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Archive for the Pussy Wedgie Category




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

The most fascinating thing about the pussy, at least as far as I’m concerned, is not the whole shitting out life, which is pretty remarkable, albeit creepy as shit because the idea that a woman is a 3D printer may be amazing, the fact that life grows inside them like some kind of outer worldly event, making me question our entire existence and the meaning of life, because that’s fucking crazy..in one of those “parlor trick” situations….where all parlor tricks don’t even come close to that magical shit…making me wonder why anyone would mistreat a woman, or how we could ever not be a matriarchy society, because that shit is something you bow down to and worship like it was a plane crash in a remote tribal island, where they just assume that shit came from heaven, because that’s the only explanation that makes sense.

But yeah, the most fascinating thing about the pussy, is how much you can fit into one….and the frontal wedgie, the pussy wedgie, the cameltoe that shows us all the pussy of mainly strangers on the street, like they’re not walking around pussy first, is the gateway to that abyss…it’s like every pussy wedgie is a new cave for a cavern hunting caver to explore…just how much volume can that pussy take…something they probably should have used to teach high school physics because even with a shitty teacher, I’d remember that formula….

Here are some pussy wedgies….


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I think one of life’s saddest things to date is that I haven’t seen a bush hanging out of a pair of short shorts in public yet…..

I did see a blue haired, skinny weirdo, gamer girl you’d expect to wear elf ears on the weekend walking around braless yesterday, and with no standards, my disgust for her was not greater than my love for braless tits…

But I think the majority of girls who are out in the skimpy bike shorts or booty shorts, that might as well be underwear, are still the kind of girl who spray tans and fucking waxes their cunt, if they haven’t already lasered it.

The bush is making a comeback, thank god, I’ve advocated for bush for fucking decades on here, and it is mainstream as shit, but I’m not getting any of it gifted to me while looking for places to hide to jerk off to all the sluts in public….luckily the internet changes that and hence the top pic of pussy definition, the cameltoe, with some pubic hair, the ultimate way to make cameltoe better.

The rest of the pussy definition, lacks bush, but we’re putting it out to the universe here, as it’s clearly an added bonus!


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I don’t discriminate against cameltoes like I used to….

I used to find them repulsive on gross old ladies squeezing into their Jordache Jeans back in the 80s, you know lunch lay cameltoe because their gunt sag made it look like big pussy, when it was really just fat pussy..

But then I grew up and realized that intentional and unintentional cameltoe, on hot chicks or gross shits, documented for social media to not waste the opportunity, or just randomly happening in leggings at the grocery store are all fun….

Probably not as fun as the masturbatory benefits of a camel to squeezing up on the clit when in action….but still fun for a pervert into seeing pussy…so here are some cameltoes, intentional enough to capture in photo, almost less exciting as the random, spontaneous cameltoes in this overly staged world…but I take what I can get….


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

If you have a pussy you might as well make it eat your tight pants so that when you’re out in public people assume you’re not a trans using a pussy definition insert as thy do.

There is an ongoing trend of bitches walking around with their pussies out in pants because they aren’t allowed to walk around with their pussies out, at least not yet, but I am sure there are plenty of activist groups out there working on making it a thing….pussy power, labia support groups, my cunt smells like yeast infection and an outhouse after a month of summer camp, but I don’t care…..FEMINISM….

Thee good news is, I like pussy so whatever gets a pussy seen, whether through pants, or losing their mind on drugs and pulling the pants down in public thinking they are alone at home, you know the best drugs ever…I’m totally ready to stare…I’m heterosexual like that….and will die thinking pussy is magical and wanting to see every single one I can, appreciating each one, even the ones that make you puke.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Pussy Wedgies – the magical thing that happens when a girl wants you to see how fat her pussy is in tight pants….or when a girl who has a fat pussy, is in her tight pants and the pussy just can’t be contained from trying to feed of said pants because you know how fat bitches are, they eat everything.

All I know is whether it’s for style, a look, a trend, exhibitionism, accidental or a form of masturbting, I’m well into looking at all the pussy I would otherwise not be allowed to see, especially in public, since ladies are too classy to pull their full cunts out in thee Grocery Store, but don’t mind showing full cunt through pants, it’s less slutty.

Point is, I love pussy…..and the best thing to remember is that in these dark times girls still have pussy, at least most of them….and that’s a good thing.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Pussy Wedgies or Camel Toes are pretty much everywhere you look these days, especially on the internet, which is hilarious because you know girls are so desperate and pathetic in their quest to matter or be jerked off to, which is oftentimes one in the same, they actually take 100 pics per uploaded pic if not more, to get that perfect angle, meaning that when a cameltoe appears on their feed it is because they want the world to see their pussy outline, the pussy definition, to see just how meaty and hungry the fucking thing is….

IT takes away from the whole innocence of a real life in public cameltoe, but I guess we could apply that to all aspects of internet and social media….it’s the bastardization of EVERYTHING….anything good, turns to shit, thanks to social media and the idiots who are caught up in it….because humans just don’t understand what’s important…

You know, like a girl in tight pants, casually walking around or in the grocery store, totally unaware that she’s got a cameltoe….

Now it’s all PULL THAT SHIT IN YOUR CUNT TO MAKE IT LOOK FAT AND STILL HUNGRY…..which may happen in real life, but they can pretend it’s totally just something that happens with pussy, real pussy, not trans man with a dick pussy….

That mystery, of did she do it on purpose in the parking lot, or does this just happen with pussy….gets thrown out the fucking window when it’s staged bullshit, but it’s cameltoe not staged news stories, so we still get to see the pussy wedgie, so it could be worse.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I have the Johnny Depp bullshit trial that you all know is designed as a distraction or a satanic ritual to humiliate Amber Heard and to get people back into Celeb gossip after 2 years of not giving a shit about it, by bringing back their favorite motherfucker, Johnny Depp…because even people who pretend to hate him know he’s great and even people who don’t respect cucks don’t mind that he’s a cuck, he’s Johnny Depp for a Reason..

Anyway, they have Lady Gaga’s AGENT / FINACE who I guess had sex with Lady Gaga, and he’s on the stand, under oath, assuming this is an actual court room and not a set filled with extras under NDA…..you know you gotta get that Pirate’s franchise pumping money for Disney now that Florida has fucked them over for their GROOMING of kids, something they’ve done since Mickey was a twinkle in Walt’s eye.

So while he’s under oath, they aren’t asking the important questions like ‘DOES LADY GAGA HAVE A DICK OR BALLS”….cuz bitch looks trans, even though less than half a percent of society are trans….I’d think Lady Gaga is trans…

Because of the trans movement being able to pass as women since women are all doughy muppets thanks to ace injections, these girls are forced to prove they are ladies by shoving shorts in the fuck holes, so people know there’s a cooter and not a cock….even though it’s not the most accurate test of woman….lady parts in shorts can be faked….but I figure it’s a campaign to prove womanhood and I’m into staring at pussy through pants and so should you.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Cameltoes are pretty cool.

I was watching a show and saw a cameltoe on that show….I don’t remember what the show was since I don’t really pay attention, but short tight fitness shorts were involved and I saw basically full pussy in those short tight fitness shows….it definitely wasn’t from the Johnny Depp bullshit trial that I don’t even believe is in a real court house….maybe it was a youtube video of some self important narcissist telling me how important she is through her vagina, like it was some sort of CONDUIT or TELEGRAPH system…..we’ll call it EMF pussy…but either way, there was CAMELTOE and I thought to myself that I like cameltoe.,,they are cool. So much personality. Glad they are a trend that people have embraced like they did GAP KHAKIS in the 90s….which oftentimes ended up in cameltoe but not quit the same as all this SPANDEX cameltoes the generation faces mouth first today.

So here’s a round-up for the week of CAMELTOES I’ve come across on the internet of THINGS…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

In an era where everything is fake, I cannot confirm or deny whether this pussy wedgies are organic and natural pussy wedgies, you know the traditional kind of pussy lips so fat and hungry they eat their way through pants so tight, or if they are some kind of silicon insert that dudes tuck their dicks in to look like the perfect cameltoe they always wanted, or to further make their lady costume more believable than the time I dressed as Marilyn Monroe for Halloween, where I used actual balloons for tits, you know step that cross dressing up so good that they call you a TRAP…

What I do know is that girls are showing alot more cameltoe, it’s a trend, maybe their passive aggressive way to say “REAL PUSSY OVER HERE”…and we must CELEBRATE that because no matter how weird society goes with their wokeness, some of us hold onto the morals and values that are important to us, like not jerking off to dudes who have hacked and hormonally made themselves chicks, so committed to their performance that they carry tampons around in their purse for idiots like you to nor realize that asshole you’re eating used to fart on balls and not as a sexual fetish but because the balls used to hang there before the whole castration!


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

If you can’t see a pussy through the pants, or an insert that looks like a pussy through the pants, then they aren’t pants worth being called pants, they’re just scraps of fabric sewn together wrong for dumb people who don’t get it man…they don’t get that there is a perfectly SAFE FOR WORK and SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE way to let everyone see your big fat cunt….and it’s through the pants…because you know and I know that girls love people seeing their full cunts…the PROOF is in the PUSSY WEDGIE wednesday…they’ll deny it, but I’ve seen Orangutans in the wild….or is it baboons…which ever primate it is, when they are in Heat, which in this era is all day everyday…so much porn everywhere….but when they are in heat, they walk around showing off their inflammed pussy, so women are WIRED for this pussy wedgie shit and we are WIRED to love it….PRIMAL LEVEL shit…



Posted in:Pussy Wedgie