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Archive for the Pussy Wedgie Category




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Cameltoe is the new cleavage in this era of everyone cutting off their dicks cuz Demi Lovato and other Disney Kids are telling them to, so in order to know the bitch is a bitch and not a trap requires for fitting genital hugging clothing to act as a litmus test, or at least as an identifier, even if they make inserts for trans to put in their tight pants and bikinis that look like fat cameltoe, for the most part, you can tell a real pussy from an insert and it’s the biological woman’s way of competing for sperm because despite being programmed to not want to have families, to want to have meaningless sex with strangers, to be lesbians, or to get on testosterone or a hysterectomy at 14 so you can live you best dude life, these people, all people, are wired at a deeper level to want to breed, so any instinct, impulse, fashion choice not matter how they posture it, position it, intellectualize it, or deny it, is about getting knocked the fuck up, and we’ve go to a place where walking around with pussy exposed is the norma and that’s amazing to those of us still into biological pussy.

I support the cameltoes, these are some cameltoes.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

If pants can’t double as a pussy hugging masturbation sex toy, then are they really pants at all?

I remember seeing some Claire Danes movie where she played a retard, which was pretty offensive in hindsight, you know since they didn’t hire a retard, and I don’t see any real difference in standing on the street corner with a helmet on, hitting two rocks together, drooling on yourself, with an erection as your arm smashes into your chest……and a Hollywood movie where the retard is endearing and the performance is called ACTING…….it’s all the fucking same offensive shit…

FORREST GUMP – I’m talking to you and your CHARADE parties with teen girls…….

But yeah, Claire Danes played a retard who made a machine to hug slaughter house cows about to be killed off to calm them down in the scary, probably terrifying meat processing plants, you know I eat meat, but I still think slaughter houses are fucking evil, since cows have souls and all.

So i can only assume all the pussy wedgies are the vagina equivalent, maybe scared or nervous out in public, nothing a pant pulled into your cunt can’t resolve……maybe nervous not being on social media while pretending to be an actual human……nothing a pant i cunt can’t fix.

All while giving me something to stare at, because leaving the house without seeing a scared vagina being consoled by a pair of tight pants, is fucking gay. Luckily, it NEVER happens. I see random pussy all day thanks to the pussy wedgie.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

If you can’t see the pussy in a pair of pants, then I don’t consider them real pants, I consider them imposters trying to confuse all us motherfuckers who have grown accustomed to seeing stranger gash in public thanks to their tight pant pant choice. It’s like when they made the move to tight pants and everyone signed on and adopted the tight pant trend, there was really no going back to regular pants that didn’t put the pussy on display for strangers, and you know they’ll all call you perverts for looking, but you also know that they are the perverts who actually like being looked at, that’s why they wear them, they just don’t like being looked at by you…..

There will be a time when tight pants are no more, or when you look at girls in tight pants and all you see is their TRAP dick, because the tuck won’t happen, as we just accept boners in tight pants as a chick thing, girls….just being girls….but until them, it lets me see biological pussy, my favorite kind of pussy, since it is the only kind of pussy, any other manufactured by man pussy is really just a variation of a fleshlight, even when made with actual flesh……

Here’s a tight pants round up of girls not willing to let their tight pants go to waste!


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

The hope is that the cameltoes you see on the street are actual cameltoes no inserts for the shemales to feel like they have a cameltoe in their rebranding of themselves as women….

It’s just hard to tell because the hormones in the poison they call food and encourage us to eat are making everyone a bunch of little bitches…and because girls are jacking themselves up like a Kardashian because it’s a look, just not a very good look, one that is barely feminine and all hard and weathered like an old cowboy in the field.

It’s just always one of those KINDER SURPRISE mysteries when you come across one on the street, whether it is real, intentional, accidental, or a masturbation method and whatever they are, the whys and the hows don’t matter, cuz I like seeing cunt through pant and you should too.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I just called my life coach and I told him “I have writers block because I have to write something about Pussy Wedgies for the 150th or more time in my life as a perverted website host”….and his advice was “I think you have the wrong number, this is a hair salon”…..to which I said “are any bitches in there wearing tight pants you can see the pussy through while getting their hair done”….to which he hung up…..because I don’t have a life coach, or writers block, I’ll just write meaningless words about pussy wedgies, to celebrate my favorite kind of wedgie, even tough their are only a couple options in wedgies….

As much as a hype the pussy wedgie up, because I am a pussy kind of guy….not a tit man, not an ass man, just a biological pussy man…I did see a pussy wedgie, or heard a pussy wedgie this weekend, during the heat wave because CLIMATE IS AN EMERGENCY….LOL…..and I looked over from hearing the slap to see a 300 pounder with her hands up inside her pulling out what I’ll assume was either pants, or underwear too tight.

NOT ALL PUSSY WEDGIES ARE CREATED EQUALLY, but I’ll sniff them all out if I can, even the gross ones like it is my job…..despite not having a job…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Pussy Wedgies are the kind of wedgies that make me wish I was a pair of tight pants too small….so that I could spend the better part of my day being queefed on while a drippy ass pussy, all suffocated under my gripping fabric, starts to suck me up like an ardvaark….or is it an ant eater….apparently not the same animal…

I want my mouth to be the crotch of these pants, you know to give me something to do, because when it comes to pussy wedgies, you gotta wonder if the pant is the pervert doing the riding up, or if the grippy pussy is the vaccuum sucking it up….it’s a chicken or egg quesetion.

I guess the other kinds of wedgies are more on the leaving shit stains on the pant kid and since a dirty ass just isn’t as appealing to ride up as a walking fat pussy….but I guess both work for the pervert who has to go to bed tonight knowing he will never be a pair of tight wedgie producing garments….BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD of figuring out “WHAT AM I”…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I figure if you’re going to have any kind of wedgie, it might as well be a pussy wedgie, since I don’t have a pussy and don’t know the pain that the wedgie may cause, but I’m going to assume from the videos I’ve seen of girls pulling their panties up into themselves until they squirt, that it is hardly a painful experience….

Plus, when you don’t have pussy, the pussy wedgie becomes a spectator sport and the other wedgie up the ass comes with feces and PTSD of when the closet case bully in high school was so keen on touching your underwear that he was willing to get suspended for it….unless of course you were the wedgie giver…..something your closet case ass probably still jerks off to….FAG.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

If you have a pussy and you’re not using it to smuggle contraband, you’re not using your pussy to its best ability….

I am sure some girls think that they should only use their pussy to store rich man cum and they are probably right, but doesn’t that sound so limiting.

It’d be like buying a supercar and only using it at car shows or sunday drives, never really pushing it to its maximum potential…

So when I see pussy in pants, eating pants, I view it as training ground for bigger and better things.

These pussies are entrepreneurial, self starting, willing to take some risks, willing to be uncomfortable to weather the storm….and most importantly, willing to share their pussy being filled with pant to all of us strangers….


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

If you have a pussy, you might as well make it eat whatever you’re wearing, or anything around you, like the drugs you’re smuggling into the party, or any large object at the party, to impress all the party goers with your party tricks and maybe even make a buck or two while GOING FOR IT.

The pussy wedgie a magical phenomenom from panties or pants too tight, or just tight enough for me to see how thick the lip we are dealing with….a gift from the vagina owners in those tight pants walking around vagina out for all to see and celebrate, even perverts like me and perverts like you….and it wouldn’t be a full vagina eating pants moment if you didn’t upload it to the internet for strangers around the world to appreciate all the puppetry your pussy can do.

Big fan of this here pussy wedges..


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

If you like seeing pussy, you can just go outside and not because you’ll see a bunch of Electric Vehicle drivers, you know those Tesla Bros who think they are saving the environment, when really it takes something like 1800 (or more) gallons of gas to dig up enough rare earth minerals in a massive pit from displacing earth to find rare earth….not to mention most electric power comes from Fossil Fuels and their electic generators are hardly as efficient as modern gas cars are…..and an electrical engineer I know told me that the amount of power lost when transporting power from the power station to the cities is likely 50 percent and when I asked him how much gas it would take to charge an e-vehicle battery he said probably the same or more than filling up your car with gas….YOU ARE ALL BEING SCAMMED ON THIS ENVIRONMENT SHIT…

But yeah, if you want to see pussy in public, look at all the tight pants that are eating pussy, so that girls can show you how fat their pussy lips are, or if you’re scared of COVID and in your mask in your basement alone after 2 years fear and 18 years of being anti-social, you can just look at the pics they uploaded to the internet because NO pussy definition can go undocumented in this era of camera phones and narcissism….in fact, the pussy definition is probably the reason Steve Jobs created the iPhone that pervert…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie