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Archive for the Olivia Wilde Category




Masked Olivia Wilde Big Legs in Leggings of the Day


I’ve heard that this whole quarantine is getting the spoiled brats down because they can’t golf, beach, or do other rich person things….but in Olivia Wilde’s case…it’s causing CHAFFING….

I don’t know if she’s always been built like a woman with midget legs…or if she’s just fattening up in Quarantine because her and her husband don’t have enough money to have a home fucking gym, and her and her husband probably have a home fucking gym, but why would she bother using it…she’s middle aged…and it’s more fun to sit and eat when there’s no filming going on….or in her case directing Superbad 3.

Point being, her real last name is COCKBURN…which is what’s probably happens if you ever get your dick between those things and tell her to run in place…


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Posted in:Olivia Wilde|SFW




Olivia Wilde COCKBURN hard nipples of the Day

Olivia Wilde Wet Swimsuit Hard Nipples

Olivia Wilde COCKBURN is out there showing you her vagina in a one-piece….a vagina that probably will make any cock burn…..some may think it will make thee cock burn with desire…but I think it’s more an Actors in Hollywood have HERPES…and herpes, especially in salt water, like that sizzle…

Mom in a bathing suit, whatever….but when it’s Olivia Wilde it is better, cuz I’ve seen her in movies and don’t hate her for any reason other than her changing her name from Cockburn to Wilde…like Oscar Wilde….while still retaining some imagery of her being wild…and exciting…when cockburn is just so much more visual….


Posted in:Olivia Wilde|SFW




Olivia “COCKBURN” Wilde in a Swimsuit of the Day

Olivia Wilde Swimsuit

Olivia Wilde is someone who was easy to laugh at in an infantile, elementary school way….because her last name is Cockburn…that’s a funny last name for someone who is in entertainment and had to make cocks burn to get where she’s at….and to hav WILDE as a stripper name, or stage name, or nom du plume, or whatever you want to call it was pretty weak as far as I’m concerned…not very creative at all..

I also never found her to be all that hot, but as it turns out, I’ve watched her in movies….and not once has she annoyed me…in fact she sucked me in and I left our one sided exchange thinking she was hot…so she’s one of those women who isn’t anything special, but knows witchcraft or something, and can suck you into thinking she is….

Here she is a mom in a bathing suit…not that hot…but I still like her and this site is ALL about me…



Posted in:Olivia Wilde|SFW




Olivia Wilde (that’s not her real name) in a Photoshoot of the Day

I have seen some Olivia Wilde movies, and I actually like her. I think she does good. Obviously acting is a joke and it is hard to fuck it up, but there are actors out there who I see in movies and I just hope for an accident on set to fucking off them, or permanently shut them up, or maybe a scandal that erases them from the industry…like Emma Stone and Anna Kendrick….

But Olivia Wilde has someting nice going on about her, it’s just not her real last name, that shit is terrifying….Cockburn…Olivia Cockburn…Cockburn…the basis of every nightmare I’ve ever had since that time I tried to fuck a fresh out of the microwave pizza oven….Cockburn…like the time I used Nair on my balls…and fell asleep….Cockburn….like an Indian Sunburn…which I guess is racist now…from a gnarly handjob….

What I am saying is – I get why she went “Wilde”…..

Posted in:Olivia Wilde|SFW




Olivia Wilde Nipples at an Event of the Day

I have failed you all…

Since you’re russian robot traffic I am not that emotional about failing you…

I am actually a non violent psychopath so I don’t really feel emotion, guilt or remorse…

I lack empathy…but I do get mad at myself when I look at a set of paparazzi pics, of an important actress like Olivia Wilde…who I have probably talked a lot of shit on over the years because her real name is Cockburn, and I don’t like when a bitch changes her name to run from the burning of cock she was born to be….but instead….decided to go with WILDE…because it is fun, exciting and sounds sophisticated…like the writer Oscar Wilde..right?

Point being, I’ve seen her in a bunch of movies, I find her hot and a good actress..and I’m not going to hate on her…expecially not today….where her nipples are out at an event like some kind of hippie…all free spirited tits out…for the fans

I am just glad she’s not Emma Stone…or the other shitty actresses that are average looking but who get tons of hype…on some Barbara Streisand shit…

I am just sad…she’s not responsible for my cockburn…that was some crackwhore stripper who I should have probably not paid extra to not use a condom with…

But then again, the fact I paid for my penis disease when others try to avoid getting it…seems fitting with the kind of man I am …and the kind of life I’ve lived….


Posted in:Olivia Wilde




Poll: Are These Olivia WIlde TITs of the Day

I just came across these pics that Claim to be Olivia Wilde Tits..

I don’t care for Olivia Wilde, I mean her acting doesn’t offend me like most actors acting does…but her name change offends me.

She named herself after Oscar Wilde, which is pretty fucking weird, she says it’s a tribute to her family who I guess are writers, but I think it’s just some bullshit excuse to get a stripper name she felt was more marketable than Cockburn…

I just feel like changing your name is like changing your gender, changing your identity, changing your body…it’s you trying to give into society’s opinion of you, and that’s fucking weak…be yourself, own yourself, be the cockburn you were born to be…burn cocks to celebrate the cockburn you were born into…fucking give everyone herpes or some STD you got on a casting couch to make their cocks burn when it pees….

But going WILDE…like “you’re so wilde”…is fucking lame on so many levels….

But I do care about tits..and these are rumored to be her tits, so I figure we do a little POLL


[poll id=”9″]

Posted in:Olivia Wilde




Olivia Wilde / Cockburn Hard Nipples of the Day

Olivia Wilde Hard Nipples Black Dress

Olivia Wilde ….naming herself WILDE after Oscar Wilde, because she’s pretentious like that…get a fucking grip….that’s ridiculous.

She said it was a tribute to writers in her family, which is a load of shit, it’s because her name is COCKBURN…

I can’t help but call her Olivia Cockburn, her actual birth name, which is probably the worst last name anyone can have, especially a hot chick with a dream of being famous…because it makes me laugh every time….

I definitely understand why she gave herself a stripper name, or what she calls a Nom de Plume, because anyone who’s stripper name is inspired by Oscar Wilde is obnoxious like that….

When named Cockburn, you are given no choice but to venture out there and name your damn self…plus growing up a COCKBURN must have been a traumatic experience…some Dr Ford level sexual assault every time she got introduced, or during roll call or wahtever…humilating…

But then she realized she was rich, connected, her family socialites in Washington DC, and hot enough to make it as an actor…which I guess is what she did…

So now all these years later, she can walk around, with her hard nipples for the paparazzi…with confidence that she’s managed to rebrand herself…and no one even bothers remember her as the COCK BURN she once was….

Olivia Wilde Hard Nipples Black Dress



Posted in:Olivia Cockburn|Olivia Wilde|SFW




Olivia Wilde Tits Out of the Day

Olivia Wilde Tits Out in a Black Dress

I used to hate on Olivia Wilde because I thought of her as some entitled rich kid from the UK, some pretentious cunt, who changed her name from Cockburn to Wilde for marketing purposes, but then I saw her in a few movies and her characters didn’t win me over, I generally hate all actors, especially over hyped actors, or people like Olivia Wilde who the media seem to position as hot, despite being some mom aged mom….who is a mom….with that dude Jason Sudeikis who is rumored to be the baby daddy of January Jones’ daddy-less kid, which is just way too much 40 year old, boring Hollywood people, when I’m only here for the tits.

Olivia Wilde Topless Black Dress

Posted in:Olivia Wilde|SFW




Olivia Wilde’s Ass in Leggings of the Day

Olivia Wilde tight black leggings

Olivia Wilde’s midget legs in leggigns is what you’d expect to see on a midget legged woman who has at lease one kid in leggings…it’s the MOM look you see if you go to the Grocery store during the day…you know where moms hang out, not rich moms with maids cuz they are riche – like Olivia Wilde, who isn’t even named Olivia Wilde, and who named herself Wilde, instead of her given name COCKBURN, because WILDE a stage name you’d expect from a stripper worked for her marketing…more than COCKBURN would…something I bring up every post I do on her…because it’s all I got, and because it never gets old…

I don’t despise her in movies, I just don’t find her the hottest chick around, I don’t think she should be celebrated, or as well paid as she is, and she doesn’t look good in leggings today…doing whatever she’s doing…and in her defense –
#momlife…is never the hottest.

Posted in:Olivia Wilde|SFW




Olivia Wilde Gets Political of the Day

Olivia Wilde Wears a red impeach sweater

Here’s Olivia Wilde, who I guess is American and not just by marriage to the dude she had all her kids with, I think she’s got a bunch of kids, I know she’s banging Jason Sudeikis, and I also know that I only write about her because she’s some entitled rich kid who gave herself a stage name and went Hollywood, but then I accidentally watched her in a Christmas movie, you know because I like the Christmas spirit, and I actually don’t mind her, I still like laughing that her name is Cockburn not Wilde, and Wilde is some Oscar Wilde inspired thing, which in and of itself is lame as fuck, just own the cock burn, I know I do.

Well, she’s decided to piss off some people, probably excite a lot of people, in her Christmas themed Christmas sweater that reads “IMPEACH’…you know using her platform and the paparazzi to get noticed, or to make a point..that probably makes sense to most people…even if they are supposed to RESPECT their president…and that will likely piss off a lot of people…who probably don’t know how to read anyway.

I guess she really is WILDE…

I like her face.


Posted in:Olivia Wilde|SFW