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Archive for the Pussy Wedgie Category




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Girls, all girls, even nerdy girls who you’d never expect to be public whores begging for male attention while acting like they aren’t begging for male attention and if you were to suggest that the male attention they got for their outfit, the male attention they didn’t ask for or consent for, while dressing like streetwalking hookers, the old school kind, but with less sadness and desperation, they’d get mad at you….

But yeah, girls, all girls, even nerdy, unsuspecting, possibly virgins, but probably not in this hook-up culture of fuck, where the least suspecting girl working your food bank where you get your canned beans botulism from is selling pics of her feet or assholes online….you know to subsidize their life cuz the food bank salary ain’t cutting it, so they better start CUNTING IT….if you know what I mean……but yeah, THOSE GIRLS, wear tight pants so jacked up their cunts that you can see the light shining through their pants when they talk, you know through the URETHRA, not that I think BIOLOGY works like that, but for the sake of this post it does, especially since Science or TRUST The science became a free for all in recent times….

So yeah, tight pants, jacked so far up cunt that I can see the light shining through it like a religious experience, with angels chanting in my head….in an “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” kind of way….is COMMON fucking practice, meaning it’s EVERYWHERE, I love it and I’d hate for girls to not repost their cameltoes to the internet, you know to broaden that audience from their local day to day perverts, especially since everyone’s an agoraphobic who doesn’t leave the house!

So here’s some CAMELTOES, because they are everywhere and love them like a first born child I never had….and would BREAST FEED them if I could….


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

If you were to own a pussy, it would seem like a waste to not jack your pants or underwear up into it, it’s like a build in storage unit, that I guess shoving your underwear or pants up into it doesn’t necessarily serve a great purpose, like smuggling drugs with it, but at least you can let everyone know that you are a pussy owning woman and that they should give you support for that, because in this world of trannies, there’s an attack on women.

You may have seen a beauty brand called ULTA run a campaign with two dudes dressed like women, on women hormones, talking about being women, one of the dudes living as a woman, talking about womanhood has been a woman for 200 days according to his social media, because that’s when he started taking his hormones which doesn’t really make a man into a woman, just into a little wimpy man who dresses like a woman, but that’s a whole other level of insanity that isn’t the point of this post, the point is woman are being attacked, and they are now forced to walk around with their pussies so that dudes know they are pussy owners, WOMB people, CHEST feeders, BIRTHING people and not actual women, you know, the ones with cocks.

I’m into the cameltoe, because I am into the pussy, it’s always been my favorite of orificies, I’m so transphobic like that.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I think one of my big life regrets was not being as into cameltoes as I should have been becasue I was introduced to the cameltoe by an obese lunch lady in high school in sweatpants too small because they didn’t make fat lady sizes back then, and all she could do is squeeze the fuck into the elastic band and for whatever reason, it would make me lose my appetite, usually because she’d be picking out her cameltoe when serving me my damn 2 dollar spaghetti lunch….and it set me off for cameltoe hate for far too long until realizing that fat ladies in tight pants cameltoes are not hot chick in tight pant cameltoe since not all cameltoes are created equally and thank god for that…..there are levels to the cameltoe game and lucky for us, it’s trendy for the athleisure wearing hive mind, so pussy through pants is eveywhere and that’s worthy of finding an appreciation for leaving the house after two years of captivity by the demonic overlords!


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I know some of you wear women’s panties, you probably don’t identify as a tranny necessarily, but you may have a little tranny in your heart, because you like feeling pretty, but there are seemingly a lot of trannies on the internet, maybe it’s just the algorithm, but it’s enough cause for concern for the hetero men to insist on seeing the vagina to make sure it is not just an inverted penis, and I think the women out there who believe in womanhood, are indirectly threatened by men being better women than they are, since the media is telling them that they are, so they are forced to do the only thing they know how and that’s shove the panties or pants up inside them to prove to you they are legit womb carrying citizens, or maybe they just like showing off their pussies, which as it turns out, is something I am into seeing! The more pussy, the merrier for all involved, especially at the grocery store or other public places that traditionally didn’t come with a free pussy show!

I endorse the cameltoe as a trend, as a way of life, as a political statement, as something to jerk off to, and if I was a braver man, I’d give pussy wedgies to all women I encounter, once they get past a creepy stranger pulling their pants in their cunt, I think they’d enjoy it! That’s the kinds of GIVING person I am!


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

You live in a society where girls intentionally jack their tight fitness or ATHLEISURE pants up her cunt!

They all wear these fitness pants because comfort is king, especially during the pandemic and this kind of comfort is spandex or lycra or tight as shit and it shapes a bitch’s body in ways that no other pant could, even nasty ass women are improved dramatically when squeezed into the shapewear outerwear!

So yeah, leave the house and at least one overly influenced by the Kardashian bitch will cross your path with her full on fat pussy first, eating her pants like a fucking hero, or like a starving african AIDS baby just adopted by a westerner and brought to McDonalds for the first time, you know SCARFING THAT SHIT UP!

Not all these pussy wedgies are fitness pants or shorts, some are panties, some are swimsuit, but ultimately, who cares about the garment, it’s about the cunt eating the garment that for whatever reason I call exhibitionism, is being put on display for perverts like me, who have NO business staring at a cunt in public, which is the BEST kind of charity I can think of!


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

As much as I hate the Kardashians for ruining society as a whole with their narcissism, self importance, famous for nothing, ultimate manipulative pitch men, who will go to any extreme, even selling their own kids sex tape, in order to close the deal, sure it gets them paid and they don’t care about the consequences of the spell they have people under to make them into these materialistic fucks who are ALTERING their looks to look like Kardashians, EVEN when they are naturally hot chicks, it’s crazy.

But yeah, hot girls making themselves ugly faces, to follow the Ugly Kardashian trends, fucking crazy right, but I will not hate on the trend of publicly jacking pants, panties, whatever they can into cunt, to let people know that Khloe’s not a dude, because when you leave the house, STRANGER pussy is EVERYWHERE that you would otherwise not see, because you know, FASHION, so with that, here’s some pussy wedgies.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

If a girl leaves the house in an outfit that doesn’t reveal enough of her pussy so that I can sketch it out when I get home for masturbation purposes, than she’s not really a girl, or at least not with the trends, and for that reason alone, she doesn’t exist in these modern times of showing your pussy everywhere you go because it’s not slutty if it’s through pants or a romper or whatever else they are wearing because The Kardashian Jenners do it and they are billionaire whores, and you’re not, so fuck you!

I will never complain about a trend as hilarious as girls jacking pants into their cunt like some kind of sex toy, tickling their sensitive spots, assume girls still have sensitive spots and aren’t all calloused from what society has turned them into!

I think pussy wedgies are brilliant, there are so many pussies I’d never be able to visualize in a day without them, and visualizing pussy, as it turns out, is my only interest, making this an IMPORTANT post every week!


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Pussy wedgies aren’t just a fad man, they are a way of life, man! Sure it’s trendy, but that’s only because everyone is a pervert and public masturbation seems so naughty and exciting in an desensitized era of “it’s hard to find things that make us cum, everything’s been done and is boring, so I guess I’ll cut my dick off and take a stab at that to get off”….

So pussy wedgies allow strangers to see the cunt, while allowing girls to get off on fabric jacked into their cunts, and the whole thing is just on big subtle perverted mess that allows me to see stranger danger cunt and as a fan of biological pussy, not whining internet pussies, that’s FUN for all involved!


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Pussy Wedgies are amazing and I am someone who generally hates the popular trend of the moment, it makes me think a bitch hopping on the trend is just some fucking bullshit, brainless, hive mind fuck that is fun to look at when naked or half naked, but tedious and not interesting to do much more than look at!

But when it comes to pants being eaten by cunt as an intentional vibe, where girls are getting their pussies injected to be fatter than they are organically, all for the pussy wedgie, I am happy, intrigued and full supporting!

Just yesterday an OLD fucking lady with a flat ass, probably in her 50s, likely with her early 20s daughter who looked about the same age as her thanks to shitty face injections, were walking towards me, both in bike shorts, both showing full pussy, and despite not seeing much resemblance between mother daughter pussy, like if either pussy attacked you at night and you were forced to do a police line-up, you’d never connect them as mom daughter, it was not a DNA test accuracy, I still got to see two generations of one family’s vagina, all thanks to a fashion trend that is being picked up by NORMIES, that’ great news for us pussy lovers who never get to see enough pussy!

Now, if only you could find a way to be reincarnated as a pair of bike shorts, even though we both know we’d end up being the bike shorts of the fattest, grossest, stinkiest pussy around, but it’d still likely be a more rewarding existence than the one we’re living!


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I am a big fan of cameltoe, it’s one of those things that slowly grew on me, not because I wasn’t always pussy obsessed, with the target of seeing as many pussies as possible, which is a dream that is currently being fulfilled with this movement of monetizing nudes by giving out free samplers that has hit the internet hard during covid and that has made legit billionaires, all through whoring, wild times!

In my era of cameltoes, the only ladies rocking a cameltoe were the ones that you wouldn’t want to see with cameltoe, like a lunch lady, or a fat mom who had one too many kids and jeans a few sizes too tight! The cameltoe was rarely on the hot chick in jeans or bathing suits, I mean sometimes, but the majority of cameltoes were a bust, so much that you didn’t even look to see if the hot chick had a cameltoe, which is now my FIRST place I look!

The girls are rocking cameltoes as a fashion trend, intentionally, this is not some pussy eating fabric because she went on a brisk walk in her tight pants, it’s a pull the shorts up high to make sure the world sees your pussy.

I don’t know the motivation, but I rememeber seeing the Kardashian / Jenners doing it a few years ago, so it’s tricked into the mainstream, possibly their best influential legacy besides producing sex tapes for fame that will never be Kardashian level fame.

But yeah, there was a time they were putting those silicone Chicken cutlets in their bra, clearly, they are now putting them in their underwear, with intentional cameltoe, the bigger and meatier the vagina is the better. There are even cosmetic procedures like BBLs and Fake tits, to jack up the outer pussy lips into a coinslot mound of a fat pussy, ALL for the cameltoe. Crazy.

Just the other day, I was getting a bagel because I’m a baller like that, LOOK at my 79 cent lunch motherfuckers, maybe I should make a rap video of me balling out, but yeah, saw a bike short girl, a little bigger, but not nearly as big as her vagina in her bike shorts led me to believe, it was one of the biggest, fattest cameltoes I had ever experienced, like you could see it from space, and I knew, based on the fact the shorts were pulled up to her shoulders, that it was done on purpose and that alone is AWESOME!

See something to look forward to in these end times!


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie