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Archive for the Kate Upton Category




Kate Upton in a Make-Up Campaign of the Day


When dealing with a fat girl with fat tits for a make-up campaign that probably paid her over a million dollars to be part of…despite her being a fat chick…or maybe they signed her on before she was a fat chick…when she was the most important model around….

This is how you crop the images…so that you can maximize her maximum size…while featuring on the two things people like about her….face and tits…get rid of the other shit…like gut and dumpy everything….

Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




Kate Upton’s Fat Ass on Set of the Day


Kate Upton is on set of a movie…because I guess she’s figured out the way to look skinny, no, not wrapping herself aggressively in SPANX, something I am sure she already does…but rather connect with her creepy pervert fans through shitty romantic comedies…not because she has a passion for acting, or because she’s just trying to prove that acting doesn’t require talent, but because she knows the camera ads 10 – 20 pounds, so when people see her in person, they say in shock “I thought you were way fatter than this”…something that as a fat girl, she probably loves to hear…

That said, here’s her fat ass….in a pencil skirt…like a secretary..


Posted in:Kate Upton




Kate Upton Picture of the Day


Kate Upton posted this picture on her instagram that isn’t really hot, especially because she made reference to farting as the caption and when you’re as big as Kate Upton, and I don’t mean in terms of being a relevant model and actress, but in terms of being big in size thanks to feeding her tits too much food, farting is the last thing I want to think of, because I know…it’s something she does a lot of…right before she takes a massive shit…and as much as I know girls shit…I am old school and pretend they don’t…

So here are some massive tits challenging me…and winning because I’d like big tits even if they were covered in the shit her overeating produced in the bed she was too lazy to get out of…

Posted in:Kate Upton




Kate Upton’s Diet Plan of the Day

Exclusive - Cameron Diaz, Kate Upton & Leslie Mann Show Off Their Bikinis In The Bahamas

I just read Kate Upton’s diet plan….according to Kate Upton for the sake of some interview with a magazine…a diet she claims she sticks to religiously…because like all emotional eaters…they lie about what they eat and hide the candybars, and in Kate Upton’s case…all you can eat buffet visits..binging…a secret…you know the kind of girl who gets in costume to hit up Cheesecake factory where she doubles down some blackout cake..or whatever it is she stuffs her face with…

Because I’m no nutritionist, or hormone/metabolism specialist…but if this girl is only eating this:

Upton starts her day with scrambled eggs (one white, one whole) and green tea. For a snack she eats 10 raw almonds with a green juice. Then for lunchtime it is quinoa with grilled chicken and vegetables. Her 4 p.m. afternoon snack is a protein bar while dinner is a sashimi or kale salad with grilled salmon and cashews.

Even in one sitting…then why does she look like this?

Posted in:Kate Upton




Kate Upton on her Nudes for Es Magazine of the Day


I guess in being constantly praised in her youth as the rich girl with huge tits, who ended up taking that praise to heart and turning it into a career, where she was surrounded by people in the industry praising her rich girl with huge tits, making it seem like the praise was legit…allowing her to undo the belt buckle of her trendy designer bikini on set of Sports Illustrated Swim…to eat a little, because she made it…only to never stop eating…turning into a chubby plus sized model no one calls a plus sized model..but who’s back would imply she’s a plus sized model…doesn’t get how humanity works…

You see the same people that smile to your face, talk shit behind your back…and the same people talking shit on your social media…are talking shit behind your back…because the more you achieve, the more people hate you…and when you’re fat as fuck while achieving it, the more people think you’re an overrated and overfed hack who pulled off a scam…making them angry for whatever reason…

Her recent story is that she finally opened up about her nudes that were leaked…without opening up the way she did in those nudes and this is what she had to say:

“It’s an invasion of my privacy and it’s not OK. It’s illegal,” she states. “People don’t have a right to look at those photos or to judge them.”

I agree…what is on your phone should only be between you, the government, your phone provider, the FBI, the app owners of apps you run…and not some kid who hacked your icloud….those pictures are property of the owner and should probably never have been released…but the fact is that when you’re a public figure in a world that love nudes…the better strategy is to not save the fucking things…because you’re a target…and not only because you’re 500 pounds and people can’t see past you..

Nudes are public domain the second you send them out to a motherfucker who can get his phone stolen, or who can send to his friends, or whatever..nudes are a liability, if you think they are a big deal..which brands and Christians probably do…

People don’t have the right to look at the photos and judge…I mean that’s like saying “you can’t have an opinion on things you see ever”…that’s just not how our fucking brains work…and when it comes to sexting, everyone may have nudes, everyone may be trying to masturbate with their partner so that their partner doesn’t cheat on them, even though he cheated on them…but not everyone shows the fucking world due to negligence or anything…

So yes…you’re a horny, sexual, high estrogen monster….who some may find a whore for your pics, but others may jerk off to…and people like may just have no interest in because the nudes sucked, your body sucked, get over yourself…if you can find the strength in your legs, because that’s a huge thing to get over…if you know what I mean…if you don’t…I called you plus sized again.

Who cares.

Posted in:Kate Upton




Kate Upton Photoshoot for Vogue of the Day


Kate Upton is in Vogue because she’s a fashion model, or maybe because she’s a viral sensation, who had big boobs that went viral, back when she was young and the rest of her hadn’t caught up to them tits, only to have maximized that window of opportunity, now that the rest of her has caught up to her tits…

I guess the good news, is that thanks to modern technology, there is photoshop…

Here are the pics…for Vogue…by Testino…she looks hot…

Here is the video…where you can see how fat she actually is…

Posted in:Kate Upton




Kate Upton Photoshoot of the Day


I think it is funny to see a hefty Kate Upton, not in a bikini and not showing her tits, while looking like she’s mid-30s, thanks to hitting puberty at 11, due to hormones in the food…creating tits, that her rich as fuck family could put out there, because what else are you going to do with your monster daughter, instead of making her feel like shit about being tall and build like a school bus, make her famous before the rest of her follows into the obese pile of disgusting fat that is Kate Upton…

She’s overrated, she’s lazy, she could be fit, but instead chooses the plus sized life, she’s no longer relevant, people have forgot her and moved onto the next big tits, and I don’t even know why this magazine did this shoot, I assume it was a favor for a friend..because this isn’t the 90s, these models don’t have the same legacy or really need to be checked in on…I mean unless you’re her mom and making sure she hasn’t had heart disease, diabetic shock…etc….because no one really wants a Kate Upton now, but No one will actually want a Kate Upton when she’s missing a foot…

That said, here is what she had to say about Social Media:

“I feel like social media at this point is kind of bullshit. At the beginning it was amazing and a lot of fun. It was like, ‘Cool, I can talk to my fans!’ And now I think that we’re losing the art of it. When I joined Twitter it was just me, but [when] you’ve got contracts, it’s so planned. Now it’s about who has the best marketing, not who has a really good personality.”

Some people deserve to be made fun of….

Posted in:Kate Upton




Kate Upton Surf Video of the Day

I didn’t know that Kate Upton could surf. I guess it would make sense, or be a good excuse for why she was always in a bikini, I mean before being too fat for a bikini, and too fat to work as a model, and too fat for even people who like fat girls to are about her, despite her fat sloppy tits, because fat girls and fat tits….kind of come together…like you and all your friends in your circle jerk…homo.

Posted in:Kate Upton




Kate Upton Reminding You that Black Isn’t Slimming of the Day


There are strategies that fact celebrities use to look skinny in pictures. They are trained on these things…and they include but aren’t limited to wearing black, or standing with your arm on your hip….because black is slimming, unless you put it on a girl like Kate Upton, who the only thing that she can make slimming, is a fat chick standing next to her, that is less fat than her, because she’s massive and overpowering…you know Kate Upton, the it girl, model and actress with sloppy tits everyone loved, is now the fat friend girls bring out to make them look better….funny how these things work out…


Posted in:Kate Upton




I Hope Kate Upton is Pregnant of the Day


To say that this was the first year that Sports Illustrated used a plus sized model, when looking at these pictures of what I assume is a pregnant Kate Upton, is just a marketing hook, because no one wants to address the elephant in the bikini and say she’s fat…even though at 17 or 18 when her rich family hired her a PR team to push her to the mainstream, anyone who knows anything about basic biology, or anyone who dated or even worst married the girl from high school with the big saggers…that it is just a matter of time, whether first baby or 20th birthday when the rest of her catches up to her…

I mean this is fucking big…and she’s got all the money to afford a trainer, and a cook…she could have really carried herself into a longer lasting career, but now it just looks like she can barely carry herself, as her legs are about to give out on her…

This terrifies me…


Posted in:Kate Upton