I don’t care about this Bill Cosby scandal that’s going on. I feel like it happened before and is just a diversion from his pedophilia. You know never trust a man who seduces kids with JELLO, has a show where they sit on his lap about kids saying the Darndest things, before being a huge sitcom success….I mean in the 50s when he went to college to be a teacher…you’d think some alarms would go off….since any grown man drawn to kids…is usually a fucking predator…
That said, Zombie woman and original supermodel according to Janice Dickinson, was reliving the glory days, and figured she might as well cash in and have people talk about her rugged plastic surgery body that is melting off her frail model bones, because she’s come out to attack Cosby from a 1980s encounter where she tried seducing him to get on his show…
This is what she said:
Dickinson said she met Cosby in Lake Tahoe at his urging after he said that he would help her with her singing career. They had met earlier when her agent had introduced them, hoping that she could get a job on “The Cosby Show.”
Dickinson said that after dinner, she and Cosby were in her hotel room and that he gave her some red wine and a pill. She had asked for a pill because she had been suffering stomach pains.
“The next morning I woke up and I wasn’t wearing my pyjamas and I remembered before I passed out I had been sexually assaulted by this man,” she said. She said she remembered Cosby dropping the robe he had been wearing and getting on top of her.
She said she never confronted Cosby about the incident.
“I’m doing this because it’s the right thing to do and this happened to me and this is a true story,”
Sounds legit. So she asked for the pill while drinking and she woke up naked and assaulted…I am not a victim shamer, but seriously, this woman’s had more cock than a Colonial Sanders…and there comes a time when you can’t really take their rape claims seriously….”I swear I said no, he just couldn’t hear me cuz my mouth was full of his balls”…
Either way, rape is bad, but you can’t rape the willing, and I would assume based on her leathery body, that she’d actively encourage rape these days…just because she craves human touch…
Here’s a tribute to her…while she tries to drag your childhood JELLO man through the mud, not because she’s in the KKK, but becuase 40 years is the right amount of time to remember the incident clearly, especially after 40 years of booze and drugs.
Posted in:Janice Dickinson