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Archive for the Denise Richards Category




Denise Richards Hooker Leg of the Day


There are a lot of rumors that Denise Richards was one of Heidi Fleiss’ escorts that Charlie Sheen hired…and even made his wife…because every escort wants to legitimize their career as escorts…by focusing on the public image of her as an “actress”…married to an “actor”…even though we know the truth…

Charlie sheen loves the dirtiest of hookers and porn chicks who do the dirtiest of things..

She is the one who tamed Charlie Sheen for the media…which means….she probably does the dirtiest of fucking things…

I don’t even care that she’s a hooker, or rumored hooker, as I know actors and models who are also hookers…as are bottle service girls, strippers and actual hookers…

People are lazy, people like nice things, people like to get paid to fuck…especially when they are fake tit, fake face, hooker-looking girls…who were married to hooker lovers…right…

Well here’s her leg, only because it’s the most powerful paparazzi pic I’ve seen in a long time…so mysterious, someone get this guy a Vogue deal, it’s better than deporting his immigrant ass…


Posted in:Denise Richards|SFW




Denise Richards Does Inflatables in a Bikini of the Day

Denise Richards is looking pretty fit in her bikini bottoms…even though she’s 90, practically dead, and very very very fucking washed up….but in my defense, maybe I’m just into these pics because she’s with an inflatable, and like that dude on My Strange Addiction, who had a sexual relationship with inflatables, I’ve kinda been intrigued to try to fuck one…that sweet smell of plastic, those unlubricated seams that rip you apart at the pool….the whole experience likely more amazing than fucking the real life blow-up doll carrrying it….

But I’ll post the pics anyways…cuz she mattered once…back when she was a madame….in Hollywood….


Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards in Some Bikini Photoshoot at Home of the Day

Before today, the highlight of Denise Richard’s career is that she was a hooker for Heidi Fleiss when she wasn’t getting cast in movies….because people forget she’s only been in 5 movies in her life and after blowing that on blow….it goes pretty fucking fast….and people also think I am lying…but I tweeted it to her once and she went nuts, was reactive, and we all know that’s a sign of guilt…..

Sure, her threesome with Kevin Bacon was alright, her Playboy showing off her fake tits was alright, her marrying Charlie Sheen and having a breakdown was alright……..

But the real Highlight of her career…is that she’s hiring photographers to shoot her old body in a bikini for old times….for whaever reason…and it is awesome, she is fit but maybe I’m just saying that cuz she looks like a muppet.

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Old Lady Bikini Shoot of the DAy

I don’t really know who gave Denise Richards the idea that modeling bikinis like it was 1999 was a good idea….maybe it was her personal trainer…or one of her friends in rehab or maybe it was Heidi Fleiss, the Pimp she used to work for back when Charlie Sheen hired her to be his wife….cuz she was coked up and had no money from her one acting job and fucking rich people made sense…but who ever it is should have suggested that she does it with a mask on, or maybe after a face lift, cuz shit is hanging in ways it shouldn’t be hanging…..but thanks to plastic surgery her tits aren’t…..cuz if she’s in a bikkini, I might as well look.

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Posted in:Denise Richards




Photographer Albert Michael Shoots Denise Richards and Jenny McCarthy in their Bikini of the Day

I have no idea what this sorcery is all about…but I think it is safe to say that this photographer Albert Michael has some kind of fetish for washed up sex symbols from the 90s…who have done their best to retain their sex symbol bodies through various facial treatments that make them look like little monsters….because why else would he drop 2 shoots today, one of Jenny McCarthy and one of Denise Richards…both of which you’ll find below….

This is some botoxed so hard bitch looks like a deer in the headlights shit….but at least she’s got fake tits…to compensate for a whore pussy that makes autistic babies…..

The real sick thing in all this is that I am totally digging this….time warp shit…

Posted in:Denise Richards|Jenny McCarthy




Denise Richards Memorial Day Bikini of the Day

I don’t know why Denise Richards has recently decided to stage these bikini photoshoots where she looks like a BOTOXED DEER IN THE HEADLIGHTS about to get hit….or maybe a crackwhore jacked up on stimulants…which isn’t so far from the truth…you know since she had a known addiction…and was rumored to have been an actual hooker…

I just know that I am glad they are happening…cuz they are funny….sure her body is better than most woman her age…and it is Denise Richards…albeit a modified version of her…but she’s still her age…and that age is too old for bikinis…even if it’s tolerable…

The level of desperate is what makes this hot.


Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards in a Bikini Poolside of the DAy

I have no idea when these Denise Richards pictures were taken, but they are new to me, but more importantly hysterical…Don’ get me wrong…

I am all for plastic surgery faces showing off their mom bodies that they work so hard on in a bikini – like they still mattered……even though I prefer young pussy…..

But I am even more into the fact that Denise Richards was a hooker in the 90s and that is how she ended up with Charlie Sheen. I have so many sources on this and I tweeted it to her and she responded denying it a while ago…proving guilt…cuz I believe once a hooker…always a hooker…that shit is like a burn or a stain on your white pants that follows your tormented coked up ass to the grave….or to a bikini shoot you are far too old to be part of….even if your face lightens the mood cuz it is so cartoony….


Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Whore Mom Body in a Bikini of the Day

Here’s Denise Richards showing off her coked up escort body, 10 years later….

All moms have this body, don’t they? At least all the moms I know do, but that’s just because all the moms I know are strippers. I generally only interact with that kind of quality woman….and ignore the kind of bitch you’d find in a Wal Mart parking lot, taking the kids out of the van, struggling by actually trying to raise the brats….they just don’t exist to me.

I know that fake titty hookers who only are where they are because of their bodies in the first place are forced to maintain the best they can…which isn’t hard when all it takes is a powder diet, trainers and everything else you can afford cuz your monthly child support and divorce payout is outrageous and more money than most people get in a year…not that it matters…

Her greased mom body doesn’t fool me, cuz shit doesn’t mean her pussy is clean, small, tight or pleasant, but it is worth staring at, even if it’s been modified by modern science, cuz what difference does it really make to any of us….FOLLOW ME

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Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards is a Hooker of the Day

I’ve been doing some Denise Richards research….

Basically a good friend of mine told me that she met Charlie Sheen when she was a hooker working for Heidi Fleiss.

Which makes sense cuz Charlie Sheen only fucks hookers and Denise Richards was only in one movie…

So I called her out on it on Twitter and for some reason, she answered…

Now you gotta understand something about me and twitter and that is that no one ever answers me on the shit, ever. So for her to step up and make a thing about it, being so quick to deny and so quick to block me makes me think I’m guilty…

Not to mention my good friend’s source was Keifer Sutherland, and I figure that motherfucker’s in the know…

So know I am on a mission to find the truth, cuz she denies it, I know it is truth, and to me, this story needs to stop being a speculation, and video and documentation from her johns needs to come out…

And really, that’s all I wanted from the Sheen’s staged insanity, for him to finally put this rumor to rest, and tell the world she was nothing but a whore who got knocked the fuck up, cuz really this bitch is someone I’d like to see crash and burn….but unfortunately no one cares…

So here she is walking the streets, with her plastic surgery face, that’s good for getting face fucked cuz it’s numb…

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards’ Old Whore Body of the Day

I love Denise Richards. Not because she looks like Michael Jackson and I’m this huge Michael Jackson fan. Not because she was in one movie where she had a threesome when mainstream movies weren’t having threesomes….and it’s not because she was married to Charlie Sheen, but cuz the reason Charlie Sheen married her…..which according to my very very very reliable source, Denise Richards was a hooker working for Heidi Fleiss. I’m talking high class and expensive, who worked for Charlie Sheen….She sold her pussy before and after she worked in movies….and as wholesome a mom she wants to play up in the media….there is no way Charlie Sheen wasn’t getting just as fucked up when married to her as he does now….and this bitch was by his side the whole time….she is some gutter shit….who happens to have a lot of money…and can white wash herself in luxury but we all know she is nothing but a gutter whore….designer clothes, kids, expensive cars or not…and I find that amazing…but I love old weathered prostitute mothers with lots of money….it’s kinda my fetish…Someone should start a site about that…based on this post, I guess I kinda already have…

Posted in:Denise Richards