I'll Make You Famous…

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I am – So Solid Crew's Lisa Maffia


When I think of Grime, I think of my past. I think about my apartment. I think about my poor liver after years of abuse. I think about my underwear. I think about girls from Boston. I think about a lot of things, but I don’t think about music, because I am too old to listen to music and too drunk to care about the new styles that are poppin’ up everyday, like a 14 year old’s erection at the nudist beach. I guess that was a stupid analogy. Yeah, I know I am definitely not funny.

Here are some pics of Lisa Maffia of the So Soild Crew, a Grime/Garage group from the UK. I like her just fine, not that that matters to any of you losers.

Visit Their MySpace Page (not much going on-on it)

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I am – So Solid Crew’s Lisa Maffia


When I think of Grime, I think of my past. I think about my apartment. I think about my poor liver after years of abuse. I think about my underwear. I think about girls from Boston. I think about a lot of things, but I don’t think about music, because I am too old to listen to music and too drunk to care about the new styles that are poppin’ up everyday, like a 14 year old’s erection at the nudist beach. I guess that was a stupid analogy. Yeah, I know I am definitely not funny.

Here are some pics of Lisa Maffia of the So Soild Crew, a Grime/Garage group from the UK. I like her just fine, not that that matters to any of you losers.

Visit Their MySpace Page (not much going on-on it)

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I am – Draw Your Vagina Vagina and Describe it in 10 Words or Less


She is a fan of the site and I guess that means that I am a fan of hers. By fan I mean I’d like see her on all fours clucking like a chicken, but thats only because poultry turns me on, not because of the taste but because of the egghole. Yes, I realize that my jokes are played out. So this girl sent in her vagina drawing and the fact she participated was cool so she has just won an all expense paid trip to my house to do my dishes, for a day.

This is from her myspace profile.

I am Rachel.

I am half Puerto Rican, I apply eyeliner like it’s my job, and I will roundhouse kick you in the face. I’m pretty much the most awesome person I’ve ever met, and trust me, I’ve met a lot of people.

She has a boyfriend and my new life goal is to get her to cheat on him…this is her pic…

Visit her Myspace Here

I just made you famous, bitch. Thanks for playing. Tell your friends.

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I am – Pherlure Update of the Day, Motherfuckers.


I sent Steve and his friend out to get some footage for Step TV. I don’t know if they got anything good, but I got this email from the guy Steve’s shooting with, named Drew.


Here’s a funny update from our shoot last night. Steve met up with me at a bar in the lamest street in Montreal and we started filming american people here for spring break. When he gave me this bottle of Pheremone spray i told all the stupid americans that it would get them laid. This one mexican looking dude sprayed half the bottle on himself and 30min later i found him in the bathroom stall with this ugly redhead. I followed him in the bathroom and leaned over the stall to snap a few pics. After a few minutes of making out, he ran to the condom machine to wrap up, but coulnd’t figure it out. I gave him a buck and showed him how to use the machine, in turn, he didnt beat me up when i took the pictures of him slammin’ fire crotch. I got kicked out of the bathroom by the bouncer for being a pervert, but these are the pics i got, use them if you can, but i dont have thier permission. More crazy footage from last night coming soon.

Love, Drew.

p.s. Steve sounds like a 7yr old, why is he your host???

I still don’t claim this stuff works, it seems to get you laid, i never said the pussy you score is hot….hell, it’s never the hot chicks opening their dirty cunts in bathroom stalls. Point of the story is, he got laid.

Buy Pherlure for yo’self,send me pics

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I am – Awkward Video of the Day

So I am searching YouTube for video clips of bitches in bikinis, because I am a pervert and when I don’t know what to do with myself, I look for pics of girls in bikinis. I land on this one called “summer memories” and I’m looking at the picture trying to figure out what’s going on….my imagination, obviously too perverted starts thinking that maybe it’s the beginning of some kind of sex game that is hetero, the YouTube Triangle blockes out the person they are carrying…anyway turns out it’s a bunch of dudes in little booty shorts, acting gayer than the shorts they are wearing…summer memories my ass…I mean their asses…good thing is none of them got pregnant. I wonder if their parents knew this was going down when they asked to borrow the car to go to the lake….I am sorry if this site seems homo for lack of tits…I know you homophobes freak out when you see guys in little shorts. It’s ok to get a little turned on by things you shouldn’t be getting turned on by. Take it out on your gay penised self, and leave it out of my comments, cunt.

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I am – MySpace Artist of the Day


People from England make me laugh because I don’t understand a fucking thing they say. They have some pretty bangin’ music like The Streets, and Dizzee Rascal and god fucking knows who else, cuz I don’t listen to music. My gay friend told me to drop those 2 people, cuz I suck at life. I think it’s funny that this guy raps for booze. I like that he can’t write alcohol proper, I like that he’s fat and has a song called “Ill Billy Anthem”….about getting drunk and smelling like vomit….pretty much the story of my life and that’s how you become the Artist of the Day, just that easy.

Visit His MySpace Here

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I am – Purim Content of the Day


Purim is a holiday where Jews dress up and get fucking wasted. It is halloween for them, only instead of candy they get booze. I’ve been givin out little airplane sized bottles of Jack to the kids every halloween….until I got arrested for it…Anyway, the whole point of the night is to drink as much as possible, which in theory is a great fucking holiday, only problem is Jews are drug people, they are much better doing a couple lines of coke and smoking joints than drinking all night…their religion doesn’t say anything about not doing drugs…but I think it limits the amount of booze…except on Purim. I guess the point of the post is to say that I don’t know shit about Judaism, but when I was a buss boy in a banquet hall that was rented out for a Purim party, I understood it was another word for drink til you puke all over the place and let the poor mexican clean it up because my dad’s a lawyer…drunk or not….you’re still lame, but I still love your women. Here are some YouTube Purim Videos….

Daning Hora to 50 Cent

Lame Purim Video One

Lame Purim Video Two

Weird Kid Singing

Go Back To Pre-Med Jew, You’re Embarassing Me

Some Jewish Sketch, That Isn’t Funny

Ok – enough of this, I understand overkill…

Some High School Girl’s Gallery (non-nude)

This post is a total bust….I should fire myself…

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I am – Sing-a-Long of the Day

I don’t understand why people still lip sync to shitty songs, and dance like idiots on webcams, in hopes of becoming internet famous, like South Park, the Star Wars guy or the japanese puking video that was the first clip I ever saw back in 1996. Anyway, this clip is not funny, and I am posting it because I’m tired of making you cunts laugh…

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I am – Dude Measuring his Boobs of the Day

I am pushing the shit out of YouTube and I don’t really mean to, but this fat kid is out there getting his tits measured by some nasty trashy southern bitch, who is probably his mother. I am a fat guy, and I would never have my titties measured on video, because it’s fucking humiliating, dude. Guys shouldn’t have tits, it’s not a joke, fat leads to heart disease and strokes and shit….and shouldn’t be laughed about…

Again, I am a fat man, with a fat wife, so I am not one to talk, but I am not about to make a fool of myself to justify being a fat slob is bullshit to such a big audience, I like to keep the humiliation to the days I muster up the courage to cheat on my wife. Be like me, take ownership of the fact you eat badly, you drink too much, you don’t exercise/leave your house, you have post traumatic stress syndrome from getting molested…I don’t know man, just don’t be doing circus tricks with your fat…I’d wish death upon you, but you’re doing a nice job of it yourself.

I have just learned that there is a War between this dude you just watched and this other dude about who has bigger moobs….Watch the Clip it’s fucking creepy, yet arrousing.

Bonus Man Tit Clip;
Jack E. Brown

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I am – Pearl Jam's New Album Cover


Looks like this cheap album cover was made by some drunken mexican design firm for 2 pesos and a pack of smokes. This low budget piece of shit album artwork is probably all this band can afford, being useless for the last 10 years has an impacr on what’s left in the bank account.

The reason I know it’s mexican-made is because of the avacado, we live off these things, because they grow for free in our backyards, and by backyard I mean, on the tree my shanty leans up against….the avacado is a very vaginal and I whenever I eat guacamole, I have this urge to fuck…the guacamole….Either way, I always forget that Pearl Jam is still alive. I have always had this fantasy that Cobain pulled a murder/suicide and brought the grunge scene down with him…I was unfortunately wrong….I am going to take a shit in my bathtub and roll around in it, just to wash the dirty off of me, and yes, my shit is cleaner than this shit….that may not make sense to you, but it does to me, so go fuck yourself. Cuddles.

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