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Archive for the Jessica Biel Category




Jessica Biel’s Mom Ass in a Bikini of the Day

When your husband is a homo that was probably molested in a boy bad that you groupied on, turned a blind eye on his gayness, even if his dances and hair told you a different story, you even had his kid, possibly from artificial insemination to avoid the pussy, but maybe just set to gay porn while she took it from behind…. you probably do what you can to maintain your best feature for as long as possible, hoping, that maybe he’ll come out of that closet and give it to you like the loyal and wife that you are….or maybe, it’s for other men to fuck her while he watches which is a less gay, but still gay approach……

Racy bathing suit choice for a mom in her 40s, I guess she’s well aware of what she’s packing and is ready for some actual male attention, not some Cry me a river bitch shit…so get to it.

To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Jessica Biel




Jessica Biel Ass of the Day

There was a time when Jessica Biel’s ass was celebrated by the pervert celebrity fetishists out there, despite her hard body being so masculine that a fag like Timberlake would marry it..knowing it was almost a pass….

The ideal boy band groupie, the Hailey Bieber yes-man of her generation, who sat on the sidelines while her superstar man toured the world and she waited at home, plotting ways to not throw him off or ruin the work that she did….

Now, going back to her passion of filmmaking, but with Timberlake financial backing, because without it she would have died with the dad from Seventh Heaven…

But yeah, there was a time that this star was marketed as some hot fit scandalous thing thanks to one photoshoot and some decent sized tits…that’s all it took.

Those days are done, but for the fanboy, they’ll be happy to see her wiping the cum out of her cunt after a sex scene she rocked her nerd afro in….

THIS IS NOT MY KIND OF CELEBRITY NUDITY FROM A SEX SCENE IN A MOVIE….but who cares about what I like, clearly not the movie makers out there who constantly disappoint.


Posted in:Jessica Biel|Jessica Biel




Jessica Biel Fitness of the Day

I’m over here looking at Jessica Biel’s crotch in her money grubbing Walmart ad that involves her throwing a medicine ball at the ground angrily in the most depressing ooking home gym I’ve ever seen. This is like some crackhead’s gym in his spare room in his double-wide, not the wife of the illustrious Justin Timberlake who she groupied on hard enough to end up marrying.

I’m looking at her crotch because I never thought Biel was hot, and I’m trying to see if there’s a tuck job, because I’ve been told they sneak trannies into the mainstream to fuck with us….

I will say that I think she is probably an actual woman, just fit and muscular, which normally doesn’t bother me….but for whatever reason I just find Biel dog shit….and when a movie pops up with her in it…I avoid…

I will also say that if you’re in a pair of light grey leggings, you sure as fuck better be showing us the WET spot, it’s kind of the whole point.

Yes, turn WALMART ADS you money grubbing slut into subtle porn, since you know money from WALMART is her porn….you know make it fucking count…you consistently cheated on groupie who happens to have a bit of a career thanks to the dude you married…a real win…for the empowered woman to look up to.


Posted in:Jessica Biel




Jessica Biel Nude Leotard of the Day

Jessica Biel is like cilantro. Either you fucking love her and think she’s the hottest thing in the world, or you fucking hate her. I guess Anne Hathaway is like that too. You know, just one of those celebs that the people who love her confuse the fuck out of the people who are disgusted by her….but then I guess there are a few on the fence types that are indifferent about the whole thing, like Justin Timberlake, who you know is just with this bitch because she is his number one fan, his groupie, who he could do no wrong to set off while she got to continue living her best Timberlake life, where they’ve been married for a long time, they have a couple of kids because that’s how you trap a motherfucker and even when he’s publicly caught cheating on her, she sticks around because she knows the sugar baby deal….

Anyway, people are like “she’s so fit, her ass is so toned”, I mean what else is she to do with her time besides workout in efforts that her husband will love her as much as her groupie ass loves him…

So seeing her in her leotard acting a fool, should turn some of you 7th Heaven nerds to the “she’s fucking lame like all actors” side of the fucking fence Justin Timberlake is standing on, between loving and hating this trash.


Posted in:Jessica Biel




Jessica Biel Bra and Panties of the Day

Jessica Biel Bra Panties

Leave it up to Jessica Biel to make bra and panties look so boring…

Pervert dudes who used to watch Seventh Heaven because they are fucking weridos and into shows carried by that patriarchal figure who was charged for being a pedophile, on some epstein was murdered shit and I guess found Biel hot….then she did some “iconic” shoot for Details magazine – back when Men’s Magazine were a thing, cuz Men were a thing, and not queer genderless momma’ boys who drink too many women hormones from all the birth control pills pissed into the tap water….back when Men’s mags were so big, they would start secondary mags like Details…but then the internet happened…and they were slow and Jessica Biel was 18 then…and this was 20 years ago now..so now she’s old as shit…but dudes are still hyped on seeing her half naked…because clearly they haven’t looked at her face…

On the positive side Biel, is that she has been fit for all these years, even after her kid with Timberlake…she likes fitness and her ass has benefitted from that…

I will also say that she played being a Timberlake groupie so cool, that dude didn’t realize she was creepy fan, stan-ing the fuck out of him, waiting for him to comeback from tour, never asking who he fucked, cuz she couldn’t ruin that meal ticket…and I appreciate that kind of dumb bitch loyalty to the wallet she’s fucking…

So here she is old in panties…looking like a zombie…cuz it’s still Halloween in Montreal Canada…

Jessica Biel Bra Panties
Jessica Biel Bra Panties
Jessica Biel Bra Panties


Posted in:Jessica Biel|SFW




Jessica Biel Bikini Weirdness of the Day

I am not a Jessica Biel fan. She had one hot photoshoot back when she was on Seventh Heaven and decided to show the world that she can be a slutty, objectified, exhibitionist for attention, to draw attention on her…that was 30 years ago…

She went on to be a Justin Timberlake Groupie, playing the long game, having his kid and now living the good life, the rich person life, the superstar life, because if she relied on herself to support herself, she’d be broke by now, but luckily she connected with a huge star and let him do his gay shit, so long as she had his credit card and marriage….it’s creepy…some Fatal Attraction / MISERY shit…but here they are taking pics in a pool…with her fit mom in her 40 tits in a bikini top….not quite naughty enough…I was hoping for this to be more dick in her box.

Posted in:Jessica Biel|SFW




Jessica Biel Bunk Bikini Body of the Day

Jessica Biel Bikini Body

Jessica Biel has a netflix show that has at least one terribly awkward sex scene….

I put on this show to see what the Seventh Heaven one hit wonder, who cleverly connected to her Justin Timberlake fan club, and made the sucker marry her, before getting comfortable enough in their relationship to head back out there to work as the actor she always wanted to be….

It was fucking garbage, I had to turn it off, even after seeing her grab a cock over boxers..but it’s safe to say that this inappropriate, showing us that she’s still fit and works out because that’s what rich wives do, trying to generate some buzz around her….is her free ad for the show…

I couldn’t tell you what the show is about, and this is no way a free ad or promotion for that show….but I guess it is….

She has a lot of fans, a lot of old pervert fans, who like the woman Timberlake pretends is a man when he fucks her up the ass, like she was him, and he was the pedo producer who put N’Sync together…all these victims of abuse….reliving their abuse on their groupie they married broad shoulders…


Posted in:Jessica Biel|SFW




Jessica Biel in Underwear of the Day

I don’t know why Timberlakes number one groupie, who he got when she was still famous on TV, and who never fucking disappeared and just latched onto him and wouldn’t let him go, to the point where he eventually married her and made kids with her, because she proved how loyal and deserving of his money she was, and she proved how she’d let him fuck all the dudes he wanted, and even put herself at risk for AIDS, because he was just that dreamy with his frosted blonde curls…

Well, as a mom she’s decided to bring back her fit body….as these 40 year old women do…you can see her abs and thick thighs…and most importantly nipples…

So you Seventh Heaven Box Set owning weirdos…must be happy, while those of you who dont’ know what Box Sets are, or what Justin Timberlakes are, must be confused…

Don’t worry. I’m confused too.

Here’s her gay husband helping her do fit shit…

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Posted in:Jessica Biel|SFW




Jessica Biel for Yoga Pants Not Showing Yoga Pants Ass of the Day

Jessica Biel bent over in yoga pants

Jessica Biel isn’t hot and Justin Timberlake is a homo.

She is only known as being hot because she did one slutty shoot, for a now defunct magazine, which made everyone go nuts back when magazines had that power, even though she was a sexed up behind the scenes of that Christian bullshit, because the dad on the show was a fucking sex offender prevert…and they were just ACTING…

That was her only job, besides seducing the homo, who you know is a homo, because you watched his 40 year old homo ass do a song and dance during your superbowl in what was zero fucking cool…

She got him to marry her, probably put up with a lot, or maybe has a big dick, who knows, but the people loved her booty…because she did fitness….

ANd here she is not showing off that ass, show the ass, even if you are now 40, a mom (allegedly), looking bunk as fuck…and that’s about all i have to say about that…

Posted in:Jessica Biel|SFW




Jessica Biel Does Dirty Dancing for Ellen of the Day

Jessica Biel cockteased ellen in a tight dress, showing her ass in a tight dress, while on a promo tour, like a lame Bar Mitzvah act…because her and her husband are popstar dancing weirdos…assuming they are still married…and he hasn’t made his full transition to cock, but sticks with girls with deep voices and broad backs who sound and from behind look like they could have cocks…

I don’t know, watching irrelevant actresses from lame shows 20 years ago, 20 years older….still doing shit because they wallet fucked proper…bores me…but you probably like it – because you’re pathetic and can’t move on with your life.

I do love Dirty Dancing though, I own three copies of it and used to (3 years ago) watch it once a month…true story.

Posted in:Jessica Biel|SFW