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Archive for the NSFW Category




Oliva Munn Topless Scene in Magic Mike of the Day

I have heard this movie mentioned a lot lately, mainly by old horny bitches, and I haven’t bothered looking into it to see what it is actually about, because I don’t really give a fuck about male strippers, not even when they are being used to lure cunts like Olivia Munn into topless scenes, in efforts to raise her profile, cuz god fucking knows she’s been trying for fucking years….

I know, tits are fantastic under all circumstances, especially if you are a virgin loser who grew up buying into Olivia Munn’s nerd sympathy lie….but tits don’t impress me, especially not when they are from an attention seeker like this….but I’ll still watch them in action cuz I got nothing else to do…

Posted in:NSFW|Olivia Munn




Lia Lor by Terry Richardson of the Day

Lia Lor is a fresh face in porn, that won’t be so fresh for long, cuz most pornstars, if they aren’t already fucking wrecked, will be early into their careers, because coming up in porn doesn’t always land you top paying contract jobs that are more like fucking on camera, than being raped and violated on camera, something more and more young girls are into, cuz more and more young girls look up to whores like Sasha Grey….all hipster, young, stupid and fucked in the head….

Like all good hipster, young, stupid pornstars…she’s taken some time out of her busy schedule of getting fucked to get shot by Terry Richardson…here are the pics…..I have a feeling we will be hearing a lot more about this one….

Posted in:Lia Lor|NSFW




Sabine Jemeljanova and Rhian Sugden for their 2013 Calendar of the Day

Glamour Models aren’t all bad….cuz they get topless and most of the time they have rockin’ fuckng tits….to compensate for their average looking faces that are usually the reason they aren’t actual models….but are still getting paid to be in pictures….which is better than most whores who don’t embrace being whores….

I have no choice but to love that they brand stripper looking bitch, willing to do softcore porn shoots, but not show pussy, as Glamor Modeling, like it is a fucking thing…that’s like calling strippers exotic dancers…or prostitutes escorts…..but as someone who endorses any girl to be a professional slut…I love that it works…

Here are Sabine and Rhian for a Calendar shoot….

Posted in:NSFW|Rhian Sudgen|Sabine Jemeljanova




Nicole Trunfio Topless for S Magazine of the Day

Nicole Trunfio is a nude model who is trying to get famous as an actual model….and that works for me cuz her strategy is getting naked…and I love girls who get naked….

Recently, she decided to pony-up with Jessica Gomez, the SI Bikini model, cuz if you’re best friends with a bitch making it, you’ll get some bottom feeding second string work thrown at you, you know running in the right circles…I guess because her nude modeling just kept getting more nude model jobs….and nude model jobs aren’t the high fashion jobs she wants…but they are more fun to jerk off to…

I think she deserves fame and fortune like so many models before her….just based on her tits alone…but I am also pretty easily swayed….when tits are in the picture….

Posted in:Nicole Trunfio|NSFW




Terry Richardson Erect Penis Fashion Porn of the Day

I’ve seen some of these porn pics of photographer Terry Richardson a long time ago….you know cuz keeping on top of perverts who have become the biggest thing in Fashion Photography because they presented their perversion as art not porn…even though the pics are of him having unprotected sex with random drugged up teenage looking girls….it’s what makes him edgy and outrageous…something all marketers what a piece of…and I figured, despite avoiding posting dick as much as possible, cuz I don’t want people thinking this is a porn site, it would divert them from it being a site that calls girls fat, which is my ultimate objective…I’ll post the pics he posted on his tumblr….cuz I like spread hipster sluts…

Posted in:NSFW|Terry Richardson




Masha Novoselova Titties for PULP No.5 of the Day

Masha Novoselova is a model I’ve never heard of but who I can tell is from a communist country, even though that Iron Curtain fell….and communist jokes are a think of the 90s, played out and almost as boring as mail-order bride jokes…even though you can still buy mail order brides if you really wanted to, cuz the Russian Mob runs the sex trade and these women still want American citizenship cuz they haven’t realized that Levis and Cocacola they grew up craving isn’t all that exciting, and most of the USA is more war torn than their Russian infrastructure, but more importantly, that there are many rich as fuck Russians who can offer a way better life than the kind of guy who would buy a wife off the internet….

Not that that matters, what matters is that she gets naked for fashion like a good fucking model trying to be a household name…and I’m into that….cuz it is on the spectrum of whore and that’s all I ask or want from a girl…

Posted in:Masha Novoselova|NSFW




Xenia Deli, Charlotte Carey and Cora Skinner in Lovecat Magazine of the Day

This video is shot for Lovecat Magazine and it is called Kittens of the Desert, which is crazy because it doesn’t have any kittens in it at all, there’s no wild desert cats and that is some false marketing, totally misleading, pretty much confusing me when I watched it thinking it would be informative, only to be pretty much naked or half naked hot chicks rolling around in jean shorts and boots in the desert….reminding me that nature is better with nudity….

Posted in:NSFW|Xenia Deli




Chanelle Hayes Topless for NUTS August of the Day

The world needs more Glamour Models….This Chanelle Hayes bitch, showing her tits, reminds us all that it is not the natural beauty of a girl that is important, but the willingness to get topless in photoshoots….because seriously, she’s making money showing her tits, while so many hotter girls than her are just wasting the fuck away at office jobs like a bunch of fucking idiots….take her lead….

Posted in:Chanelle Hayes|NSFW




Joanna Krupa Nipple Slip for some Photoshoot of the Day

Joanna Krupa is the kind of girl who did Dancing with the Stars before being a star. You know a girl on a mission to milk her escaping communism by getting some implants, and doing some really low level marketing campaigns, that made her a household name to the very active Maxim subscriber….while the average guy didn’t give a fuck about her….other than appreciating the fact that she had a hot body…if faced with a picture of her…you know what I mean, hot pussy, not very memorable…

Well I guess she is at a crossroad in her caree, where she has to figure out how to make noise, now that her one bottom feeding stunt, Dancing with the Stars is over….I am sure her fingers are crossed that they do a reunion special, or a greatest hits and she makes the cut, cuz after that kind of play, it is all downhill from there….Never was, never will be, just getting older and haggered….let’s show some tit and get talked about…works for me.

To See The Rest of the Pics

Posted in:Joanna Krupa|NSFW




Samara Weaving Nip Slip on Set of the Day

Samara Weaving is some hot Australian actor who was raised in Fiji, but who moved back to Australia and now stars on a show called Home & Away, that she is filming in these pics, which conveniently include her in a bikini with some nipple peaking out….She’s 20, her boyfriend is 31, reminding us all the it is never too late to use our years of experience to manipulate hot young girls into our beds, you know playing on their stupidity and naivety, and make fucking magic…leaving them with HPV and us with an addiction to doing it again and again to girls equally as dumb and hot….not to say Samara Weaving is dumb, I mean I know nothing about Australian pop culture, but I’m not trying to fuck her, she’s too snobby and successful….I just look at her tits to inspire me to lure in 20 year olds of my own….


Posted in:NSFW|Samara Weaving