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Archive for the NSFW Category




Xenia Deli, Charlotte Carey and Cora Skinner in Lovecat Magazine of the Day

This video is shot for Lovecat Magazine and it is called Kittens of the Desert, which is crazy because it doesn’t have any kittens in it at all, there’s no wild desert cats and that is some false marketing, totally misleading, pretty much confusing me when I watched it thinking it would be informative, only to be pretty much naked or half naked hot chicks rolling around in jean shorts and boots in the desert….reminding me that nature is better with nudity….

Posted in:NSFW|Xenia Deli




Chanelle Hayes Topless for NUTS August of the Day

The world needs more Glamour Models….This Chanelle Hayes bitch, showing her tits, reminds us all that it is not the natural beauty of a girl that is important, but the willingness to get topless in photoshoots….because seriously, she’s making money showing her tits, while so many hotter girls than her are just wasting the fuck away at office jobs like a bunch of fucking idiots….take her lead….

Posted in:Chanelle Hayes|NSFW




Joanna Krupa Nipple Slip for some Photoshoot of the Day

Joanna Krupa is the kind of girl who did Dancing with the Stars before being a star. You know a girl on a mission to milk her escaping communism by getting some implants, and doing some really low level marketing campaigns, that made her a household name to the very active Maxim subscriber….while the average guy didn’t give a fuck about her….other than appreciating the fact that she had a hot body…if faced with a picture of her…you know what I mean, hot pussy, not very memorable…

Well I guess she is at a crossroad in her caree, where she has to figure out how to make noise, now that her one bottom feeding stunt, Dancing with the Stars is over….I am sure her fingers are crossed that they do a reunion special, or a greatest hits and she makes the cut, cuz after that kind of play, it is all downhill from there….Never was, never will be, just getting older and haggered….let’s show some tit and get talked about…works for me.

To See The Rest of the Pics

Posted in:Joanna Krupa|NSFW




Samara Weaving Nip Slip on Set of the Day

Samara Weaving is some hot Australian actor who was raised in Fiji, but who moved back to Australia and now stars on a show called Home & Away, that she is filming in these pics, which conveniently include her in a bikini with some nipple peaking out….She’s 20, her boyfriend is 31, reminding us all the it is never too late to use our years of experience to manipulate hot young girls into our beds, you know playing on their stupidity and naivety, and make fucking magic…leaving them with HPV and us with an addiction to doing it again and again to girls equally as dumb and hot….not to say Samara Weaving is dumb, I mean I know nothing about Australian pop culture, but I’m not trying to fuck her, she’s too snobby and successful….I just look at her tits to inspire me to lure in 20 year olds of my own….


Posted in:NSFW|Samara Weaving




Jessica Malafouris for Sander Dekker for Purple of the Day

When fashion magazines are putting out photoshoots like this, it is hard to not pretend your soiled sweat pants, shit stained underwear and T-shirt you’re working on a world record for most play out of an unwashed t-shirt, isn’t a fashion statement, and isn’t a hipster move, cuz getting naked, skinny, fat tit, hipster girls, naked and showing off hipster bush for you, for no money, for false promises of model fame is better than most things….if anything it is amazing…and it really solidifies the importance of pretending you’re a fashionisto on a mission…instead of just a dirt bag blogger who likes half naked chicks I’ve never heard of….

Good hustle. Shot by SANDER DEKKER …..

Posted in:Jessica Malafouris|NSFW




Mariana Almeida Titties for Terry Richardson of the Day

Terry Richardson has used his celebrity to milk some girl who wants her own celebrity and who is willing to get topless and show off her great big tits, because shit….this famous fashion photographer wants pics of her when he can have pics of anyone….in what is probably one the better scams in fashion….and the whole reason why I am making this site a fashion site…cuz let’s face it….willing, free, topless girls…are amazing…

Hot tits. Shot by Terry Ricardson

Posted in:Mariana Almeida|NSFW




Maja Simonsen Topless for Purple Magazine of the Day

Some photographer name Viktor Vautier shot these pics of some hot hipster looking model named Maja Simonsen, who I know absolutely nothing about, except her measurements from her Agency’s site, which are in the Metric system, and make no fucking sense to me, but then again, I guess I also know what her tits look like, so I don’t really need to size and measure the fuckers up to fit them into my mouth, I can just eye the shit, and work around that, like a real expert….That said, she’s awesome….and here she is half naked for Purple Magazine making moves…

Posted in:Maja Simonsen|NSFW




Leia Freitas Nude for H Extremo Mexico of the Day

Here is the Mexican Pussy of the Day cuz I’m half Mexican but like Halle Berry is with her black…conveniently fully Mexican when I need to be ….These are from July and it isn’t july but who keeps up with Mexican smut….I don’t even think Mexican’s bother with the shit…but when pussy like the Leia Freitas pops up, they probably should, cuz she’s hot, willing to get naked and even showing some slit…good fucking times…

Posted in:Leia Freitas|NSFW




Allie Haze Topless for GQ Russia of the Day

Turns out that GQ Russia is a fucking porn magazine that gets pornstars posing naked as most porn mags do….and that makes it substantially better than all the other GQ magazines around the world that aren’t pornographic…even though porn is what the people want to fucking see…

She’s a Vivid contract girl and Vivid are my homies, so I am kind hurt they have not send her up to film a scene on my dick, according to her wikipedia she’s a lesbian, but my clit sized dick and fishy scent can double as a vagina if she’s medicated enough…

She’s playing the next Emmanuelle, which is apparently a big deal….but I just like that she doesn’t have fake tits, but more importantly, that the Russian have beat the Americans to bringing porn to the mainstream, like they beat the Americans at Space Travel and in most Olympics back when they were communist….

Good times…

Posted in:Allie Haze|NSFW




Bregje Heinen Radiate Throwback Thursday Runway Nipple Pics of the Day

Bregje Heinen Radiate is new Victoria’s Secret import who they have abducted violently from her home country in order to make her famous by getting her half naked and paying her in American work Visas and threats to not kill her family…at least that’s how I assume this happens, why else would they go into international waters, outsourcing American jobs when at least 1 percent of the American population aren’t obese, inbred and ugly as fuck….

Either way, before Victoria’s Secret, she was a model, and she was on the runway, and she showed her tits, and I liked it, cuz she’s lovely, and I’d love to make her squirt all over my face, or at lease sniff her fingers after she inserted her tampon….cuz that’s my move.

Posted in:Bregje Heinen Radiate|NSFW