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Archive for the Maitland Ward Category




Maitland Ward Ass Sweat of the Day

Maitland Ward Showing Ass Sweat in Yellow Swimsuit

Maitland Ward is a disgusting, sloppy, old lady….who everyone seems to fucking love – and who I guess is getting cocky in the weirdest way for her fanbase of weirdos who may have requested she sends images like this…of her thick thighs, discolored by being rubbed together, something any fat person can relate to…and would probably want to lock upper thigh discoloration – rub them like it was a hot summer day….

But more interesting…..the sweat stain…..on her asshole…seems hygienic….

The real question is – what the fuck causes this kind of sweat stain and more importantly, as shameless and attention seeking as you can be, why would anyone ever post this…you’d assume if the most shameless person out of ideas would keep that level of voyeurism to her damn self…bu

Maybe it’s vagina leakages, she’s menopausal age and the vagina does wild things….and she seems to be some kind of sex worker with no sex tape…or sex working…and this must be someone who is paying her’s fetish…

From TV in the 90s..to this…

Yet, she’s the biggest star on the site, the one everyone likes, so take it in…even if it’s terrifying….and I’m into some weirdness….just not this weirdness..

And in her defense, maybe she got this sweaty from taking the stairs…she’s just that fit!

Posted in:Maitland Ward|SFW




Maitland Ward Hard Nipples of the Day

Maitland Ward Hard Nipples in White Shirt and Black Lace Panties

Maitland Ward who is in her 40s…and was what most probably didn’t realize would be the star of Boy Meets World….who would in turn have a hugely lucrative career with so much longevity….because over 20 years later, she’s still doing it..

I mean sure, she’s not on TV, and doesn’t have any real paid work, I mean for all we know she’s a cashier at Target in Hollywood…

But she’s doing something on her social media, something shameless, exhibitionist, and thus lovely thank to her large old lady tits…it’s like they just kept growing and growing…

I don’t know who finances these photoshoots, or who takes her pics and her content…but I do know that it looks like it’s shot on a 20 year old phone that she may have got while working on Boy Meets World…..the last phone she could afford…

It’s bootleg, or DIY, amateur…


Which means I need to start investing in marketing the site to a new audience…

You’re all too fucking sick for me.

Posted in:Maitland Ward




Maitland Ward Tits for Kiss a Ginger Day of the Day

Maitland Ward Nipples in her Underwear

Maitland Ward is a doughy, even disgusting looking, 40 year old woman who gets named on the internet, because she realizes that people want to see her big fucking tits, even though she shows her big fucking tits all the fucking time, it’s really the only reason we know who she is, or talk about her, because before the tits on social media, she hadn’t been on TV in a decade, rocking out the Boy Meets World the later years like she was Topanga, as the brother’s girlfriend…a character I didn’t even notice while probably watching the show back then, who knows, we had limited options…

Well, the only day she’s actually relevant in her clickbait, because her whole career is finding way to get naked for various holidays or “national days”…is KISS a GINGER DAY, that I think used to be called Kick a Ginger Day back in high school, which I guess was Every Day – since GINGERs are weird pale skinned super powered outcasts that terrify most….especially when looking at how pink that pussy is.

Well, she’s the most popular clickbait on the site, people click her links and love her so take in this sex worker artistry that needs a sex tape…

Here she is being a fake lesbian

More on the stepFORUM –

Posted in:Maitland Ward|Uncategorized




Maitland Ward Nipples of the Day

Maitland Ward Nipples in a Green SHirt and Green Panties

Maitland Ward is fucking disgusting, but I still consider her a friend of the site because she angrily emails me complaining about how mean I am to her, which is nice, because there’s two types of humor from my perspective, MEAN jokes, and jokes not worth hearing, so I focus on MEAN jokes, to put people to the test, make them question their existence, and get under their skin and annoy them, ideally ruining if not all of their day, a little part of their day…not because I have a complex or because I am unhappy…I just think people need to be challenged, to see if what they are doing is the right thing, rather than encouraged and praised, as people tend to get lost in the praise, rather than in the hate…forcing them to become more progressive, interesting, challenging, competitive, and overall a better user experience.

I can go on and on about how Maitland Ward does softcore porn now, should have done softcore porn in the 90s, but in her old age, and I mean OLD age she’s found confidence and an audience that I doubt pays her much money, except for the escort fees….

But the truth is that in 2018, I am challenging myself to be better and better too, why die and stagnate with the rest of the sites cuz they aren’t making money, I never made money, in this climate find my category, and maybe I’ll finally go viral..

So I look at my analytics, something I’ve never done in years past, I just had boatloads of traffic I couldn’t monetize and didn’t care about monetizing, because that would require work…I also didn’t care that my site was a top 1000 site on the internet and always though it was a lame social experiement / project and often times hated that I spent my days doing it…

But 2018, I said, before websites totally die, maybe I can make something of this, and with that I looked at the posts that get the most traffic that I post and turns out Maitland Ward is the top contentder….she beats out EVERY other girl out there….and is now going to have to become the site’s Mascot or focal point…because that is what you people want…


Posted in:Maitland Ward




Maitland Ward Nipples of the Day

Maitland Ward Nipples in Lace Robe

Maitland Ward not being a pornstar back in the 90s when being a pornstar mattered….

Is the question of the week…

The other question is who the fuck is this old bitch with the big old lady tits on instagram showing her tits…

She makes no sense to the common man, but luckily the internet is filled with right perverts in their 40s who still visit blogs and who understand how important Maitland Ward is…which isn’t important at all, I don’t even think she was known when she was on that TV show, but she’s definitely milked that one role she’s had hard….

More Pics on The FORUM

Posted in:Maitland Ward|SFW




Maitland Ward Vagina Shot of the Day

Maitland Ward Shows us her Vagina

Maitland Ward has been the slowest moving pornstar to ever fucking happen..

If this woman at 25, or 30, or however old she was when Boy Meets World just bit the bullet and jumped into nude modeling, when she wasn’t old as fuck, you know doing lesbian porn, or just solo videos in the 90s when porn chicks got paid, she could have had a fucking empire…

Jenna Jameson, who didn’t have TV fame to launch her career, would do 12 scenes a year, or 12 fucks a year for her site that she sold for 30 million dollars or more…

I would argue that a 1996 Maitland Ward could have been just as big, if not bigger, thanks to the TV coverage….when she was still at her hottest….

But like so many girls she thought she was too good for that, but at 45 years old, I guess realizes that tits get hits, theres nothing wrong with being naked and sex work, and here’s her fucking pussy to prove that…in a “if you were going to show your damn pussy eventually, you shoulda done it when it really fucking mattered”…but I guess you’re never too old to do what you’re destined to do….

And with that, here’s her pussy, looking like a Walmart Cashier…

Here’s her Boy Meets World erotica that could have launched her to way more than this….

Posted in:Maitland Ward




Maitland Wards Doing the Same Tricks in 2018 of the Day

Maitland Ward nipples and pussy  in a lace bra and panties

The funniest thing about Maitland Ward, is that despite not really understanding who the fuck she is, she’s been consistently the most popular posts I post on the site in the last year or two and that makes no fucking sense to me…because I don’t know why anyone would care about a chubby, 40 year old, ginger bitch with sloppy body and tits, all because she was on boy meets world in the 90s, and I guess the people who follow the site or click on this shit are people who go to blogs, thus 40 year olds who were prime nerd age when blogs started, and this is the shit they like…

None of that new young pussy being shameless and erotic….focus on the low level, average at best look, Walgreen Dream….like Maitland Ward…

I mean good job finding her hustle…if only we could find what we are good at, what we find fun, getting paid without having to really do anything…decent….

Posted in:Maitland Ward




Maitland Ward Christmas Throwbacks of the Day

Maitland Ward hold onto her titties

Maitland Ward may be a disgusting, old, sloppy woman who you don’t even remember from being on Saved by the Bell because she’s not Slater…or Screech…no wait..she was on Boy Meets World…and clearly not Corey Matthews – but it was her big break, one that must have led her to a serious dark place when it all ended…poor thing forced to live a normal non-hollywood life…

But then, like Christmas, a miracle happened and they brought back the show, sudden interest in the tits, and girl jumped it like it was paying her for sex…and maybe it is…

So building that social media profile, with really ghetto shot images, thematic-based, like this one For Christmas…is as perfect as it gets…really it is what the Christmas season is all about.

Posted in:Maitland Ward




Maitland Ward Breaks the Rules on Social Media in her Clickbait of the Day

Maitland Ward Tits out and Pussy on Social Media

Maitland Ward is so fucking gutter…and amazing…a sex worker who denies being a sex worker….but is just a product of being famous for a minute on a hit show…and forgotten – so she takes nude selfies of herself….breaking all the rules of the social media – despite doing everything right..so right…terrifyingly right…

Posted in:Maitland Ward




Maitland Ward Turkey Fucker Erotica of the Day

Maitland Ward Turkey Fucker Erotica

Maitland Ward is a monster….making a thankgiving dinner – because MONSTERS need to celebrate Thanksgiving too, it’s their right as Americans…especially when that monster has monster tits and is a product of your pop culture…

So here she is shamelessly putting out clickbait thematic content that is holiday themed for people like me to post cuz I got nothing better to do and I guess either does she…

Posted in:Maitland Ward|SFW