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Archive for the Halsey Category




Halsey Bikini of the Day

Halsey Bikini

Halsey is some piece of trash who people are confused by and this is a legit popstar….which I guess she is on paper thanks to the radio play she gets and the number of hits she has….but I like to think that’s more a testament of her generation having terrible fucking taste and with that comes shitty viral songs from social media…it’s like all you need is a TIKTOK trending song to make it now…and it doesn’t even need to be a good song…you just need some fucker starting some challenge like the piss yourself challenge, the shit yourself challenge, the cum yourself with no hands…you know the real things that matter…online challenges are the new Guinness Book of records….but online challenges usually are won by the biggest fucking idiot…not the biggest talent…which I guess applies to those who win the online challenge of most radio play…because Halsey sucks….

I don’t mind when the club kid is in a bikini though, I mean she got her fake tits for a reason, all that hard work paid off in tits I guess and all it took was sucking the right DJ dick in the VIP room which is what originally made her exist, but in her defence there are 10s of thousands of girls out there who have sucked DJ dick and aren’t anything, so I guess the skill is taking the dick suck to the top….and this is the result of that.


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Anime Cosplay of the Day

Halsey Cosplay Bra Panties

I don’t play videogames and I haven’t since the 80s when some dude who was fucking my mom before she died of AIDS bought me a Nintendo….that I’d play duck hunt, double dragon and Mario 3 on…it was a tactic for me to be distracted while he was getting his fuck on…probably not knowing that he to would eventually die of aids…sex workers man…you gotta always use a condom….at least back in 1987…


This is Halsey in Cosplay for the nerd perverts into whatever ANIME weirdness this is, and her tits are out as she goes after the lowest common denominator…the nerd fuck who jerks off to ANIME…probably a pretty easy demo to manipulate…I mean if they jerk off to cartoons, they can easily be swayed into a real live chick, even one as bullshit as Halsey…so long as she’s dressed like the anime they’ve conditioned to be the only thing they can cum to.

Ya’ll are weird..


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey is Naked of the Day

Halsey Nude

Halsey may be some hit popstar which doesn’t really mean shit beyond her having the ability to brainwash the masses with the help of her team who see her as a potential earner…and she’s earning….

I don’t think there’s any real talent involved in the making of anything these days and that’s not some old timer “OK BOOMER” who doesn’t get it, despite being an old timer basically a boomer, I know garbage when I hear it.

There was garbage being produced in my youth also, it’s not a unique “music was better in the past”, it’s just that with the internet, what matters is viral…..LIKE how the GLOBAL PANDEMIC went VIRAL as it is a virus, shitty music does too.

With the right video, the right starlet with the right level of scandal or hype, who works with media or social media the right way….it’s all trash.

So this bitch pretends to be more than a sex worker, she pretends to be living her popstar dreams, she cries about growing up and being a party animal drug addict, to seem relatable to the ravers, but I’m convinced she just fucked the right DJ.

I’ve known DJs over the years, I’ve seen them DJ in various places, and every night they’d have new pussy come home with them….before leaving for their next destination where they do it again….

I even met Mac Miller once and he was telling people about how he’d fuck fans and sometimes they’d follow the tour bus and show up at the next concert in another state to fuck again.

These bitches, groupies if you will are INCESSANT, they want that fame so bad….and I have a hard time believing that Halsey wasn’t one of those hot young chicks in the VIP room, who convinced a DJ she fucked to lay down a track with her….and it went viral, she existed, and all it took was her pussy to go viral, take some dirty dick for your dirty pussy, and win…so now during the virus, she’s naked in a pool celebrating earth day…like the pissing in the pool trash she is…

I’ll look, despite thinking she’s trash because I like trash.


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey BSOD Twerk of the Day

Halsey BSOD Twerk

Halsey has always been a sex worker as far as I’m concerned. She just happened to sex work on the right dick like smart sugar babies do. If you break it down, I guess everything is sex work.

From what I remember, she magically appeared one day claiming she was homeless and a drug addict, only to manage to drop a hit song with some EDM / DJ dudes she likely fucked…that’s how it works…these DJ dudes are some of the biggest losers pretending to be cool that an average looking girl who understands basic seduction can manipulate the fuck out of them…

So seeing her doing whatever this stripper dance is, is basically what she is about…but unfortunately for you bitch got that million dollar record deal to be used like she’s the next Katy Perry, equally annoying but less fat and cankled….which luckily for superficial people like us, who aren’t her shitty music demographic, we can watch the dance without hating her and her fake tits too hard….since there’s no audio track raping our ears as she tries to rope you in by making you want to rape her (romantically of course, unless you’re paying her enough)…that’s how it works.

Halsey BSOD Twerk

Halsey BSOD TwerkHalsey BSOD Twerk


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey in Blackface of the Day

Halsey Black Face


There was a time when this bitch whined about being half black with nappy hair and not getting the products she needs from the hotels she doesn’t pay for thanks to sucking the right DJ off at the club and getting a career because kids don’t need talent or even good product, it just needs to be catchy, a meme, clickbait…you know it…videogame culture…

Now this bitch is out here living that good life, while pretending she was a homeless drug addict, cuz it makes her poptart dick sucking, trying to be famous, celebrity bullshit life she now has cuz she’s a groupie mainstream lame as fuck pile of shit, seem like it has a better origin story.

Throw her in the trash where she belongs this week old kitchen garbage looking bitch.


Posted in:Halsey|SFW




Halsey Bolt Ons Getting Wet of the Day

Halsey Bolt On Tits Topless

I guess the good thing about bolt ons, versus stick ons, is that bolt ons can get wet…the water doesn’t fuck up the glue, cuz them tits are being boosted from the inside…

Halsey is some bullshit popstar that Hollywood bought into her silly story, from being homeless to being black, she’s consistently annoying.

She’s also been seen ripping bumps of some white powder during some Miami music week, yet brands don’t boycott her, let her continue to taint and confuse the kids around America.

I don’t care about any of that, I have seen that entertainment industry or the media in general is some hypocritical shit..so I just accept that and stare at the tits, even when you can’t see the tits, cuz they are submerged in a way you kinda wish her head was, you know if only that drug use led to the overdose that ends her….a boy’s allowed to dream.

Instead we get to look at her sharing pics she’s taken of herself cuz she feels like she’s hot…the worst.

Halsey Slutty


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Drowning Evan Peters of the Day

Halsey Evan Peters Wet Bikini

Halsey is some trashy girl who got famous thanks to believing her own hype and her own lies….she created some nonsense story about being homeless and an addict…when we can assume she was just a degenerate party girl going to the raves and fucking the DJs…those DJs let her lay down some vocal tracks…they made a hit with her and signed her and kept her around….and now she’s out there stealing Emma Robert’s queer boyfriend…who has her on his shoulders in this pic…where he looks like he’s struggling.

This bitch is from the VICTIM generation, so I’ve been annoyed of her for a lot of reasons…ranging from her origin story that is a fucking lie…to her complaining that hotels don’t offer shampoo for black people…or black hair…because she wanted the people to know her dad is black and she’s mixed…so that she appeals to a broader audience I assume…and that whole thing was annoying….

But she lieks to have her tits out, fake tits from what I’ve observed, but it could all be photoshop, we live in a time when Halsey could just be a hologram, which would be great, because we could fucking turn her off…

Other annoying Halsey facts…the paparazzi caught her railing a line of whatever powdery substance in Miami…and brands still work with her…I prefer a time when getting caught meant not hiring you….but now we’re cool with celebs snorting drugs…since we’re all snorting drugs and can relate….don’t stigmatize addiction or partying….that’s discrimination…instead celebrate it….however…it’d be nice if this bitch got canceled….they never cancel the people I want them to.

Here she is for the new DKNY campaign


Posted in:Halsey|SFW




Halsey’s Tits on SNL of the Day

Halsey Tits SNL Mini Dress 6

I don’t know what I dislike more, SNL or Halsey, but both are pretty fucking bad.

I know that SNL has this legacy and that it’s seen as this revolutionary show for comedy and that may be true, I mean the 70s were a different era. I think I only watched the show a few years when I was 14 or 15 and even thought it was shit…I just lived in the middle of no where, had no friends, and would be home on a Saturday night with nothing by network television to entertain me.

I know that the show has bred some serious fucking talent whether you like their comedy or not….from Adam Sandler who got fired from the show and who is now a billioaire, to Chris Rock to Will Ferrell, also a billionaire, to Dan Ackroyd also a billionaire thanks to Ghostbusters…to Bill Murray and all then all the modern assholes I find fucking terrible like Dancing Monkey Fallon, Tina Fey and Andy Samberg…it’s all just a pile of commercialized, safe, TV friendly, weak comedic garbage…

But then again…what do I know about comedy. I’ve never tried to be funny. I’ve never done stand-up. I’ve never written a comedic movie. I am just a critic on the outskirts of relevance. I say I’m a comedy snob, that laughing is a waste of time, that comedy besides a small handful of people is just lame. Some loser who practiced and memorized in front of the mirror to get that perfect 15 minute set. So my opinion doesn’t reflect the success or the zeigtgeist of what the people are actually into. I mean if it was, I wouldn’t live in a ghetto basement apartment with a fat wife cuz she pays the rent.

I still think I can say SNL sucks…

Then there’s Halsey, some liar who created some fake backstory of her drug riddled ghetto half black homeless youth, when really bitch was just some party girl who fucked a DJ that kept in contact with said DJ and did a vocal track on one of his massive songs, paving the way for her….but no one like to say “i sucked a DJ dick and he was nice to me in this MeToo era and wanted to keep the door open for future dick sucking, so I sent him a vocal track I did and he made it a hit”….

I find her barely hot, barely interesting, barely slutty enough….whether in lingerie showing off her new fake tits, or a bikini….so these are two things I hate….coming together for media and popculture moments that shouldn’t fucking matter.

Halsey Tits SNL Mini Dress 22

Here she is in a slutty short dress
Halsey Tits on SNL


Posted in:Halsey|SFW




Halsey Fucks the Floor of the Day

Halsey Cowgirl Nudity

Halsey is a cow, and she’s showing off her cow tits that she bought with her popstar trash money, because she’s manipulated the industry into thinking she’s good, and the industry has manipulated the fans into thinking she’s good, despite just being some DJ slut at an EDM concert who sucked the right dick. I am not a fan.

I remember when she first came up and people were praising her for being “almost homeless” and a “drug addict”….bitch was a party slut but bitch knew how to polarize that shit HARD…and people bought in.

She also plays up that her dad is black, which in and of itself is BLACK FACE in its own right, you know the whole “I’m so victimized, feel sorry for me, connect with me, feel for me, the plight of this ethnicity is my plight too”….garbage…she so white…

Then there’s the whole resurgence of COUNTRY music, something I’ve listened to forever and something I’ve written off people for extended periods of time for spitting back the scripted “anything but country” response to “What music do you like”….people, with no brain or knowledge of anything just denounced an entire GENRE of real fucking music, with real fucking stories, talking about real pain and real hardship, cuz they were trained to say that….I fucking hate you.

I can assure you that both DIPLO and HALSEY and even LIL NAS X all at one point in their lives said “anything but country”….

But country music PAYS the fucking bills, so now it’s cool, trendy, it goes viral..jump on it like it’s a record exec…or in Halsey’s case…a DJ at the club’s dick.

Her bolt on tits are shit, her sleazy country angle is a lie…she is a lie…and lies must be taken out back and shot…

Halsey Cowgirl NudityHalsey Cowgirl Nudity

Halsey Cowgirl NudityHalsey Cowgirl Nudity

Halsey Cowgirl NudityHalsey Cowgirl Nudity

Halsey Cowgirl NudityHalsey Cowgirl Nudity

Here she is last week humping a boat on vacation with Evan Peters..
Halsey Spreading Legs Bikini



Posted in:Halsey|SFW




Halsey Panty Upskirt on Stage of the Day

Halsey is so shit, everything about her is shit, even her panty upskirts are shit, but not too shit for a lame fucking trendy internet DJ to make her into a star by letting her lay down vocal tracks on his shitty mainstream music….all cuz he felt her panty upskirts were worthy as he slid his dick up in her…otherwise there is no justification of her money making career…cuz she’s so fucking average…

Posted in:Halsey|SFW