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Archive for the Gigi Hadid Category




Gigi and Bella Hadid are Bullshit Arab Activist But Have Cleavage and Do Incest for Vogue of the Day


Gigi Hadid and Bella Hadid aren’t hot to me, but they are hot to the rest of the world who book them as the “it girl” sisters…because America likes rich kids with a dad who fucks Sugarbabies and a mom who is so vapid and superficial she gets on shows about being Vapid and superficial…while consistently marrying rich guys…it’s just garbage, LA county trash…that people forget is trash because they’ve scammed the world…

I look at GIGI and BELLA Hadid..and think…damn they are overrated, they are dopey retard looking and should be working as interns at an entertainment company while doing their degree in some bullshit they won’t need because they’ll just marry a rich dude they have access too..

Yet instead they are social media influencer models, and they don’t do anything interesting or impressive…

That was until today, when they decided to protest the TRUMP travel ban that I guess targets Muslims since it is in Muslim countries and that Facebook claim is the same ban Obama had during his presidency while bombing those countries – which could be seen as worse…but I am not into that, I am not going to act like I know or care…Muslims were killed a three hour drive from where I live in a Mosque and I don’t like that kind of hate, or bullshit..it’s like hate everyone, kill yourselves, hate the governement, but when you get to killing, you’re a real fucking asshole…

Not that this protest GIGI and BELLA are attaching themselves to because they like attention, it’s a PR stunt, and they get to connect to the Muslim americans because their dad is Arab…

It’s a good PR move, that allows them to think they have some substance or value…

But the truth is they should just sign over their model money they don’t need or deserve, if they really cared for more than just a PR photo opp…it would have more results than this…

Not to mention GIGI looks 40 and Bella looks ugly…because they are…that’s how being overrated work…Garbage…activists making it about their narcissistic selves…

That said, she’s in Vogue UK with her Brother, who I’ve seen them pimping out, narcissists like to keep it in the family, same genetics, but they also like to fuck their family, because they see themselves in their siblings…which explains why little Hadid is inappropriately touching her, he probably jerks off to her, and she’s trying to get her entire family to pull off the same scam she did…and it will work because society are fucking morons…

Here’s her cleavage….that’s that all that really matters..

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Gigi and Bella Hadid Go to the Gym Together of the Day

Gigi Hadid and Bella Hadid – the chosen ones…

Who weren’t actually chosen by anyone, but with proper marketing and positioning due to parents who want their daughters living their dreams, who have budget to hire the right people to help their daughter’s live their dreams, even when the dreams are vapid, useless and to be “models”….because their egos and narcissism need it….

Girls who now are “models”…getting paid as models…for jobs they would do for free…because they don’t need the money and just want the stamp of approval…

And the only happiness I have in the whole thing is that The Weeknd was fucking other girls when he was dating Bella Hadid…and Zayn from One Direction has fucked other girls while dating Gigi…which they probably know or knew about..as it is all just part of mutual using to get ahead…but that still makes me happy because I know their vaginas are cesspools of sloppy second shit…

Overrated, bought their fame, fame I’m amazed they have…but that they have…and now they go to the gym together…because “Photo Op”…

What a waste of time…space..opportunity…garbage..just garbage..

Posted in:Bella Hadid|Gigi Hadid|SFW




Bella and Gigi Hadid in Some Sisters for Fashion Erotica of the Day


No, this isn’t a creepy family photoshoot – put together by the Hadid mom – or the Hadid sugar daddy dad – who loves models and wanted to pay “model shoot” for his girls to really understand his fetish.

You know, telling them as they grow up that all that matters is looking good enough to pose on camera – because it feels good on his testicles that ejaculated them out 20 years ago – and his wallet that has since paid lots of money to ensure a good life…

It’s not the mom having a play day, because she was a model and she wanted the kids to understand her struggles – that landed her a rich arab man….who probably shit on her chest…shit that may have seeped into her uterus creating these monsters…

YOu know, cuz housewives, especially rich and vapid ones….need things to do beyond shopping, redecorating and fucking the help…or tennis coach..

This is an actual campaign, for an actual brand, because both girls are considered actual models, they are tall, they are rich, they have followers…good marketing..

But I’d be more impressed if a fashion brand like Fendi hired interesting people, using Bella and Gigi Hadid is just basic, lazy, boring, played out garbage….

There are so many interesting personalities you can endorse, support, empower…hire…change the life of…you know women who are working, or trying to make it, who have great stories….

But they choose buying into this superficial, spoiled brat, crap…for followers….

I find it disgusting…and not very innovative, artistic, clever….

But here are the pics…

Here’s some Gigi Hadid Boxing for Reebok…because people love throwing money at this cunt…

Posted in:Bella Hadid|Gigi Hadid|SFW




Gigi Hadid – Bullshit Model of the Day


I find it hilarious that Gigi Hadid exists….I find it funny that she’s a model…that she’s an “it girl”…that she’s polarized the world into taking her seriously…all because she’s rich and connected from LA….because she’s really not all that hot…

She’s just a talented marketer, or her hired hands who manage her career are good marketers, her mom, the people from the Real Housewive’s reality show, whoever she’s working with, because they’ve positioned her as this relevant thing, which has got her work, followers, relevance, and she’s making money she doesn’t need doing it….the world takes her seriously, calls her a model despite being some spoiled cunt who bought her career after latching onto the Kardashians …pretending to be a model…but then again we have to remind ourselves that modeling is the dumbest career and anyone can do it…so long as they stand in front of a camera making serious faces and poses…even though it looks like a fucking joke..

At least she’s not fat anymore…

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Gigi Hadid Plays Dead Hooker Pose for a Brand of the Day


Gigi Hadid is a talented marketer, or her hired hands who manage her career are good marketers, because they’ve positioned her and got her work, followers, relevance, and the world takes her seriously, despite being some spoiled cunt who bought her career after latching onto the Kardashians ….and the fact she exists is hilarious to me….

Gigig Hadid is not that hot, at least she’s skinnier than she was, and she’s not a talented model, whatever that means, since modeling is so dumb, but I guess she’s a good promo model who can sell product, or maybe brands just want the “it girl” who is self proclaimed it girl, to run their marketing programs…I don’t get it…

But I do think her playing dead, with dead eyes, in tight clothes is some of her best work for a brand…I assume dead rich girl / sugar baby – is what they are going for – and she does it so well…because really a rich kid model who craves fame – is no differnt than a hooker craving money for crack…it’s just a different, better smelling table…

Either way – garbage…lazy fucking garbage…that she probably made millions for….the world is stupid.


Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Gigi Hadid Overpaid to be Naked in Shoes of the Day


Gigi Hadid is unfortunately sitting at the right table, thanks to being born into the right living room, making her something that brands want to attach themselves to, not even because she’s hot, or interesting or compelling, but because the media talks about her, she’s got following, she’s hosting shit, she works with other brands, and they want in on the action, or association, it’s good marketing – to people who are lazy, have a lot of money, don’t feel the need to revolutionize anything – content or otherwise and just go with the same old shit, different overpaid girl people like, that they get naked in their shoes, so that the people on set get to see how much of her inner lips stick out of her outter lips…or if she’s just a slit, because if you’re paying a clown to play at your party, you should be allowed to jerk off to it…or fuck it…where are the Behind the Scenes outtakes this photographer has and has shown his friends and why am I not the one seeing it…because as we know GIGI’s pussy – may not be golden – but is worth gold – thanks to being born rich…and the obsession with her needs to end…because I can’t take more materialistic rich girls of instagram being taken seriously – they are jokes…treat them as such…

It’s nice to know that with all she has – she offers or gives back zero…the way it’s supposed to be when you’re a greedy asshole..who think you deserve what you have..


Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Gigi Hadid’s Butt Shot for W Korea of the Day


Gigi Hadid is in W Korea….where those crazy Koreans turned her into a K Pop video…all shiny bathing suit – with a skinnier than usual butt shot – because as a rich kid who bought her instagram model career – that went viral and turned into an actual model career – she had to live the part and lose the fat…because you can be a fat rich twat on instagram thanks to facetune and the lie that is is social media…but you can’t if you want to walk Victoria’s Secret infomercials…and other fashion shows that figure “use the bitch with all the fans, get the press, rather than actual models”….it’s all bullshit, sponsorship money, for people who are already making money or have money – gotta keep their socio-economic class richer…more egotistical…and reminded that their insular world is the only one that matters…

I saw an interview talking about her hosting the AMAs – which is this weekend and for the record are the only music award show that ever invited me to attend – which allows you to really grasp the quality Dick Clarke has left us with….and she went on about her One Direction Boyfriend…all while looking like a muppet faced Arab terrorist that Donald Trump should deport- but won’t because he’s a liar and likes rich people – and their slutty daughters…including his own….

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Gigi Hadid Implied Nudity for Allure US of the Day


Gigi Hadid is in Allure magazine, because she’s got so many interesting things to say to the world about all she’s learned in her struggles as a vapid rich kid – turned model with 25 million followers on social media – who gets money and press thrown at her – because brands and the magazines are trying to navigate this new world and need her kind to plug them on her social media to stay relevant…

The “Gigi Bares All” tagline on the cover makes me think “what the fuck could this bitch have to say that would have any insight that would be interesting or more than just instructions on how to selfie or hang out with Kardashians to mooch off their following”….

I don’t understand why they have to try to feature her in a way that is more than just nude pics of her…..and really they aren’t even nude pics…sure she was half nude – and nipples were exposed – but no one on set is cool enough to leak those shots…instead we get this over produced shit.

Garbage. I feel like the naked on the horse pic is from another shoot – but who cares…my sources are shit…

Here she is for W Korea…because she’s important….

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Gigi Hadid Panty Flash for Vogue Japan of the Day


Gigi Hadid looks better since she’s lost weight, everything is better when it’s less fat…and these pics are borderline hot of her, they almost make me think that she deserves some of the attention she’s getting as a model, rather than just hate on her for being some entitled rich kid who bought her career thanks to digital marketing, but I am a weak person and skinny legs and expensive panty flashes, something I assume she dreamt about doing in magazines while growing up, you know “maybe one day the world will see my panties, since I have a trust fund and have nothing better to do with my time, plus they’ll pay me…unless it’s editorial, even though I don’t need to get paid cuz I’m rich as fuck…thanks to having a real daddy…not sugar daddy”…..

The point is…there is no point…just pics of her slutty enough for me but arguably not slutty enough for the attention whore she is….because it works.

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Kendall and Gigi for W Magazine of the Day


So….W Magazine is on the search for clickbait, and I guess in that quest to get click in the media and on their social media accounts…they went with people they felt had a strong audience to achieve their hopes and dreams…to satisfy advertiser money…because these famewhores will do any media that comes their way for free….

Their concept was paid for by some brand, or a series of brands…because this is what advertising looks like….and I guess…the top level “artist” idea was to take pics of them with their original, pre-plastic surgery, noses…

They pretended it was “art”…or “social commentary” on the Snapchat filter…by hiring some artists, who don’t realize that artists are a fucking lie and that art doesn’t exist…especially when it’s all for an ad…garbage humans…

Let’s not intellectualize this shit, or buy into their shit, or pretend this is anything but clickbait fodder that isn’t even hot…or compelling…because these idiots are idiots..just looking for likes and follows…and not to do good things, or inspire…or be interesting or next level….

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|Kendall Jenner|SFW