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Archive for the Lindsay Lohan Category




Lindsay Lohan Understands and Embodies Love of the Day

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Love is…sitting bitch seat with your bitch who was once really famous but who is now broken, childhood-less, high maintenance and unstable..because you know you’ve already risked getting herpes for her, what’s letting her drive your QUAD, even if she’s got a pretty terrible track record when it comes to driving, which is more reason to not wear your helmet because you’ve lived enough and a life being married to this, babysitting this, with your Russian billions, is a life worst that a brain injury…


Maybe I am just jealous because I wanted to be the man riding Lohan’s coattails, in the strip club and porn world we call them the “purse holder”…but I guess I was more into that when she could afford my 50 dollar a day food and booze habbit…because I’m luxurious…

Love is so fucking lame….it’s always these public couples who crash and burn – eager for that!


Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Lindsay Lohan Panty Flash of the Day

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Lindsay Lohan revisited her past by hanging out with old friends, like the Kardashians and her lesbian Yahoo heir Courtney Semel – like it was 2004 and they were all 12 years younger and the talk of the town – and not a group of bootleg, old timer, horrible humans…and she really got into that role of Lindsay Lohan from her youth – since all these actors have no souls or identity they are just fucking puppets always acting – and aren’t real…but in reconnecting with that character from her past – she flashed her panties, that should have been her pussy which is just as red in pubic hair and scabs – which I guess is better off covered – no need to go back down that road….not now that she’s engaged to be married and all that other bullshit she’s up to…even though this is the only LOhan I like.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I am in love with Lindsay Lohan. She’s the only thing that matters!

Here she is posing hot with water…

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Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Old Man Lindsay Lohan in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Lindsay Lohan is everything….including a clever little censor who doesn’t want the world to see her tits because she’s already shown the world her tits and it didn’t really do much for her….other than make people bored of her…not because she has bad tits, in fact she’s got amazing tits, but once you see the tits you don’t really need the girl anymore…you got what you want..partially because fucking her will make your dick fall off, but also becuase she’ll never fuck you – she aims for money to maintain her lifestyle – she’s Lohan…you know…pretty A list name, even though she hasn’t worked…

So she’s being subtle and coy, showing us she’s in a bathing suit..but making sure the railing blocks out everything that matters…and that is a tragedy….because I love Lohan as she falls apart, she’s a reminder of the glory days but more importantly – her tits are glorious…

She’s probably the biggest pain in the ass to hang out with – or date – even her face in these pics looks like she’s mad and complaining..that’s why I SAY solve the issue with the only redeeming thing we can…tits…and she can’t even get that right…

She posted this pussy / bikini bottom not panty / flash on her instagram – good work girl…not that it’s actually work, I mean it’s Lohan…getting out of bed and not dying of a drug overdose is her idea of working…but it is panty flash!

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Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Lindsay Lohan Cleavage with her Parents of the Day




If this family portrait of a broken family, with a pile of serious fame whoring, trashy rich person issues, from drug addiction to everything else Christians would find the devils work…

Maybe you’d rather see everyone’s favorite father and angry weirdo Mike Lohan in some weird spa treatment…

A video posted by Lindsay Lohan (@lindsaylohan) on

But seeing Lohan, not just because of her great tits, back with her drug dealers, creators, pimps…at a concert for publicity, seeing as the whore mom wants any attention she can get from her golden child…warms my heart…it brings me hope…that Lohan is recovered, has forgiven the family for robbing her of a life, and is ready to come back from where she’s been hiding, only to self destruct again, because it’s fun to watch…it feels like home….this is so right…

She’s hot…even if she’s ageing terribly like a porn star..she’s a goddess to me.

To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Lindsay Lohan is Engaged and Bella Thorne has a Sun Burn of the Day


I know that no one cares about anything Lindsay Lohan, she’s so done, expired, useless, irrelevant, still famous and people will still suck up to her, but nothing she does is of real interest, nothing even when she goes out and gets engaged no one cares, 80 percent of people just assume she’s dead….or prostituting herself to someone who thinks it’s cool that they are fucking Lindsay Lohan, knowing how many famous and rich cock that has been in her…it’s like that pussy is the whos who of the early 2000s Hollywood…

I am probably one of 50 people who still care about Lohan, including her immediate family, but then again, they never cared about her…but I don’t really care to see her face that she’s mangled, at 30 or near 30 or older than 30…..it takes away from what was…

So to celebrate Lohan, her engagement, I’d rather focus on a topless, recently sunburnt, snap chatting redhead who is everything Lohan wanted to be, including but not limited to 18 years old…Bella Thorne…because we’re in an era where Bella Throne’s sunburn is a bigger deal than Lohan’s engagement to some rich dude from Russia, 10 years behind on the trends…


But if you’re more into expired milk, knowing it will one day turn into cheese, here’s Lohan this past weekend NIPPPLES IN A SEE THROUGH DRESS

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Lindsay Lohan Fashionable See Through Pics Because She’s Everything of the day


I am an old motherfucker, and Lindsay Lohan represents and era of purity, where celebrities could be in Disney movies thanks to being on Disney Cock thanks to her mom’s whoring them both out on execs….and not really have anyone know they were whore, cock loving turned lesbian coke sluts…

She’s from an era where celebrities weren’t accessible, where not everyone was a celebrity, where people looked on or up to them, instead of trying to compete with them for followers…

Where she would walk in a room and people would notice and stare, something that may not happen today, because people forgets she exists, even when she brings out her great perfect fake tits….because she’s destroyed herself, her career, and her face.

I still have hope for a comeback, she will win an Oscar, I am a fan and always will be, from breakdowns, to half death, to super stardom, to nothing..partially because of nostalgia and because she’s wearing a sheet through dress…

She’s Perfect. But that could be the tits in a see through dress talking.




Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Lindsay Lohan for My Birthday of the Day

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Lindsay Lohan is everything…I forget she exists most of the time, but it’s my birthday and I’ll never forget the magic that she has brought our lives…even though I generally forget Lindsay Lohan…because she’s totally uninteresting, she’s washed up, half dead, boring, and probably never going to have a comeback tour, even though all I want for her birthday is for her to star in the script I wrote based on her life….that involves her having sex with my face until I die….you know to help her win the Academy Award because I am just that talented, and that’s the line I would use to try to trick her when she’s officially hit rock bottom…and her crazy views me as the only hope she has…

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Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Lindsay Lohan Dubsmashes Herself of the Day

A video posted by Lindsay Lohan (@lindsaylohan) on

This is just creepy as fuck. You know, a girl reverting back to her youth, for an App that probably pays her, in what you may think is funny or cute or clever, but that I know comes from a crazy place, where when she’s in her house, probably involves her reliving the glory days, making her friends read the other lines, as she does her Parent Trap breakout performance that was so promising for her future, but that she fucked up by self distructing…

I’m still a fan, because I like crazy, unstable, spoiled girls…and there’s something poetic and terrifying about this…”it was all so simple back then”….depressive…

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




The Reason Lindsay Lohan Doesn’t Have an Oscar of the Day

I used to be a believer that a broken Lindsay Lohan, who was so fucking famous after her parents sold her to Disney and monetized the fuck out of her, despite robbing her of her soul….would one day win an Oscar…

My rationale was that she’d make a good story of overcoming all odds, you know since she hasn’t died yet….coupled with the fact that I don’t think acting requires any actual talent, just ego and willingness to not feel like an asshole, when clearly you’re being an asshole…

I though that her extreme training as a young kid would allow her to dial into that part of her brain and get it…but then she puts out this shit..and I think…”God she’s terrible”….

I guess despite being a believer I am pretty sure Lohan is done….all based on her Dubsmash she felt the fans needed to see.

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Lindsay Lohan Meltdown of the Day


Lindsay Lohan posted this MEME of herself on Instagram with the best caption ever….calling out her mom in some kind of spoiled brat breakdown because her mom wasn’t there for her…which I guess is really surprising – seeing as they milked Lohan as hard as they could before throwing her into the dumps as the world forgot about her…but she’s still Lohan…and her mom is still some drunken, coked up Rockette who destroyed her…

I guess what I’m saying is that I still get joy out of how broken emotionally Lohan is from her family that exploited her, so much so that she posts it to fucking instagram in some irrational crazy person tantrum…because she is a crazy person…and that is everything…things don’t change…but faces do..thanks to botox…

Feels like home…a home Lohan never felt…LOLz.

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW