Jade Chynoweth the dancer who was getting gay with that degenerate Halsey on stage at Rihanna’s fashion show, so she’s like practically famous now.
So when you’ve worked your way into part of Halsey’s fake storyline people are buying into even though it’s fake, embellished and designed to generate hype and sell records for the puppet…..you do what you can to get half naked on social media with that dancer body that anyone who has fucked a dancer will know can deliver in the bedroom thanks to the strength they have from dancing and the cardio endurance they have from dancing…in a bounce on your dick until she rubs it out so it no longer exists….just jack hammering it like it was an old concrete floor you’re trying to replace..forever out of the way and you’d be okay with cuz you wouldn’t have to ever fuck your fat wife again, and the sex with the dancer was that much better than the sex with your fat wife….who just sort of lays there smelling like un-wiped sweaty barn animals…and here’s that dancer body for attention…

Here she is dancing..
Posted in:Jade Chynoweth|SFW