I don’t think Olviva Wilde is really all that interesting or hot. I mean she’s alright in this cropped GUCCI bullshit where she’s letting you all know that she chooses GOD, unless that’s an upside down cross, which could be a little more representative for the kind of person who is into the whole Jesus thing in a legitimate way amongst the demons of Hollywood…I mean ask Mel Gibson how his Christianity worked out for him in Hollywood…not so welcomed with open arms was it…
Anyway, the most interesting thing about Olivia Wilde is that her real name is COCKBURN, which may not excite you, understandably, it’s probably the worst name you could have when it comes to giving boners…I mean sure there are guys who like friction burns on their cock…maybe like the Barstool Guy they like the DRY FRICTION of the pussy so he tries to make them as un-eager to fuck him….you know but bitches smell money and TWITTER followers and they can’t keep it in their pants….maybe like a guy who lines his fleshlight with SAND PAPER, HOT SAUCE, House Hold Chemicals…maybe he’s got a stage show that he performs for strippers where he lights his dick on fire with a shot of VODKA…they call that FLAMBE…
THERE are ways to burn a cock…with cigarettes, lighters, or a good old fashioned HOUSE FIRE…..
NONE of the ways are that appealing, so when your name is COCKBURN, it’s like get the fuck out of here bitch…maybe you should change to to WILDE…especially for your PROFESSIONAL CAREER…
Anyway, she’s waring a bra, for a GUCCI fashion show that featured a bunch of fucking losers that they want you to think are important because they have money…that’s how society works…NO ONE KNOWS what real PURPOSE IS….JUST bank balances….so I eagerly await the financial collapse where everyone’s back to SLAVE class…
You can’t see her nipples in her bra, which makes me wonder why she’d bother with the bra…especially in her midlife crisis where she is dating a man in a skirt, which as far as I’m concerned is better than that fool Ted Lasso…who is a reminder of just how dumb and unimpressive AMERICA is….
Am I just too ANGRY that I don’t know funny….PROBABLY…but I don’t feel angry, I’m looking at an actress who normally has cankles CROPPED…so we can appreciate what’s actually good about her….eyes, tits, cheekbones, you know the kinds of things a man in a dress would cum in, just not as hard as that Ted Lasso fool cuz that would mean making shitty babies.
Here’s that shitty fashion show, they should pay me for this shit, I got 8 people and 1000 RUSSIAN SPAM bots who are gonna watch this shit, that’s gotta be worth 5 dollars to someone.
Posted in:Olivia Wilde