crying or screaming for help….

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Britney Spears Look at Dem Titties of the Day

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Oh Look, Britney Spears was allowed to post a workout video from her “Russian” style training camp, where her captors train her to maintain a level of fitness so that despite her aging she doesn’t tire out when on stage..

She is on a strict diet, everything regulated, controlled to keep earning for them.

Still babysat despite being the star, the hit, the celeb….and if you look close enough I think the tits are asking for “HELP” in morse code…

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW|Videos




Britney Spears Let Out for the Night of the Day

Britney Spears Tits Out in a Gold Dress at Glaad Awards

I don’t know what Britney Spears was let out of her cage, a cage that is in the form of either a really impressive Vegas hotel Suite, or a series of mansions that she lives out of, but can’t actually make any decisions of her own, thanks to the meds the shove down her throat to keep her calm…relaxed…compliant and earning money for the family, the empire that is Britney Spears….

Based on this images, it looks like she was very well behaved…and still pretty hot.



Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Britney Spears Photoshop of the Day

Britney Spears in denim panties and thigh high boots for kenzo

Britney Spears is amazing…this is her working it for some brand that is paying her stupid money to rub it in that K-Fed mooch’s face….like some kind of power woman..

Even if she’s actually just doing what her puppetmaster father – who runs the family empire is telling her to do…because he’s clearly good at business and controlling his daughter in a way to keep her earning…

But it is still a throw it in K-Fed the mooch’s face, who is publicly going after the family for more money, because his 20k a month isn’t enough for him and the kids, they are Britney’s kids you know, high maintenance, and K-Fed is a fucking mooch you know, he’s got life to live, he didn’t knock up a starlet twice to not reap the rewards for the two decades it takes the kids to end up of age…

So whether K-Fed is a mooch or a leader and inspiration to men everywhere, you know knock a bitch up make 20k a month for 18 years, when really you’re destined to work at a gas station…doesn’t matter..

What matters is that Britney looks like Young Britney thanks to photoshop and her dad keeping her in captivity proper, wearing panties and fuck me boots like some kind of stripper…getting paid…I like it..

There’s a video

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW|Videos




Britney Spears Doing Some Ballet in her Fancy Prison of the Day

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Britney Spears is a crazy person, and like her parents, I don’t like to forget that she’s mentally unstable, for me, it brings entertainment while laying bed jerking off to her old music videos….while for them it is to continue getting paid off by their baby girl, the song and dancer, they robbed a childhood of and threw into song and dance…and with the help of Star Search and Disney….LOOK AT THEM NOW….

They need to convince girl’s a nutcase, to maintain ownership on her…while she trains to do more shows, to make them more money, in her nice big house that is a prison..

She posted this up meme, that if you believe she has access to her social media, seems to come from a crazy place…we like that…

But we prefer her doing the splits…like some kind of nip slipping figure skater…dancer…flexible mom….with her fit mom body…nice.

Britney Spears Hot In Shorts

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Britney Spears Fitness Erotica to Start the Day of the Day

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Here’s some Britney spears showing off her flexibilty, her hot mom tits, her muscles and fitness, with this little short and sport bra workout video, to remind everyone, that if you have an addictive personality, or if you’re held captive by your family to dance and lip sync as hard as she fucking can, you must be physically fit to do it…

What you don’t see in this video is the gun to her kid’s head that the filmer is holding with his other hand, as he encourages to go deeper with the squat…the family depends on her physical strength….and ability to song and dance..

She’s looking great for 40, reminding all you fat sluts that fitness is the answer…especially if you’re really rich, have the resources to spend your days doing this, and can afford healthy food cooked for you by a chef…right…right.

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Britney Spears in a Tight Dress of the Day

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I think one of the best things on the internet is Britney Spears self produced video of her doing outfit changes, or fashion shows, or “what I’m wearing” segments for her social media because she looks bat-shit crazy, medicated, being given a taste of independence and creative experession in her multi million dollar prison facility they disguise as her home….

It’s bootleg, it’s low quality, her body looks awesome, and I’m a fan of this publically kidnapped dancing Monkey…she just keeps getting weirder and better…

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW