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Archive for the Dua Lipa Category




Dua Lipa Bed of the Day

I guess the parasites in the brains of the people are just burrowed in so deep that people can’t help by follow the leader when it comes to posting sexual content on the internet….

It’s like the people are such aggressive exhibitionists that they can’t take a slutty selfie without sharing it to their millions of followers.

Back in the day sending your bikini pic to one dude was considered slutty, two or three made you a whore, and now if you don’t get 1,000,000 impressions on your slutty selfie, you don’t exist.

So even when they are superstars, arguably the top popstar of the times, you can’t just keep the perv content to yourself, you must let the people in on it and that’s a pretty wonderful thing.

Now, I don’t give a fuck about Albania’s own Dua Lipa, but she’s taking a slutty selfie like a whore, so I care about her a little more than I otherwise would….

INFLUENCE THE FANS into slutty selfies for generations to COME and to CUM….


Posted in:Dua Lipa




Dua Lipa Bikini of the Day

Dua Lipa’s a huge international pop star, the official story is that she was born in Albania, or Kosovo which I guess was basically Yugoslavia during the war, before being shipped off in a shipping container to the UK where she struggled so hard she became an international pop sensation.

I don’t know if human trafficking was her official storyline, the truth is she could just be a rich kid from the UK who was born in the UK after her rich family moved there to escape the war in their Mother country, but that’s far less dark and mysterious and it doesn’t fuel the conspiracies I like to fuel because fake news is real news if you believe it hard enough.

I do know that they say she was a model, who didn’t like the pressure of being fit or thin, so she turned to Youtube to sing cover songs, that miraculously went viral, got her a record deal, and the rest is fucking history, with that pile of hits under her belt….she must be a real hard worker, a real self starter, because there’s no way she had a team behind her making this happen, it was all her in this era of gig economy influencer, right, that’s why so many other talents who try as hard never get seen…..or noticed….because they just didn’t work as hard as Dua Lipa.

Anyway, she’s got some tits, she wears bikinis, she’s no longer plus sized or a victim of the unrealistic body expectations she’s been quoted complaining about, and if you’re going to be a pop star, you might as well bring the bikini pics to the perverts who you rape with your shit pop music…I DID NOT CONSENT TO HEARING THIS SHIT…..RAPE RAPE RAPE…


Posted in:Dua Lipa




Dua Lipa Bikini of the Day

Dua Lipa is apparently one of the most famous, most viral, most important, internationally pop stars in the history of the universe.

I don’t know if that’s actually true, but her songs go viral on TikTok and I don’t use TikTok, despite it being the only place that’s actively trying to destroy our society by sharing the TRUTHER TRUTHS, along with vapid and useless dances, but at least they aren’t controlled by the evil and corrupt American businesses, just China who you conspiracy theorists may think are actively trying to destroy America, but you’re doing a good job of that on your own.

Anyway, I bet I know some of her songs without having given consent to learning those songs, because pop music is obviously which craft that penetrates OUR minds….and secures itself in our brains…like a fucking parasite…

So Dua Lipa didn’t have my permission to push her music on me, but based on her bikini pics, she can rape me anytime she wants…even sonically….

She’s some Albanian refugee human trafficked into our hearts and minds and CHECK OUT THEM TITS.


Posted in:Dua Lipa




Dua Lipa in her Mesh Outfit of the Day

Dua Lipa is a hot pop star who continues to be hot….which is rare in this world of shaming hot chicks and celebrating fat chicks by pretending they are hot.

She is also in the news today, since everyone is an activist, this time it is for denying that she is performing at the World Cup, which to soccer fans, which apparently exist in huge numbers and not just because they are faking it to see the hot moms living up to their status as soccer moms in the park, but because they have been brainwashed and are thus fanatical about the shit.

The reason she is not performing at the World Cup is because she can’t with good conscience, as she feels that Qatar doesn’t live up to their Human Rights pledges…..SOUNDS PRETTY RACIST TO ME.

I don’t know what her activism is in reference to, I don’t believe in being a worldly news follower, because life is more fun when it’s self involved and you ignore all that shit…focusing on the good times.

I do however know that a few days ago, we posted her branded panties from the front….and now she’s whale tailing with it from the back….always fun times where I’m from…especially from a humans right activist, doing all she can to save humans around the world….WHAT A HERO….

I also know she’s in a mesh outfit that makes me wish her human rights included charity lap dances, titties in my face until ejaculation, you know MY KIND OF CHARITY work….be the best hero you can be….I accept charitable handjobs too, even if they come with the crazy glue like those activists do to the priceless artwork they glue themselves to…yes, being the dick glued to Dua Lipa for human rights is where I need to be as a person fighting for human rights….come on, include me in the fight Dua.

Posted in:Dua Lipa




Dua Lipa’s Dua Lipa Panties of the Day

Dua Lipa is one of the more popular, possible the most popular pop stars on the international scale, since the internet made the world on miserable place where all people connect and do basically the same fucking bullshit, so that if you’re one of those traveling types, you’ll always feel at home, because every mother fucker is the exact same.

So Dua Lipa is one of their trained brain-washers, who helps pollute the mind with her propaganda, that you can assume comes from one of her handlers, unless you really buy into her organically becoming an international sensation thanks you Youtube, when most girls have a hard enough time just putting together a Youtube video, this girl independentally took over the music industry and the people at the top of the food chain didn’t try to stop her like she was Rebecca Black, arguably far more culturally relevant as a Youtube star, who never rose up to the international fame her view count would suggest on that Friday song.

Obviously, I think the system is rigged, but I’ll still look at her bikini tits, or her pants unbuttoned to show off her little panties, that are branded, with her name embroidered in them, like she’s headed off to summer camp, or is some crotchety old woman who likes her panties branded so that she knows the shit stains are her own and not someone else who mistakenly wore the panties, since they didn’t have a monogram, you know mitigating dried up pussy menopausal drip cross-contamination….

Here she is with some TITTY in her Dress!

Posted in:Dua Lipa




Dua Lipa Assumes the Position in Latex Slut Boots of the Day

Dua Lipa is popping a squat like a girl riding a suction dildo for the OnlyFans account and she’s dressed appropriately for that vibe, because she’s got her titties out in a top and a pair of latex fuck me boots on, which as far as latex outfits go are probably the hottest option available.

I used to have a friend who had a bunch of latex outfits, it was his fetish I didn’t understand, but he swore that see the way his cum dripped off latex was everything to him, ,so he’d have bitches he brought home to fuck wear the outfits, despite knowing other chicks wore the outfits, and it was the late 90s so a weird thing to do….or to have girls you brought home into….

I never understood why he would save up for those latex outfits, being someone who just likes girls naked, and who figures cum, all orange like Weinsteins, which is on record as being orange, can pool wherever the fuck it wants, I don’t need a special outfit to make it better so long as it happened….

But the latex boots, especially in a sitting on dick squat, from a shitty viral popstar is pretty hot…since she’s the best the industry has to offer.

Here she is on a boat…..

Posted in:Dua Lipa




Dua Lipa’s the Most Important International Popstar of the Day

Dua Lipa is some Kosovo refugee who managed to climb to the top of the charts because she launched a youtube after her model agency called her fat…I don’t know if that is her official story, but that’s the take away I’ve managed to come up with after being forced to see her fashionable exhibitionism to maintain relevant for the coveted TikTok generation that dance to all her viral songs, this is the new and the only thing I can say is THANK god she’s not a fat chick, because if a pop star is hot, and Dua Lipa is hot.

I can buy into their making her the leader of their generation, if the popstar is Katy Perry, I have no choice but to think “she’s a plant from the feds to destroy society as a whole” because there is NO reason Katy Perry was the Dua Lipa of her generation, and with all the WOKE shit, just be happy she doesn’t have a dick, or at least one she’s advertising and using as part of her identity to get noticed.

Posted in:Dua Lipa




Dua Lipa Wet of the Day

Dua Lipa’s the popstar of the era, she still attracts massive crowds of people, she’s got big viral hits thanks to TikTok, that people around the world awkwardly dance to, or make embarrassing videos they hope will make them famous to, but like all girls of her generation, she needs to show off her ass by the pool to really matter!

The money, the fame, the success, the hits, the legacy with shitty videogame caliber music ain’t shit, unless there’s consistent shameless selfies of her body to give people something to jerk off to, or at least want to fuck!

Popstars have always been slutty, it’s part of the job, but in a world that is so slutty, and that requires girls to self shoot their slutty, it reduces top tier talent down to the girl at the grocery store with a dream who just siged up to only fans, equally desperate because they are likely eqaully unhappy!

I’ll stare at all the smut they produce, but still think they are trash and not in a hooker I’d be into fucking because she’s trash kind of way, but a leave her in a dumpster she sucks kind of way, which I guess isn’t all that different of a concept!

Here’s a round-up of her other smut from her IG, including a brand partnership with Evian that we’ll assume she made 1 million on, and other SLUTTY outfits! She

‘s good


Posted in:Dua Lipa




Dua Lipa Abs of the Day

I don’t know enough about DUA LIPA to know whether she’s worked off her tits or not, but I do remember them being a little more substantial, and all I really care about is the tits, because her music, which is some of the most popular music out there, is basically just videogame music designed to lower the expectations of music for the younger generation, you know eventually only having access to computer generated music since the people putting out the music won’t have to pay out talent or deal with their egos, but to get there we need everyone depleted of emotion, jacked up on SSRIs and used to shitty computer music!

She claims to be some self made plus sized model with a voice who took it upon herself to be the MOST famous thanks to having an internet connection andd youtube channel, which is possible, but the origin story is irrelevant, when I’m looking at the tanned Albanian, which could be a racist thing to say, you know “DON’T MENTION SKIN COLOR”, but SHE is tanning censorship board, but more importantly, she’s got a hot body, toned stomach, is half naked with her eyes shut, in deep thought, maybe writing the next great hit song to destroy the future generation of real music with algorithm determined triggers that understand how to brainwash and control the listener through soundwaves! Neuro Science / Witchcraft!


Posted in:Dua Lipa




Dua Lipa Slutty Dress of the Day

Dua Lipa’s got her titty out, barely, but she’s the biggest pop star on an international level because that’s what happens when you get on Youtube and DO IT YOURSELF, the DEVIL finds you, and makes selling your soul a lot easier than the other way around, assuming her entire exitence isn’t fake and her whole DIY celebrity a lie, wouldn’t that be crazy, it’d be like how they feed signed talent through American idol to go viral, to help launch their celebrity on a huge show, but if it was done on YOUTUBE which would take far less effort, either way, she’s compromised and can’t be trusted based on her being a celebrity alone, because they all fear losing the celebrity, that they basically do everything they can do to maintain it, from pushing bullshit, to lying to their fans, because they only give a shit about themselves!

Not that that has anything to do with Dua Lipa’s tits, which is what we are here for!


Posted in:Dua Lipa