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Archive for the Liz Hurley Category




Liz Hurley Posts a Before and After Bikini Smut of the Day

Liz Hurley posted a picture of her and her friend Trinny Woodall, who is a 61 year old British TV personality and entrepreneur who’s ex husband killed himself during his divorce. If you don’t remember, Liz Hurley had a kid with Steve Bing who killed himself too.

Two bitches getting knocked up by dudes who eventually killed themselves, probably because not to say it’s some witchcraft conspiracy, seems like it’s actually fact, since it happened.

I guess high profile sluts who know how to position their hotness for personal gain, you know the power of being pretty and rich men being busy and too weak to really notice they are being duped.

Anyway, Hurley posted a before and after of a life of whoring…

The before, a 1994 picture of her and her friend, topless at the beach in the glory days when girls didn’t post that kind of content, but would let rich dudes they were manipulating snap the shot….

The after, a 2024 STILL Whoring but old as shit…

Obviously, the before is the picture you should be AIMING to cum on after you print it out because you’re old school like that…

Unfortunately, the after still gets you nerds excited because they don’t look like they are 65, but their vaginas probably smell like they do….

Posted in:Liz Hurley




Liz Hurley’s Titty of the Day

Liz Hurley must be pretty happy that we’ve got video photoshop filters now….because at 65 years old she can either re-work her face, or put some AI face on her tranny son who inherited her rockin’ tits by buying them with his Steve Bing inheritance after Bing jumped ship because he couldn’t live with the idea of having a tranny son…

The point is that people are still getting boners for granny Liz Hurley because she’s managed to game her rot proper and apparently once people are sold on a concept they stick to it until forever.

I’m interested in watching old ladies using their tits they’ve always used to prolong their career…with the tits, because I’m a simple person who falls into that honeytrap, just Winnie the Poo-ing things trying to get wrist deep in that dried up shit…

She’s a trend you hope picks up so that all the pervert orderlies at the Old Folks home can change diapers more erotically on hotter looking things that the typical weathered old ladies they are used to.

Posted in:Liz Hurley




Liz Hurley Being Fancy and Half Naked in her 80s of the Day

Liz Hurley is 100 fucking years old, so you can never be too sure if they are feeding us Liz Hurley AI or some Liz Hurley body double in a realistic Liz Hurley mask they bought off some Chinese mask supplier, because those Chinese have factories for anything, thank god for slave labor, low regulations, the ability to pollute aggressively, and the need and want for Americans to CONSUME dog shit products they like having more travel mileage than they do in a lifetime….if my morph suit doesn’t have at least one around the world on a freighter included in my 10 dollar sales price…IT isn’t good enough for me…

Point of the story is, you can’t believe anything you see on TV, are they in suits, are they shapeshifters, are they aliens in costumes, are they AI, are they fake as fuck…and that applies to the internet as well…

In Liz Hurley’s case, she’s got a tranny son with RIP STEVE BING THE JUMPER, the financial resources, and the ability to GAME us all for the benefit of her bikini brand..

She was one of the first celebrities to do an Instagram Bikini brand before every slut on instagram had one thanks to those CHINESE factories we were previously discussing in paragraph 1.

I have seen recent movies with her and she is still kinda hot, at 80 fucking years old, it’s disturbing whatever the science behind this freak is…

The good news is that old ladies staying hot freaks are better than flipper baby or other birth defect freaks, sure you can jerk off to both, but one’s a little better for the soul….

All this to say, Liz Hurley’s being rich and half naked in her senior years thanks to using her pussy right in its prime…important life lessons.

Posted in:Liz Hurley




Liz Hurley’s Bikini Walk of the Day

Liz Hurley’s bikini walk could also be described as a Dinosaur Walk because she’s in her late 70s. Clearly, she’s managed to get herself out of retirement community, maybe on a day pass, where she got to enjoy Maldives with her transgender son, who I typically assume plays Liz Hurley in most of her bikini content. Her menopausal body and his man on estrogen body line up.

I don’t know what procedures she has done to defy science, to pretend to have not hit the wall that all women hit at a certain age, but she’s done it pretty well and not as clown-like as the majority of women of her age and wealth, she seems to have not gone too far….but at the same time, I don’t think she has a belly button anymore, making it all so weird to jerk off to, but I am sure you can try your best.

Posted in:Liz Hurley




Liz Hurley’s Lesbianism in a Movie Directed by her Son of the Day

Liz Hurley has a tranny son who I used to say was pretending to be Liz Hurley in all her social media content, but as it turns out, it was actually Liz Hurley because she’s defied the aging process better than most, thanks to filters, fillers and being rich….

His name is Damian and he is the writer and director of a movie starring his mom, since shooting her smut has been part of his life for the last decade of her using social media to sell her dirty bikini bottoms…

He is the also the son of Steve Bing, who jumped off a building and who likely left the kid a lot of money that he can use on self produced, movies he wrote and directed, because that’s what having a billionaire dad who wants nothing to do with you is all about….getting paid when he dies….

In the movie, which is about a young woman being drawn into a world of seduction, duplicity and betrayal as she tries to uncover the mystery around her best friend’s death..

In the movie, his mom does a geriatric lesbian stuff, weird….but they are a weird rich family….who do weird things…as rich people do.

Posted in:Liz Hurley




Liz Hurley Bikini Again of the Day

Here’s some Liz Hurley still bringing the bikini and lucky for you non-believers out there, myself included, she’s showing some wrinkles around her eyes…..which I guess is like a 20 year old Australian, but for a British woman with a budget for decent food, creams, hydration and rarely exposed to the sun, it’s what you’d expect from a 40 year old, where as this one’s in her 60s….still bringing it.

I don’t really give a fuck about Liz Hurley, sure in the 90s when hot pussy was regulated by the machine, the mainstream media machine….so we took what we were fed….

Sure, she was hot, but the way she’s maintained her looks and her bikini content has just been weird, not rot, is she real, is it a latex mask like the other celebrities we see on TV, or is it just from the archive…

YET TODAY..there are wrinkles, something you typically don’t want to cum on or to, even if it fills the gaps….but in this case it means she’s real…unless it’s a filter because people are onto her….so she photoshopped wrinkles on her old content to throw us all off and think it’s new content….

Who knows..


Posted in:Liz Hurley|Liz Hurley




Elizabeth Hurley Nude of the Day

Liz Hurley is basically AI now, but I guess pretty much everything when you don’t actually leave your house and interact with a screen. It’s like all these bitches are just pixels and text, binary code, 0 and 1s motherfuckers….

But some are more AI than others, like when a 60 year old bikini model turned actor cuz she fucked a more famous dude for an extended period of time, before breeding with a billionaire who killed himself…but yeah, when they are 60 and still present as young and hot, you know there’s something fucking wrong in a big way…and not just because her transgender son who was rejected by said billionaire she bred with took this pic…but that’s pretty wrong too…but wrong that she’s still worthy of a good fucking.

I guess with all the genetic modified foods, the pollution, spray planes, anti-depressants, and all that other good stuff, the older generation rots less aggressively, or just know the importance of staying hot when their existence is based on being hot, either way…THIS IS WEIRD.


Posted in:Liz Hurley




Liz Hurley Still in a Bikini of the Day

Elizabeth Hurley Bikini

I am still convinced that either Liz Hurley’s transgender son who creepily shoots her bikini pics is great at photoshop….there is such thing as a family being too fucking close…..but yeah..

Either her son photoshops the fuck out of her, or she’s botoxed to fuck and lives her life as some sort of statue or figurine who doesn’t eat….

OR…she’s done a huge backlog of bikini pics 10 years ago and Liz Hurley’s actually dead but they keep her alive on social……

OR…this is her son.

Looks good whatever it is and she’s potentially in her 60s….not the 60s I know or see at the public pool doing aqua fitness…but a whole different kind of 60 that you don’t want to kill yourself while jerking off to pics of them….but yet you still can’t help jerking off to them….old folks home fetish shit…..



Posted in:Liz Hurley




Liz Hurley Old Lady Bikini Pic Shot By Her Son of the Day

Liz Hurley has her son take all of her smutty old lady bikini pics and that is weird to someone who doesn’t have a mom, she died when I was very young, so I can’t fully relate to the whole mom thing, like I could never relate to the hot sister thing, seeing as I never had a hot sister, and never bought they dudes with hot sisters didn’t jack off to their sister’s or their sister’s dirty panties in the laundry heap…because we are all fucking perverts…

I just think posing my mom half naked in slutty poses, seems like it’s inappropriate…maybe even child abuse…sexual assault #metoo…

I also think that things get weirder the richer and more delusional the person is, especially when that person is a narcissist….you know looking at her son, seeing herself, loving her son, seeing herself, thinking that her vagina created the best and more important man ever…

So having created that perfect man, you know cuz of that whole narcissism, and this bitch Liz Hurley is a narcissist….turning him into your photog, getting naked in front of him, all that other weirdness that goes into shoots leads to some very weird damaged momma boy complexes that may or may not include but not limited to some weird flipper incest babies….thanks to her very own sex toy who doubles as a old lady bikini smut photographer…WEIRD…

Posted in:Liz Hurley




Liz Hurley Letting You Look Up Her Skirt of the Day

Liz Hurley is such a little slut…

You’d think with her British accent, her success and her money, from both modeling and acting…and I guess from getting knocked up by rich guys she’s baited…that she’d be a little less of an exhibitionist, a little more demure and classy, a little more high society…but she got where she got being half naked and I guess owning that has been her thing…and now with social media, you can see her true colors of “Look at my old lady pussy and and ass and tits and whatever….I fucking love the LIKES I get”…

I am not complaining as I love sluts, but I wonder why she’s seeking that validation, oh right…cuz she’s an aged woman…obviously…

Some self produced smut…

Posted in:Liz Hurley|Liz Hurley|SFW