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Archive for the Liz Hurley Category




Liz Hurley Bikini Pic of the Day


To stay true to the old ladies in bikini theme of the last post, here’s Elizabeth Hurley, the original sugar daddy opportunist who rode Hugh Grant for a decade as he rose to fame, allowing her to model and act and share her pretty great body to the world…before getting knocked up by various rich guys…

Well, she still looks good, if you’re into old ladies still acting like bikini models, she’s still doing it, if you’re into old ladies trying to sell other old ladies bikinis…which obviously…you are…since it gets her in a bikini….

Weird times, but doesn’t it make you wish instagram was around 25 years ago so that you’d have all these hot nudes and half nudes of your granny…the one you used to bathe with…you know to jerk off to? RIGHT…

Posted in:Liz Hurley|SFW




Elizabeth Hurley Bikini of the Day

Elizabeth Hurley is posing hard at 100 fucking years old to remind us all that not all 100 fucking year old women are worth fucking sometimes, partially because they can’t get pregnant, and pregnancy scares are terrible if you’re not a deadbeat dad who has no interest in stepping up in her stupid decision to have the damn baby…

That said….from sugar baby to actress to old lady with great tits in a bikini posing….she’s done good…

Posted in:Liz Hurley|SFW




Liz Hurley Slutting Out for King George Day of the Day

Woah…King George Day is getting hot and bothered when Liz Hurley participates in it…even at 50 years old and all menopausal and shit she still has it in her to get manhandled by dudes with expensive watches…in front of everyone…to add some kind of spice to her life…because I guess her vagina hasn’t completely dried up yet, and even if it did, she could use lube to trick a motherfucker into thinking it’s still functional…I mean with a body like that, dry sex would still be fun, and in my defense Dry Sex is all I know, because I have this skill I call making even the most lubricated bitch dry…Some dudes make girls get their period…all fertile and hormonal, I make girls hit menopause early…it’s my move..

All this to say, Liz Hurley’s still got it going on.

To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Liz Hurley




Liz Hurley Hot Tits in a Hot Dress of the Day

Liz Hurley’s tits in this gold dress are pretty spectacular…They remind me of Liz Hurley of the past, not Liz Hurley the bikini company owner who doesn’t get in a fucking bikini because she’s too insecure since her body is what made her all her money and allowed her to marry what I assume is a billionaire, leading to continued good life, only more clothed, when all we really care about are her tits…that she only brings out to show off to girls at breast cancer events cuz it’s the only place she feels like she’s good amongst all the younger women…you know…

Either way, dressed in gold she’s like a trophy I want to fuck…giving new definition to the term – trophy wife….or at least a new image of old lady mom tits that used to be a model all squeezed together nicely….

Posted in:Liz Hurley




Liz Hurley Mom Ass in Track Pants of the Day

If you have a Russian mob fetish and a Milf Fetish you’ll be happy about these Hybrid pics…cuz they are of Liz Hurley, the lovely and talented model we all wanted to fuck in the late 90s before she turned late 40s, dressed in a pair of track pants you’d expect to see on some low level guy on the Sopranos before a hit or drug deal…ok so it’s a bit of a stretch but I’m down with how the fuckers are riding her ass and that’s enough of a post for this..

Posted in:Liz Hurley




Liz Hurley Falling of the Day

I call these pics “Bitch falling on her fucking face cuz she’s dizzy from not eating as a form of weight management”…..

There’s been some rumors that Liz Hurley’s boyfriend was caught cheating on her, but she took him back, like all good girls with no self respect who grasp the concept that sometimes they aren’t good enough, and thus dude needs to stick it in another cunt, to really appreciate what he has at home, kinda thing…while most girls are just too insecure to let us have our fun….

I guess this was her attempt to divert the attention from her having an open relationship, by throwing herself down the fucking stairs as hard as she can.

I love a bitch who sacrfices herself for a cause….especially when she has model mom with a bikini company tits. It’s a little niche but there’s still some jerk off material for it.

Posted in:Liz Hurley




Liz Hurley is an Old Lady in a Tight Dress Filming Wonder Woman of the Day

I don’t want to give you or your virinity a heart attack, but here are some pictures of busty Liz Hurley on set in a tight enough dress to stare at, shooting Wonder Woman, which is probably going to be your new favorite show….I don’t mean to spoil the excitement of the first episode, you know you’ve already planned watching with a vat of mayonaise and some raw chicken skin for masturbation purposes, so think of it as a preview of what’s to come…if you know what I mean…which you do…


Posted in:Liz Hurley




Liz Hurley Old Lady Street Walker of the Day

Liz Hurley is some hot old lady tits who owns a bikini line, but who won’t get in a bikini, and show her bikini line, I assume she waxes in hopes of feeling youthful like a 7 year old in her bedroom for her billionaire husband…probably cuz she’s not a busty 20 year old model who gets movie roles she once was and that aging shit fucks her up at her core….you know insecure about her mom body….but based on these pictures looks better than most bodies…maybe it’s just cuz she’s wearing black and shit is slimming according to my highschool Home Ec class I volunteered to teach for the pussy, but maybe I’m just down with old ladies holding onto their youth, especially when they walk the streets like common whores, when I know they are all fancy and use perfumed lotions on their pussies and shit back at her castle….AMazing

Posted in:Liz Hurley




Liz Hurley Crazy Cleavage of the Day

Aged or not…when you fill out your dress like this…it just doesn’t matter. If anything being old is an advantage, cuz the only 18 year olds hormonal enough to pull off this kind of cleavage is usually not on that sized of a frame but instead in line at McDonalds for seconds cuz the first double Big Mac wasn’t enough for her….It takes years of getting fucked to blossom like this and when it comes to middel-aged pussy, there’s a sweetspot where they aren’t too old, or overly sloppy and disgustingly aged living in an Old Folk’s Home, where you’d only fuck them if you were working the old folks home late at night and their hearing aid was off for bed so she couldn’t hear you moving in on her, or remember the next day cuz of senility, and even if she did, she’d appreciate your cock, cuz it has been 20 years since their husband died and they just couldn’t bring themselves to move onto someone new….I mean….Liz Hurley hasn’t completely lost her sex appeal, even to guys who like bitches under 25…

I’m not even a tit guy…I’m just a guy and if a 70 year old retarded girl with AIDS in a ski helmet was banging her head against the wall long enough for me to mount her, stacked like this or not, I’d mount her but then again, history has proven that I would pretty much fuck anything that has a vagina and that isn’t “that” dead…

Posted in:Liz Hurley




Lookin’ Up Liz Hurley’s Skirt of the Day

Liz Hurley owns a bathing suit company, but for some reason, she’s never in a fucking bathing suit. I guess she’s insecure about her body. But not insecure enough to pay attention to her dresses behavior in the wind and I guess this is the closest we’ve come to seeing her half naked in a long time, and I’m not even sure what it is I am looking at. It could be panties, it could be a bikini, all I know is that it’s not pussy and despite knowing some weird things have been in and out of that shit, like Hugh Grant, kids and whatever else along the way, maybe the panties or bathing suit are a good thing….I guess for a bitch known for her tits…this is a let down, but as far as I’m concerned looking a bitch’s dress is never disappointing, unless of course she turns out having a dick…which is a whole other story we don’t really need to waste our time with…

Posted in:Liz Hurley